Competition: [Week 2] Fiction

[Week 2] Fiction

Your character runs across a magic lamp, and out pops a genie! What are the 3 wishes your character would make, any why? This can either be a narrative scene where your character is actually meeting the genie, or a less formal format as long as the three wishes are explained.

There is no minimum word count, but submissions have to show visible effort in order to receive participation. Entries will be graded based on creativity and how the wishes related to your character.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
[Week 2]
Organized by
Teylas Ramar, Master Dracaryis
Running time
2017-08-28 until 2017-09-03 (7 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
16 subscribers, of which 14 have participated.
A deleted dossier
Textual submission

Arduous winds of an unnamed dead planet in the Unknown Regions beat down upon a slow-moving group of individuals. Laren Uscot, a Pantoran mercenary with a reputation for foolish choices, trudged through mountains of whirling sand and dust, the only remnant of life on the merciless world. He was followed by three other lightly armed soldiers known as Wraiths, they themselves bracing against the unyielding thrashing of the wind storms. They were the elite scout and reconnaissance force of the Ascendant Legion, one of the primary arms of the military of Clan of Dark Jedi known as Plagueis. Wraiths had seen action against dangerous factions of Jedi, vengeful Sith, and even the remnants of the Separatist armies. Each time these Wraiths, highly trained cousins of their Ravager brethren, met their quarry with silent determination and trained efficiency, managing to mow down their opponents with a deadly grace. It was unlikely those combat skills would be put to the test on their current expedition, but Laren was satisfied to have three Wraiths in support if the need arose. Once he had become Praetor to the Headmaster of the ever-maddening Dark Brotherhood, he realized that a little caution or paranoia went a long way to preventing an excruciating death at the hands of a vengeful Sith Lord.

In recent weeks, the wiry mercenary had found his luck to be turning around - though for the best, he couldn't be sure. First he had been abducted, tested, and subsequently hired by the reclusive Headmaster of the Brotherhood, Farrin Xies, to act as his top agent and representative in the field. He had been named Praetor, though he preferred to think of himself as a chief assassin or hiring manager. After a few weeks of recruitment, the Dread Lord herself recalled Laren back to Aliso. For reasons he could not puzzle out, politically or otherwise, his humourous exile to The Circle had been ended in a private ceremony. He had been named Aedile of one of Plagueis's two houses, though in private he had been given a different assignment. The Brotherhood was in turmoil, and the Grand Master was no where to be found. Selika intended to take advantage of the situation, tasking Laren and his team of Wraiths to seek out potential artifacts scattered across the Unknown Regions. The search that had begun on Aliso had taken them to six different systems thus far, though none of the coordinates she had provided led to any tangible artifacts or discoveries. But Laren had more pressing matters than mere recollection, including preventing his own death on this rotting world.

Now they found themselves deep in uncharted space, covered in sand and dust, nearing their target destination - hopefully.

"Only another two hundred metres." Laren could hear the inhuman voice through the commlink nestled in his right ear. Even through the howling winds, the voice was as clear and mechanical as if they were speaking face-to-face. "I'm reading faint traces of metallic alloys, along with other sentient-made materials."

"Could be anything, considering all the interference. Ready your weapons. I will maintain position on point."

The quick discussion was over. Laren didn't need to look back and see that his soldiers were preparing their blaster carbines as he was. They had been programmed to be the perfect warriors, and they could be re-programmed at will, if necessary. Their personalities had been extinguished, leaving behind husks filled with knowledge of war and death. A useful thing, indeed.

Two hundred meters could take an eternity in the conditions they were facing on foot. However, Laren had entrusted the designated second in command, T-Four-Nine, to ensure that he was both following his wrist scanner and their system-wide positioning system to their next target coordinate. They had followed the drone's course to the letter every time. Now they were pursuing their target location through thick clouds of whipping sand that seemed to clog even the smallest of openings on everything from blasters to datapads. He just hoped their scanners weren't askew and were about to lead them off a cliff. What they found, however, was cause for some concern.

A large dome-shaped structure stood in their path, and judging by the lack of rust or corrosion on its metal surface, a deflector shield must have been in place. A square doorway large enough to allow an AT-AT to pass through was located just off to the team’s left, perhaps a metre or so away. The rest of the structure seemed to be completely enclosed and untouched, with no visible traps or weapons to be seen. If Laren had to guess, the structure was unmanned, perhaps even designed to operate autonomously without sentient interference.

