Prompt - A mistake made so often by many when putting together their character sheet is to select those fighting forms that come across as cool and fun to use. Too many people select fighting forms based on combat usage. The character sheet is not however something solely for use in combat! It should not ever be the case that you create your sheet for the sole use of kicking butt in the ACC and that alone. The ACC is but one use of the sheet. This may come across as odd considering they are Martial Arts and Lightsaber Forms, however… Think of them as still more parts of your character as a whole. Would an agile character necessarily use a defensive form when an agile form would make more sense based on their Athletics? Find answers about your Core Skills here:
Your task in this particular exercise is to select your character’s Martial Arts/Lightsaber Forms. You will then explain the why of your selections. How does it pertain to your character. How do they connect with the character concept, history, and even personality? Fighting forms more often than not link up in some way, as though drawing a literal map from one to the other. The next question becomes, why is it at the level you have it set at? Answer these questions as you work through your skills and powers.
Note - Recommended you use the Character Sheet Sandbox
Specifications -
Grading Criteria -
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