Competition: [GJW XII Phase I] Fiction - Multi-Objective Prompt

[GJW XII Phase I] Fiction - Multi-Objective Prompt

This competition is is in the Phase I Fiction Bin

Participating in a competition in this bin for the first time awards 4 points from participation to your unit. This is the only competition in this bin! Participating in at least one competition in each Phase I bin will earn a bonus of 2 points (see details at the GJW XII Parent Competition).

This competition is worth a relatively high proportion of placement points for Phase I. Cumulatively, the placements in this competition are worth 26% of placement points in Phase I.


After suffering attacks from a new enemy with overwhelming numbers, the seven clans of the Dark Brotherhood—each with their own motivations and drives—has launched a full-scale assault on The Collective’s stronghold on the planet Nancora. Upon arrival, however, it is revealed that The Collective were expecting this attack, and reacted accordingly with a counter-offensive to push the Clan’s forces back.

Reports from the Inquisitorius’ advanced reconnaissance teams, however, have identified three operations that could be key in securing a victory for your Clan against The Collective forces.


Entries must use one of the following three prompts:

Advanced Reconnaissance Report

Objective 1 - Piloting Emery Rose, Rose Squadron

The leader of the Skylla’s best squadron is captained by its best pilot. It is said that Emery Rose has never been forced to eject from her craft. Her record in dogfights is allegedly flawless. With her hand-picked “Rose” Squadron at her side, Emery is one of the most talented fliers to ever defect out of the First Order, and is said to rival the renown Poe Dameron. The Collective starfighter wings have rallied around Rose’ call to arms to destroy every last Brotherhood aircraft in their path.

Write a story about your character hopping into their starfighter of choice (whether personal or a Clan asset) and taking on Rose Squadron, or how they take part in the act of accomplishing this operation.

Objective 2 - Sabatoge The Braga is a Dreadnaught-class Collective x60 Heavy Cruiser equipped with a prototype stealth system and composite beam laser. One of the more deadly components of the Collective Fleet, it needs to be stopped at any cost. Fortunately, thanks to a spy on the inside of the Collective, an opening has presented itself for a small strike team to board the Heavy Cruiser, and take it down from the inside.

Write a story about your character leading or being part of a strike team that infiltrates a Collective ship and brings it down from the inside before making an escape.

Objective 3 - Extraction

One of your Clan’s ships has sustained heavy damage at against the Collective Fleet’s onslaught of suicide bombers. Casualties are already rising. A full evacuation has been signaled as officers and soldiers a like scramble for escape pods and shuttles leaving from the hangar bay. The damage is only getting worse by the minute, and countless lives hang in the balance.

Write a story about your character leading or taking part in a rescue operation to defend and save lives from a doomed ship belonging to your clan or an ally Clan.


  • Entries must be a minimum of 500 words. Any entries that are under 500 words will be marked as Disqualified.
  • There is no maximum word cap.
  • Your story should be centered on your Main or Alternative character. Slotted NPCs, Wikipedia NPCs, or other characters that you create or invent to tell your story are not only allowed, but encouraged. However, your narrative should focus around either your Main or Alternative character.
  • A snapshot of your Main or Alternative character loadout must be selected and submitted with your entry.


Grading will be done utilizing the Fiction Rubric.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Great Jedi War XII
Organized by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Running time
2017-10-14 until 2017-10-30 (17 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Novae and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
112 subscribers, of which 79 have participated.
Lord Dacien Victae
File submission
1st place
2nd place
Braecen Kaeth
Braecen Kaeth
File submission
Textual submission

Thank you for the opportunity to explore this conflict on a large scale through Fiction. Good luck with all the grading, Gentlemen!

2nd place
Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel
File submission
Textual submission

C'ree/Arcia, 3463

3rd place
Qyreia Arronen
File submission
4th place
5th place
File submission
5th place
6th place
Darth Renatus
Darth Renatus
Darth Renatus opted out of publishing his submission.
6th place
7th place
Lord Halcyon
8th place
Lucine Vasano
Lucine Vasano
File submission
8th place
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
File submission
9th place
10th place
Sage Enzo Dek
Sage Enzo Dek
File submission
10th place
Colonel Len Iode
File submission
No placement
Councillor Turel Sorenn
Councillor Turel Sorenn opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Maximus Alvinius
File submission
No placement
Alara Deathbane
File submission
No placement
File submission
No placement
Neza-Rem Zarabi
Textual submission

Main Hangar Bay
The Remembrance of Seher
Retreating from the Collective

The light emanating from the wall mounted console reflected off the tinted eye of R2-B9 as its interfacing arm spun back and forth. The little jet black droid beeped as he went about his normal maintenance upon the Endor’s Triumph.