“Niner,” Laren began, referring to T-Four-Nine by the nickname he had made. “Get the team to spread out and scan this doorway. We –“

The massive doors were sliding open soundlessly. Perhaps there was some mechanical noise that could be heard, but over the relentless din of the endless sandstorm, nothing could be heard. Laren looked back at the surface of the dome and noticed sand was already beginning to coat its metallic surface. *The deflector shield is down*. Had someone been expected to arrive? He had too many questions, and too little time to answer them all. Something had to be done.

“We’re going in. Check your weapons, and clear the bloody sand out of your chambers.” Laren paused, looking inside to the dark expanse beyond. “And activate your light amplification goggles. We’ll probably need night vision in there.”

One by one, the four-person team stepped through the massive entrance and into the dark beyond. Laren was first, his DC-15 carbine cleared of sand and held ready. Light amplification goggles covered golden orbs, illuminating the grand interior of the gargantuan complex. There were no rooms or walls as far as Laren could see, which he guessed was around four hundred metres with the aid of the goggles. Large columns of the same metallic substance that formed the exterior of the gargantuan structure were driven into the still sandy surface below, though they were spaced far apart. At the near-centre of the structure was a bright object, a ray-shield that was holding a floating red crystal within. Around it, a crude altar made of hardened sandstone was etched with rough carvings of ancient lettering Laren could faintly recall, but not quite name. That, he guessed, was the source of all their adventures and trouble thus far.

“Should we spread out, my Lord?” Niner inquired.

Laren shook his head. “Have you never seen the bloody holovids? When we spread out, we’re picked off one at a time. No, stick together and watch your sectors.” Laren looked away from the Wraiths and took another look at the shimmering monument. He shivered, though it had nothing to do with the heat.

Motioning forward, the team progressed forward with guarded steps. The Wraiths cared not for what they were dealing with, for their orders demanded they retrieve any and all effects of interest on during their mission. Laren, however, struggled to hide conceal his nerves. They hadn’t encountered a single sentient being or droid on their entire expedition, and now they hadn’t faced any traps or defensive mechanisms upon entering this massive structure. Something was amiss, and they wouldn’t likely know until it was too late.

As they neared the monument, the red crystal – oddly smooth upon closer inspection, and almost seeming to be shaped by sentient hands into a bottle or lamp – seemed to spin and pulse within the rayshield. The crude lettering began to glow with the same intense light of the crystalline object inside the shield, and a throbbing hum filled their ears.

Suddenly, three blood-red bursts of light shot out at the three Wraiths. They hung in their air for a moment, enveloped in swirls of energy, before dropping to the ground with a dull thud. Their bodies were limp, and Laren didn’t need to proceed with a further inspection to know that all three were dead.


The voice – if it could be called such – filled Laren’s mind. He dropped to his knees, letting his carbine clatter carelessly onto the desert sand below. He ripped off his goggles and gripped his pounding head, the voice filling him with infinite agony and simultaneous ecstasy. It filled his entire existence with wonderment and horror, and he had only enough control over his mind to regard the presence with an open jaw and widened eyes. And yet, he knew he must speak, for the voice willed it.

“One who searches for that which is lost.” Those had not been his intended words, but it was the truth. He could barely think over the looming force pressing on his conscious. Why had he told the truth?

A barking laugh filled his thoughts for a moment before solidifying once more into powerful words.


“Choose? What in the hell am I supposed to choose?” The presence returned, and blood began to drip from Laren’s eardrums.


The answer was less than helpful, besides explaining why the Wraiths had died so quickly. Laren was part of some ritual, and this crystal was alive, in a manner of speaking. It had fed on the life force of the Wraiths and now presented Laren with some form of choice or ultimatum that came in three parts. Long ago, both in Sith lore and beyond, there had been tales of spirits that had granted wishes know as the Gen’nii. Modern folktalkes among children in the streets of urban planets such as Coruscant and Corellia spoke of Genies, beings found in loose cans or pieces of scrap that would grant the finder their deepest wishes. Other tales had spoken of malevolent spirits of trapped Sith Lords who fed off the life force of lesser beings, existing somewhere beyond life, but not quite entrapped in the final embrace of death, desperately seeking the nourishment of the living to return to their physical forms. Yet this presence wasn’t so much malevolent as it was dutiful. It had a purpose, and Laren had his. Yet his choices still alluded him. But he had to try something.

