Pirates run amok between Daleem and Kiast - several of which House Satele Shan has encountered during the investigations. The thought of it alone is enough to shiver timbers or develop a certain craving for oranges. Objective: This event will be on a Poem of your character’s response to the Pirate threat. Poems must be in a formal format, no free verse. Minimum of 15 lines total (for example 5 haikus are acceptable). Will be graded based on poetic composition (flow, consistent form, imagery), and adherence to the prompt.
How to Submit: Write a poem (or poems) of at least 15 lines in length. No maximum. Submissions written in GoogleDocs must be exported as PDF or Word documents. Entries can be submitted as PDF or Word documents, or can be pasted into the textual submission box.
How we are Grading: Submissions will be graded based on poetic composition (flow, consistent form, imagery), and adherence to the prompt.
1st place
Boss Ragnar Kul
2nd place
Colonel Len Iode