The owner and captain of this jet black GX1 Short Hauler was always away from the helm. While the ship was in hyperspace he spent most of his time in meditation in his captain’s quarters, which Talis had converted into his own little meditation chamber. Its walls were covered in vines he bought from a florist on Florrum. He had ferns in the corner and he had various flowers throughout. He even had a small fountain that recirculated water.

The space was tranquil, you could even say it was serene, but all good things must come to an end.


The reverberations from the continual onslaught shook the shuttle and snapped the Jedi knight from his meditation. He jumped to his feet and grabbed his phase II clone trooper pilot helmet and popped it on his head. The Gray Jedi stepped up to the door and smacked the control panel, with a hiss of air the door rushed open. Talis stepped out and immediately went to his left. He heard Beenine behind him as the energetic little droid loudly protested the shaking of the ship.

“Beenine,” Talis barked back to the R-series astromech, “Get comms up and tell me what is going on!”

“BREEEEP WOOOOOOO!” Beenine replied back.

“What do you mean the Remembrance of Seher has been critically damaged?” The blind Miralukan took a deep breath and reached out, searching for emotions that emanate from all living things.

Like a tidal wave of feelings: fear, sorrow, anger and rage flooded back to the young Odanite. A somber look came over his face as he felt power start to surge from elsewhere on the ship. He knew that feeling from his past, from New Tython. He knew what must be done, The Remembrance of Seher was dead and the only thing to do now was get as many souls off the ship as possible.

“Beenine, hail the bridge.”


“What do you mean the bridge isn't answering?” Talis thought for a second before speaking again. “Beenine, hail all nearby vessels and all communications bandwidths. Hack into the intercoms or the emergency announcement system, I need you to give an evacuation order to all personnel, the reactor is beginning to go.”

Talis ran to the rear of his ship and pushed a button on the panel that opened his entryway hatch. The smell of death was almost overwhelming as the tainted atmosphere washed over him. A flashback of New Tython tried to fight its way back up but the astute Knight pushed it back down and gathered his wits. Suddenly the normal “to battlestations” alarm cut out and a woman's voice came over the ship wide intercom.

“This is a ship wide emergency evacuation order for all personnel. Reactor one has begun to meltdown. I repeat, this is a ship wide emergency evacuation order for all personnel. Reactor one has begun to meltdown, abandon ship.”

The monotone voice continued on a loop as yells and screams could be heard from the other side of the hangar, in between the intercom systems announcement. A small group had congregated around the door and seemed to be struggling getting the bulkhead open. It appeared to be jammed.

Talis did not even register that he was running until he was almost right on top of the group of mechanics working furiously to get the door to open. It was no use. It looked like some debris had wedged itself on the other side and it was not getting opened the conventional way.

Talis reached down to his hip where his lightsaber was and brought it forth, igniting the blade. He slowly pushed the amethyst beam into the giant durasteel door and began twisting it back and forth.

A yelp on the other side followed by some curses told the Marauder that his plan was working. He felt a little give but made sure to keep himself steady so that he didn’t impale anyone on the other side of the door.

Talis reached deep within himself and then began pulling in power from the world around him. He felt a surge of energy enter his body and give him a familiar feeling of unmatched strength. He began to push the blade in an oval shape to cut a doorway through the bulkhead.


“I wonder if they realize they have won, the ship is dead.” One the mechanics was looking up at the ceiling of the docking bay as he spoke.

“They won’t stop until we detonate like a grenade,” Talis snapped. “We already have one reactor melting down, pray we don’t have two.”

As if on cue the emergency evacuation order paused.

“This is a ship wide emergency evacuation order for all personnel. Reactors one and two have begun to meltdown, I repeat, this is a ship wide emergency evacuation order for all personnel. Reactors one and two have begun to melt down, abandon ship.”

“And now we need to cut faster.” Talis took a deep breath and pushed the blade as fast and as forcibly around to make a large enough doorway to get people through. After a few more tense moments and a lot of exertion and pushing himself to the limit, the durasteel chunk dropped. A void appeared where there was once hardened metal. The Odanite lifted his hand and felt as if an extension of his body grasped the large chunk of steel. He pulled hard but it barely moved.