“First, I choose a question. You know of that which I seek. Where can I find these artifacts?”

This time, a voice didn’t respond. Instead, Laren fell onto all fours, sobbing as his mind felt as if it were about to explode. Tears streamed down a flushed, scarred face as information began painfully appearing in his memories. The agony of the process was overwhelming, but even as he cried out into the empty darkness beyond, he felt a rushing wave of elation hold the overwhelming discomfort at bay. He looked up from his hands, tears still glistening in his golden eyes, and made to speak again.

“Next, a request. I want to know the secrets of this Dark Brotherhood, from past to present.”

A gargled noise that could only be described as a chuckle filled Laren’s mind, and once again he screamed and writhed in endless misery. Thoughts seemed to mix and match in his mind as information was planted like seeds in a farmer’s field. Secrets and rituals he could never have even imagined were clear in is mind as the day he had escaped Kessel. He could see where the Grand Master was hidden, he knew what the Headmaster thought. He could even remember the deepest, darkest secrets hidden away in the back of hundreds of Siths’ minds. It was – overwhelming.


“What in the hell are you?” Laren asked between sobs.


“Plagueis.” Laren looked up at the crystalline object in horror. “As in, Darth Plagueis?”

The crystal object was gone. The blood-red light that had filled his vision had disappeared. The Wraiths bodies had disappeared. He was alone in the metallic structure, the altar now lying in ruins. Had it all been real? He still remembered, still knew that which he had learned. And yet, it didn’t exist. Or did it?

Wiping his face with a dirty hand, Laren picked his weapon off the ground and made for the entrance. He had to get back to Aliso and tell the Synod of what he had experienced.

1st place
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
Master Selika Roh di Plagia opted out of publishing her submission.
2nd place
Master Aiden Lee Deshra
File submission
3rd place
Dr. Giyana Jurro
Dr. Giyana Jurro opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
General Ronovi Tavisaen
Textual submission

Okay. Three wishes. Really. So either I've hit my head, or the Whyren's really has gotten to me. Genies, huh? Next, you'll be saying that talking dragons exi - oh, geez, don't tell me Krayt Dragons talk, too.

Anyway. Okay, Mister Blue Floating Man. You want three wishes? Here are Ronnie T.'s three wishes.

Number one, an endless supply of whiskey. The best kind, of course. C'mon, you don't think I wouldn't ask for that, right? Just a constant, never ceasing supply in my flask. Work your magic. You have that, right?

Wish number two: So, there's this guy I don't like named Muz. His hair bothers me, for the most part, these days. So, uh...if you could just make all his magnificent tresses disappear, that would be fantastic. The thought of a bald Muz fills me with glee. After all, his hair is where he keeps all his power.

It's not a conspiracy theory, damn it. I know it's true!

And finally, uh...I mean, I COULD set you free, but never let it be that Ronovi wasn't a dick. But, uh...if you've got any love trick on a certain Selika Roh I can use...

Oh, what? There are catches to this? You can't make people fall in love? What is this, the monkey's paw bullshit I've read? You're really something else, aren't you? Now you'll say the eternal whiskey will taste slightly worse the more I drink it. Are those the kinds of shenanigans you're up to?

Ugh. Fine. Just get me a really good bantha sandwich, okay? I need something to go with my new brew.

Oh, yeah, and feel free to crash in Silent's room if that lamp's too small. The guy will probably think you're Sidious come back to possess him again. Crazy bastard.

Later, Genie Boy! Can I call you Robin? Or William? They just seem like good names.

No placement
Abadeer Taasii
Textual submission

Abadeer strolled through the long dark halls of the depths of the Pinnacle. The base of operations of Clan Plagueis was vast and held many rooms, some of them yet to be fully explored. One of the underground levels held a small array of Sith artifacts that had been dormant and kept mostly for show. Taasii had decided to take a short review of these artifacts, to see if any may prove useful for the coming war with Grand Master Pravus.

As he entered the room, something happened that had never occurred before. A faint whispering sound came from the corner of the room, where an old black artifact lie. It was housed on a decorative pillow, long and sleek, the object was smooth save the faded golden inscription scrawled across the body. Abadeer reached out hesitantly to the artifact. His finger only just brushed the smooth black surface when an explosion of dark red fog began to exude forth from the open end of the object.

