Prompt - To know how to create a character with personality, you need to ask yourself what kind of person the character is. Give that person a handful of quirks that are his/hers. Think of it as a recipe - many dishes require more than a single ingredient, but in differing amounts and in combination with different other ingredients. It is no easy task to imbue a character with personality, rather, it is a rather big challenge.
You are tasked, starting simply, to pick four “ingredients” to start with. Choose four(4) words that you feel would create a good strong base for your character. These characteristics will be the strongest in the depths of your characters personality. In addition, use these words to create a short personality description to explain the manifestation of these personality traits.
The following is an example from my character -
Specifications - Minimum 100 words. No maximum. Has to be a downloadable file type. (.doc, .pdf, .xdoc).
Grading Criteria - Creativity (30%), Realism (30%), Spelling/Grammar (15%), Adherence to Prompt (25%)
1st place
Braecen Kaeth
2nd place
Ala'ar Rinn
3rd place
Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter