A group needs a place to come together, rest and recuperate, and plan upcoming shenanigans. Go ahead and create our Battleteam's first own den in any way ending in a picture of it on my screen. (I DO accept relevant photos of LEGO castles or similar endeavors, should you be inclined to participate in that way.)
With regard to Scholae's and Excidium's current fictional developement, you can assume us to base down somewhere on either Ragnath or Ulress.
Links to the relevant wiki sites: https://wiki.darkjedibrotherhood.com/view/Ragnath https://wiki.darkjedibrotherhood.com/view/Ulress
How to Submit: Submit through the site. Formats: .png, .jpg.
Grading: The Herald Graphics Grading Rubric will be used.
Useful tools:Pencil and Paper, Colored Pencils, Water colors, GIMP graphics program, PIxlr Editor