The smoke began to fill the corner of the room, swirling rapidly as it coalesced together to form a vaguely humanoid shape. It seemed as though a dark shadow inside the depths of the fog, a shape that Abadeer couldn’t quite make out as it faded and blurred from inside the red vapor.

“What is your command?” A deep booming voice rang out around the room, the other artifacts shaking inside their various cases, or pedestals. The Togruta took a step back in surprise at the sudden outburst of sound.

“What do you mean?” Abadeer gave a tentative response.

“You have summoned the all powerful Ling-sang! When the time is ripe, and my lamp is touched I come to serve the wishes of my master. You may give any three commands and I will make them so. So I repeat, what is your command?”

Abadeer stared wide eyed at the spectacle happening before him. He’d never heard of anything like this ever happening before. Never read of any all powerful being able to grant any request. Though if this were indeed fact, the possibilities were endless. Taasii thought for a moment, his mind racing.

“I will conquer the known galaxy. I need an army, housing the most elite soldiers the galaxy has ever seen, with the power to crush any army. I need them to be equipped with the weapons and ships and means to be able to make this vision come true, and their loyalty shall be absolute only to me.” Taasii’s words came tumbling out of his mouth before he could stop them. He almost felt foolish saying them aloud.

“You have given the first command, and so it shall be.” The shadowy figure raised his arms out wide before clapping them back together in front of his torso area. The smoke rushed forth, enveloping the Sith. He couldn’t see anything, could only feel the vapor swirling around him. As soon as it had come though, it receded. As the crimson mist faded, Abadeer looked to find himself on the bridge of an incredible ship. Soldiers rushed back and forth, commands and orders were shouted back and forth.

“Is this a dream?” Abadeer gawked at the sight before him, disbelieving even as he saw it was true.

“No master, this is your army. The military that will take for you the galaxy.” The voice came again from the smoke, but none of the military officers seemed to take heed.

“This is amazing.” Abadeer finally was able to force out after some time of watching the officers.

“I aim to please. Your second command master?” The voice rang out again.

“Immortality and eternal youth. This army needs a leader that is capable of leading them to victory. They need a leader who will never die, from age or damage.”

“And so it shall be.” The voice replied. The vapor shifted closer to Abadeer, the dark shadow reached out towards his forehead with one hand, and his chest with the other. Taasii felt a rush of power flow into him, feeling more healthy and strong than he ever had before.

“And for your final command?” The voice asked as it fell back from the Sith Togruta.

“I will be the greatest warrior in all of history. I need to rush through the battlefield inspiring my army on to greater deeds, while striking fear in the hearts of my enemies. I must be able to face any foe and defeat them. I must become the perfect fighter.”

“And so it shall be.” The voice rang out yet again. This time both hands reached out for Abadeer’s head, fingers resting on his temples. An influx of power came again. He felt as though he could do anything.

“You have stated your three commands, and they have come to pass. And so I return to the lamp from which I came until the time is right again for me to come forth.” The voice faded as it spoke. The vapor swirled, fading back into the black lamp until there was nothing left of the magical spectacle.

Taasii rose to his feet, looking out across the galaxy from the view of his new command ship. There was nothing he couldn’t do, and no one that could stand in his way. The galaxy was his for the taking.

No placement
Reaver Tra'an Reith di Plagia
Textual submission

Tra'an walked into his apartment after a long day and proceeded to curse in several languages as he slammed his foot into a box he *knew* he hadn't left there earlier in the day.

A note lay upon it, "Enjoy these treasures from the market!" -Zuser.

It took every ounce of willpower for the Kaleesh not to toss the box and its contents back out into the hallway, and leave it there for his apprentice to clean up. He sighed and picked the box up, moving it out of the entry way and setting it beside the couch.

As he sank into the couch, he nudged the pile by accident and an object the size of a blaster fell off the top and tumbled to the floor. He reached out to hook a finger into the strangely shaped object, lifting it by the loop. It looked tarnished, but a single bright spot shone through. Reaching for a cloth, the Kaleesh rubbed at the object, trying to get the tarnish to wear away.

The room suddenly filled with smoke and a weird blue creature appeared of the likes he had never seen before. Even as his emotions raged and he tensed, the warrior instincts held him to caution that such an immense being could fit inside such an itty bitty living space.

It said something he didn't understand, to which the Kaleesh shook his head. This went on for almost an hours, different sounds and hand gestures accompanying them before it finally said something he could understand.

"Can you understand me now?" it said.

He responded with a nod of the head.

