Competition: [Hoth] SoS: Team Run-On

[Hoth] SoS: Team Run-On

As tensions arise between the two mining corporations on Solyiat, a confidential informant has brought forth evidence of an even more sinister plot...

In teams of 3-5 members, you are being tasked with gathering intelligence to support the claims of Dove, both on Solyiat itself and within the greater area of the Kiast System. Choose to have your team focus either on the planetary issues or outside of the planet.

  • Each team member must write 2 posts of at least 250 words per post (with no maximum word count) to qualify for placement at the end of the competition. No Back-to-back posting will be allowed — For example, if one member were to post, then immediately after place their second post, that team will be disqualified.
  • Entries must be posted in the Run-On section of discourse with a thread heading of [Hoth SoS], followed by a creative but appropriate team name. The opening post of the thread must list the members of your team by name and PIN.
  • Editing of posts will be allowed until someone after you has made their post. Once a following post has been made, you are no longer allowed to edit posts.
  • If you have an Alternate character with an approved CS and loadout, then you will be able to use them in your Run-On. Same deal for NPCs.
  • The Voice Run-On Rubric will be used to grade the entries and Clusters of Ice will be awarded as per the Voice Guidelines.
Competition Information
Parent Competition
[Hoth] Suspicion on Solyiat
Organized by
Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri, Ghost Edgar Drachen
Running time
2017-08-07 until 2017-09-09 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
House Hoth
Competition Type
Fourth Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
11 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.

Nobody has participated in this competition.