Talis bent over and took some deep breaths before he attempted again and failed. He had tired himself out by relying on the Force so much to cut the door that he forgot to save the energy required to get the lump of steel out of the way.

The reinforced bulkheads were multiple layers thick to avoid someone boarding through the cargo bay and assaulting the ship. They could seal the boarding party in the cargo bay and it was the perfect prison. Now those doors that were supposed to give the crew some safety were becoming the doors to their death sentence.

“Hey Master Jedi.” A younger mechanic stepped forward and pointed at his belt. “Is that a Denton charge?”

Talis smacked himself on the forehead of his helmet before grabbing the charge off his belt and placing it properly as to eject the large hunk of steel out of the way. The exhausted Jedi Knight yelled his instructions to the people on the other side of the bulkhead to move back a safe distance.

He felt them breath a big sigh of relief as everyone retreated from the door. Hope had refilled their minds. It made the Miralukan gain a step back from his fatigue as he set the timer. He took cover and counted down to himself before the denton charge detonated.

The blast that reverberated the entire area ejected the hunk of steel some 50 meters down the hallway and into a pillar where it lodged itself for the rest of the life of the ship. Some of the mechanics began yelling down the newly opened doorway to freedom and droves of people came through that three foot wide four foot tall oval in the bulkhead. Shuttles were packed to the brim and all the life pods were loaded and jettisoned. Anyone with fighter experience took what fighters they could get in the air and got underway.

All except one ship that was crammed with all manner of folk waiting for its drained captain to return to it. Talis was just barely able to squeeze onto his ship and shut the door. He reached over and pushed the button on the doors console and hailed the bridge.


“I know Beenine, we are cutting it a little close for comfort but I promise I will pay you back little buddy. Just get us off this dying behemoth!”

The comm cut out and the engines could be heard spooling up. The ship lurched into the air and spun around before it made a hasty exit from the rear of the Remembrance of Seher and plotted a course for home. They had all had a horrible day. To this day, Talis had never seen any spaceship detonate but he did feel it when the two reactors finally went critical mass. A multitude of dazzling waves of energy bombarded him and the ship.

This was the second time in recent history that their enemies had sunk one of their naval vessels.

No placement
Arryn Caverns
Textual submission

Prompt #3
En Route to the *Hyperion*


Chaos is a meaningless word when the emergency klaxons begin to blare. With smoke billowing through the corridors visibility drops to zero, and yet all is calm throughout the ship as emergency training kicks in. No shouting or panic pollutes the air; the crews speak softly to themselves as they ready escape pods and begin loading the important passengers to safety.

This is the view presented to Syntari Bastiayn, Knight of Clan Naga Sadow's House Marka Ragnos, as she stood at the viewport of a shuttle preparing to board Clan ship she didn't care to catch the name of. Though she had no true idea of the carnage aboard the Clan vessel she could feel the suffering of those aboard, and quietly relished the panic of the crew members clinging tightly to emergency protocol. She had her orders: intercept and rescue were the words from on high, and yet something nagged at her. Flashing back to her conversation with Sanguinius Entar she recalled his words, mulling over his instructions like a feline toying with its pray the way she had seen many a Dark Jedi play with their enemies.

*"This is just a rescue mission," Sanguinius had said. "Simple. In and out, rescue as many people as you can. It's unlikely they'll have many, seeing as the distress beacon has been active for so many days, but..." He shrugged, hands spread in a gesture begging for understanding.

"It would be foolish of you to expect much," Syntari said.

"I know. Nonetheless, the war has stretched us thin and--"

"Say no more." She rose to her feet, fluid in her grace. "It will be done.*


Her moonstone eyes slid to the petty officer hovering at her shoulder. She had almost forgotten the man who had welcomed her aboard and who had since refused to leave her alone. What was his name?


His tongue wet his cracked lips in a gesture her stomach revolted against. From one foot to the other he shifted as she stared him down.

"W-we...that is...we're..."

His fear quickened her heartbeat, arousing her sensing as it oozed against her skin. Her velvet purr of a voice when she answered him sent shivers down his spine that Syntari relished.


Shame leadened his tongue. "We're, ah, approaching the docking bay," her escort said. From the depths of her drawn hood he saw the Umbaran's eyes spark gold; had he known the Force's embrace he would have felt its cry of her pleasure. This Sadowan was beyond fear, beyond terror. His dislike of her was instinctual. He looked away from the black-robed Knight who stared at the Sadowan vessel with predatory vigilance.

"You are dismissed," she said the moment the shuttle doors opened into the docking bay. With Nexu-like grace she vanished from the shuttle; her escort caught a vague outline of her through the smoke before she disappeared altogether.


Silence on a starship is a word that does not exist. It cannot. Noise permeats every corner of Brotherhood ships in particular, yet this ship rang with silence. The red light of activated klaxons would have blinded Syntari if not for her hood yet mysteriously no obnoxious blare destroyed her eardrums as she walked the corridors. The Force had whispered to her of danger here the moment she had brushed one long-fingered hand against pristine durasteel, noting the lack of blaster scoring in the bodiless hallways she roamed. The farther in she ventured the worse the weight in her stomach grew until hesitancy heavyed her limbs and she could go no farther. Guided by instinct she took her time pivoting, eyes and Force senses scanning the hallway. The smoke shifted around a vaguelly humanoid form she recognized only from reports; the sun shone on the dread coiling in her stomach, dragging it into the light of day as she faced the Technocratic Soldier she had heard so much about.

"At last the silence makes sense," she murmured. Of course the Collective would be here, on what was supposedly a Clan vessel, infiltrating the sanctity of a Naga Sadow rescue mission in order to trick her. No, no, that wasn't it. There was more to--

Blaster fire distracted her, a lucky miss affording her enough time to drsw her weapon. A quick nudge to the Force brought her lightsaber to her hand that she activated with a *snap hiss* and the smell of ozone. His featureless face startled her into movement she had not planned yet; spurned by the inherent disgust settling like ash in her mouth Syntari lunged. Her enemy's excitement soured any emotions she could have fed from as the Soldier ran at her with wild abandon, blaster bolts spraying down the hallway. Syntari's lightsaber flashed amethyst and a moment later a faceless head rolled to her feet.

*This was supposed to be a rescue mission. Simple. Flawlessly executed. There is a rat in Naga Sadow, it seems...*

The pounding of booted feet on durasteel caught her attention. Effortlessly the Knight batted several blaster bolts back at the Technocratic Soldiers who sought her death and three fell, more falling victim to reckless fire from their own Factionmates as the Soldiers rushed her with abandon. Lazily Syntari flicked a finger and used the Force to send the bodiless head into the feet of her enemies, tangling one into the other as mayhem erupted. It was nothing for her to blend into the shadows and smoke to make an escape down an abandoned hallway.

"Force be with me," she murmured. Ahead of her the sound of approaching Soldiers sent her instincts into overdrive. With screeches of delight, designed she knew to frighten her, the Soldiers threw grenades and fired with no regard to her or themselves. Some of her enemies died at the hands of her comrades; Syntari herself hissed as a bolt shot through her shoulder even as she felled two Soldiers with a whoosh of her lightsaber.

The Knight wondered how long she would be able to push forward, to keep fighting before her energy gave out. They came too quickly for her tricks of the mind to take effect and at only a Knight's skill level she was soon burning from blaster bolts that escaped her defenses. Soresu had not been her lightsaber form of choice; it like so many others had been forced upon her, and she suffered for it now. Despite the defensiveness of the form her stance lacked, and she found herself falling back into Vaapad's familiar steps only to be grazed by blaster fire for her trouble.

At last silence descended. Through chaos she had created peace, and at last she could plan her escape.

*Odd...those Soldiers don't just disappear...not when I'm still alive...*

"Self destruct in sixty seconds. Warning: self destruct activated," the ship announced.

"Karking hell," she muttered.


Sanguinius Entar studied the report on his desk with the look of a man who had seen the end and hoped for a clean death.

"I can't explain it, Sang. There was no one on that ship."

"Not a soul?"

"No one that needed rescuing, in any case."

"Just the Collective."

Sang lowered his head and massaged his temples with a world-weary sigh. "And the ship?"


Syntari detached herself from the corner where she had been standing and leaned down towards his ear. "Now ask me how the Collective got their hands on a ship that looked just like the *Hyperion* and faked a distress call," she murmured. Her low purr echoed in his mind long after the wraith of a Knight had vanished, leaving him to wonder precisely that.

*Perhaps...we bit off more than we could chew with this one..."


No placement
Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri
Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
Ghost Edgar Drachen
Ghost Edgar Drachen opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Kaz Raith
Kaz Raith opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Sia Thiano
File submission
Textual submission

I added the pdf file and adding to box below as the file image on the site is saying blocked plug-in. Please let me know if it is able to be viewed. Thanks.

Objective 3
Sia Thiano

Sitting on the operations deck of the Remembrance of Seher, Sia Thiano couldn’t help but notice the chaos the was starting to develop over the emergency broadcast systems of the MC40a Light Cruiser’s operations center. Communications were being relayed to the ship that an assault was imminent from a Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser owned by the Collective.

She knew the Remembrance of Seher had great speed and maneuverability, but so did the Collective’s ship was able to inflict maximum damage if given the opportunity. For the sake of the 4408 crew and passengers on board this was a bad situation to be in.

All of a sudden a radarman yells out to the Captain that he has spotted multiple squadrons of suicide bombers heading for the Seher. In that moment the Captain orders the deployment of their last squadron with the hope of reducing the damage that will be inflicted. Sia Thiano knew there was no stopping the onslaught that was about to strike.

As the emergency alarms began to blare overhead for evasive maneuvers and evacuation of all personnel through the escape pods. Sia began to run for towards the escape. Rounding the corner of the corridor she immediately felt the beginning blast of the suicide bombers as she was thrust into the adjacent wall colliding with another solider making his way towards the exits.

Jumping up she reaches out to help the soldier who was still somewhat dazed and confused. Through the blaring of the alarms and the sounds of exploding metal if was impossible to communicate, but their emotions relayed to each other they both knew they didn’t have much time to make it to the exits before the ship was lost.

Continuing down the corridor she could start to smell the faint smoke of burning metal. The heavy sounds of exploding debris could be felt with each strike off on the aft side of the ship. As they ran the ship almost began to feel as though the floors were swaying back and forth. Something she didn’t know if it could possibly happen, or if her mind was starting to play tricks on her due to the inhalation of the smoke that was progressively getting worse.

Arriving at their first door for the escape pods they noticed the 3 pods were already gone. Knowing there were two more in the area they began to run as fast as they could towards them. The ship would be finished in a matter of minutes and they would to if they could not make it out of them.

After arriving at the second door they tried to open as a suicide bomber in that moment hit close to the area knock both backs. Getting up and checking themselves they realized it was just a couple bumps and bruises, but no serious damage. Sia ran up to try the door again, but the door would not open. The blast must have messed up the door. There was one last door she reminded herself that they might make before the ship was destroyed.

Pointing to the direction Sia and the lone soldier ran with all their strength to the last pod. Upon getting to the door it immediately opened and to their relief, they saw one pod still open. The two quickly jumped in a press the escape button as the doors began to shut and they threw on their safety harnesses.

Within seconds they were ejected from the Remembrance of Seher as
they looked out the window to see the ship slowly imploding from the multiple suicide bomber attacks it had withstood before falling. Just made it she thought, but now on to the journey of survival.

No placement
Creshkin Vos
File submission
No placement
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
File submission
Textual submission

This is using my main, and with the battlefield loadout if the attached snapshot does not come through.

No placement
Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia
File submission
No placement
Master Alaris Jinn
File submission
No placement
Rian Taldrya
File submission
Textual submission

A story about Kara 'Blaze' Zallow infiltrating and sabotaging the Collective's Heavy Cruiser Braga.

No placement
Ashia Kagan Keibatsu
Ashia Kagan Keibatsu opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
General Zentru'la
File submission
No placement
Teylas Ramar
Teylas Ramar opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Zyron Kael
Textual submission

No placement
A deleted dossier
File submission
No placement
Leeadra Halcyon
File submission
No placement
Magik opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Bliss opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Moff Alethia Archenksova
File submission
No placement
Azmodius Equesinfernum
File submission
No placement
Ghost Rulvak Qurroc
Ghost Rulvak Qurroc opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
File submission
Textual submission

Attached PDF.

No placement
Seer A'lora Kituri
File submission
No placement
Dr. Rhylance
File submission
Textual submission

Objective 2

No placement
Zeline Nemesis
File submission
Textual submission

Sorry for my English I'm from Greece. I post twice in case.