"Good!" it replied. "I am a Genie. I've been stuck in that lmap for so long I've lost track of time! It's obvious we're not in the desert anymore, as this place looks nothing like the caves near where I'm from. From your reaction, you have no idea what I am, or what I can do. So I'll keep it short. You get three wishes. Anything you want, within three limits. I can't kill anyone, I can't make someone fall in love with you, and I can't bring back the dead."

Tra'an blinked a few times, before resting his chin upon a closed fist as he thought.

The Genie resumed his monologue in the background, while the Sith ignored him.

"Alright Genie. I have three simple requests. I want the ability to summon a flask with an unlimited supply of chilled Whyren's Reserve Maker's Special Blend at will, the ability to manifest a credit chip with unlimited funds at will, and the ability to manifest a set of cortosis armor that wears like my robe, super flexible and yet with all the normal Cortosis properties, at will!"

The Genie stopped mid-dialog, his mouth hung open and tongue sticking out. It seemed to get sad, before doing as commanded. The items appeared before him, with instructions on how to make them reappear at will. As the Genie vanished, it said one last thing.

"I guess you weren't paying attention to me after all. I was hoping you might let me join you, but I guess you wanted things more than another friend. Good luck in your life." It vanished, and the lamp itself vanished as well, folding up into itself before ceasing to exist with a *pop* sound.

Tra'an Reith di Plagia realized in that moment, that perhaps he should have listened more and thought less. Perhaps, thinking was not always the right thing to do when asked a question.

No placement
Textual submission

My first wish would be to have a midi-chlorian count of 50,000, that way I'd be the most powerful Sith in the entire galaxy. Nearly 2x the amount of Anakin Skywalker, I'd be able to pull off considerably more feats than the fallen Jedi, which will allow me to dominate the galaxy.

My second wish, and again to help my galactic domination, I'd want the genie to give me an Imperium-class Ultra Star Destroyer. Far more maneuverable than the Death Star's and Starkiller Base, the Imperium is a ship with just as much power but far less vulnerability.

My third wish, for just in case I fail at my galactic domination, is to have a hidden star system with a planet that is powerful in the force, like Mortis. This will allow me to hide but still have a strong control on the galaxy for when I am ready to attempt to dominate the galaxy again.

I could easily wish to automatically control the galaxy with one of my wishes, but where's the fun in that? I like the game, so I won't take the absolute easy way out.

No placement
Azmodius Equesinfernum
Textual submission

1. Unlimited Power!!! (Is an explanation really necessary? Beat everyone always)
2. An army of animals to serve me and carry out orders while looking adorable.
3. A Coke as there is nothing else I want :P

No placement
Rian Taldrya
Textual submission

"Three wishes you say?" Rian said still unsure if he hasn't just stumbled over a Force-ghost that was up to lure him into a trap. "And I can wish for anything?"

"Yes, you can," The genie replied, "though, there are a few things I can't do for some certain reasons."

"For example?"

"I can't influence the mind of others, like making someone falling madly in love with you." The genie said while strumming with his eyelashes and letting a stylized heart bump up and down on his chest."

"No worries, I am covered with that. Well I think I found something I could wish for."

"That's great." The genie vanished and appeared behind Rian's ear. "Tell me."

"Well, over the last years I lost several friends and my parents died when I was a young boy..."

"Aaah, no, no, no, no, believe me that's not a good idea." The genie said. "And I am not only talking about the corpses starting to walk around."

The genie gave away an award winning interpretation of how a half rotten zombie would creep around.

"What the – No I don't want you to revive them, jesus." Rian said shaking his head. "All I wanted would be to get the chance to talk to them once more."

Rian lowered his head in rememberance. "Nissa, Lannie, Kaz, Mom, Dad, I really miss them, and partially it is my fault that they died. I would like to tell them that I am sorry."

"Oh, man, if you were really as close as you make it seem, I am pretty sure they know already." The genie put his ghostly hands on Rian's shoulders. "If that is really what you wish for... But you know, you only got three wishes so you need to decide whom of your friends you would like to see for a final time."

"I am really thankful for that." Rian said, thinking his decision over for several seconds. "In that case, I would like to see Nissa, Kaz and my mother."

"So will it be, the only thing you need to do now is to say 'I wish that,' and then what your wish is." The genie said.

~The End

No placement
A deleted dossier
File submission
No placement
File submission
No placement
TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
Textual submission

The sounds of shouts wafted out of the rowdy, overcrowded Nar Shadaaian canteen. A good sized crowd had gathered around an intense game of Pazaak unfolding in the corner. A rather large human sat hoarding most of the credits on his side of the table, while the Kel Dor across the table appeared to be getting desperate. The human’s cards were showing nineteen while the Kel Dor showed eighteen. As subtly as he possible could TuQ’uan Varick slid a two card from his sleeve into his hand to play.

“Well look at that! My luck has finally turned.” The mercenary reached across table to begin collecting the loose credits. A hand closed around his wrist stopping him.

“You're a damn cheater,” the human growled.

The commotion was beginning to draw the attention of the security at the cantina. As they approached to remove him, TuQ’uan drew his blaster stopping them in their tracks. As he levelled his DL-44, the would be captor’s grip on his arm loosened.

Reaching out with his free hand TuQ’uan grabbed a handful of credits and stuffing them into his pocket before letting himself out of the cantina, making sure to grab a bottle of whiskey on his way.

Once he was around the corner the mercenary reholstered his blaster and took a deep drink from the bottle. Things were not going his way.

Stumbling down the streets of Hutta Town TuQ’uan’s eyes were drawn to an antique lamp in the window of a decrepit store. There was something about the lamp that the Kel Dor couldn't resist. He smashed the whiskey bottle on the ground and removed the lightsaber from its place on his hip. TuQ’uan proceeded to cut a hole in the shop window, grabbed the lamp, and ran.

Coming to a stop in an alley a few blocks away the mercenary pulled out his prize for examination. It was a completely unremarkable brass lamp, he honestly has no idea why he stole it. Upon further inspection TuQ’uan noticed etched words partially covered by a thick layer of dirt. Rubbing the dirt away revealed the words “Do Not Rub”.

*Too late for that,* TuQ’uan thought to himself.

Suddenly the lamp began to shake in his hands, smoke poured out of the spout startling the inebriated Kel Dor, causing him to drop the brass lamp. The smoke began taking on a human shape, growing larger and larger until it was three times the size of the mercenary.

“I am the great Genie of Nar Shadaa, for releasing me I shall grant you thr…”

“Credits, lots of credits,” TuQ’uan shouted hastily, cutting off the great form.

“You did not let me finish!” the genie bellowed.

“Look, I've heard enough tales to know what's going on here. I'll take a bunch of credits as my first wish.”

“So it shall be done.” The genie clapped his hands together, suddenly TuQ’uan felt his pockets become weighed down. Reaching in, he pulled out a fist full of credits. A smile crept across his face.

“Next I want a nicer ship than my current clunker. And for my final wish I want to control a mercenary organization that rivals Black Sun.”

“Your wish is my command.” The genie let out a hearty, albeit evil sounding laugh as he clapped his hands together twice and disappeared into a puff of smoke.

Satisfied the mercenary proceeded towards the spaceport with a skip in his step.

When TuQ’uan finally arrived at the birth where he left his ship he found a Minstrel-Class space yacht in its place. The craftsmanship was stunning, so far two of his wishes had come true and he was ecstatic. The Kel Dor was too wrapped up in admiring his new ship that he failed to hear the footsteps approach him.

“You owe me credits!” the man from the pazaak table cried across the cavernous hanger, a group followed behind, all looking for a fight.

“Do you know who I am?!” he replied arrogance creeping into his voice, the mercenary was hoping his third wish had come true and his new reputation would precede him.

“You seem to forget that this is Hutt territory, and they have a generous bounty out for the heads of organizations such as yours,” a voice interjected from the opposite direction.

Turning around TuQ’uan saw a group of bounty hunters approaching. This was a fight he knew he wasn't going to win easily. It was time to put the new Minstrel-Class yacht to the test. Hitting the controls the mercenary dropped the loading ramp and ran aboard. The lights came on as the Kel Dor passed, the ship was even more impressive on the inside. Reaching the cockpit TuQ’uan began hitting switches in order to get airborne, all the lights came on but the engines didn't want to come alive. Again and again he tried but nothing happened, it was as if the ship were just for show.

Two dozen sets of footsteps echoed down the hallway leading to the cockpit, he was trapped.

*Never trust a frakking genie!* TuQ’uan cursed inwardly.

No placement
Warlord Furios Morega di Plagia
File submission
No placement
Kaz Raith
Kaz Raith opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
File submission
No placement