As a small shuttle transport landed onto the damaged ship Proxia Mustirion Zeline Nemesis knew the rescue mission would be hard. Many suicide ships had hit the ship and caused many losses of life and all seemed hopeless. Dropping in the Odan-urr ship she began to search out for signs of people who may still be alive. As she began running through the ship she saw many hurt people. Also she saw big pieces of metal and debris with fire on them from the ship ceiling that were falling all over the was like fireballs crossing through her head...the temperature was getting higher and higher...she could barely breathe from the smoke and it was hard to see as well even stuff that was right in front of her...all she was thinking was how to stay alive and rescue as many people as she could. She didn't want to stay alive for herself but for them...she was thinking within seconds that we have to make is so unfair to die like that...they had so many dreams and a life to live.. Zeline kept walking as fast as she could. But it was arms could feel the burn of the fires and she could smell the dead flesh on bodies around but that didn't make her stop...she had to go to the second floor where the screaming’s where coming through but she had to make it through the stairs first. Zeline was getting disappointed because it was hard to keep her eyes open from all the smoke and fire was all over the place, it was getting worse... she took a deep breath and then covered half of her face with a small wet towel she had with her then took a deep breath and began running with the last courage that she had. She could barely see the stairs but it was close now...ten more steps and she made it....that's all she was thinking. And finally Zeline MADE IT! Zeline started walking upstairs. But on the way, she almost slipped so she grabbed the rail...Damn it was burning as hell because it was from steel...Ugh!! So painful but she thought she had to keep going......A few minutes later she was there. Finally on the second floor. The voices and the screaming were getting louder and louder...The words were loud and clear now...HELP HELP.WE NEED SOMEBODY TO SAVE US. I yelled with all the strength I got. I am coming...I am right here...I will save you... At the end of that small hall was a room, people were in there still alive...but she couldn't approach them...she just realized it.That's why they couldn't come out and they were seeking for help...There was between their door and the hall a big metallic door on the ground on fire which she realized it was the not too hot for her to jump through.....Zeline got scared that she ran all the way there for nothing.. She thought I freeze!!! Though she had to think...Her mind was stuck.... Think Zeline you can do this, think....she said to herself... she couldn't see anything around to help herself and the people. So she said to herself. This is what you are, this is what defines you...You are a Jedi Zeline! "All she had to do was to remind to herself the last words of my mother... she ran...she ran so hard with all her speed and jumped over it....I was in the room finally. She saw two women there and immediately grabbed them and told them to trust her. As she held the hands they all ran through the fire. In that moment after making it alive, she showed the direction to the escape pods and they all ran quickly towards it. When they got there they all got on without injury and left the ship before it exploded. All were safe for now.

No placement
Evelynn Wyrm
File submission
Textual submission

Battlemaster Evelynn Wyrm, #14344

**Pride of Dakhan,
Glottal System,
Outer Rim Territories**

“Prepare to exit hyperspace,” Colonel Mark Drux said, standing tall on the bridge of the Pride of Dakhan. “This should be close enough to get us in undetected.”

The blur that is hyperspace slowly faded, and space got its normal morphology back. In the distance, a green planet could barely be seen, surrounded by a whole bunch of nothing.

“Make preparations,” Drux continued, gesturing toward a Private seated to his right as he moved slowly toward the window to have a better look at the planet, “Inform the Reaper’s Call that we will be monitoring their progress from this location.”

The Private nodded as he pushed a few buttons on the panel in front of him. He, as with everyone else apart from the Colonel, had no idea what they were doing here. The war was raging just a few systems away, and they were in the middle of nowhere without any information whatsoever.

“Also, inform the *Sith* that we’ve arrived. She wouldn’t like to be kept waiting,” the obvious irony in Drux’s voice made a few of the officers on the bridge laugh. The Bothan was not excited for the mission at hand, nor was he excited that Sanguinius decided to leave the flagship of House Shar Dakhan in the hands of its former Quaestor, the woman who listened to no one and completely disregarded any sort of conduct. *We shouldn’t be here. We should be at Nancora with our brethren.*


**A few minutes later,
Meditation Chamber,
Pride of Dakhan**

Battlemaster Evelynn Wyrm sat on the ground in the center of the circular chamber, her legs crossed and her eyes closed. In any other situation she would be furious at her Consul for sending her off to some backwater planet on a wild goose hunt, but the fact she would be safely tucked away on a cruiser in the middle of nowhere, while the rest of her clanmates fought and most likely died at Nancora was a relief.


“Come in,” she said, her voice barely audible. The blast door opened as Captain Drux made his way into the chamber, visibly agitated.

“Ma’am, we’ve just arrived at the marked location. A signal has been sent to the Reaper’s Call to move in…”

“I know where we are, Colonel,” she interrupted him as a smirk formed on her face. She knew full well what his feelings toward her were; the blame for abandoning the House when it needed her most, the disgust at her coldheartedness, and the utter disrespect of her capabilities as a soldier.

A vein formed on the side of Drux’s forehead, but he knew better than to snap out at the Human. “The Technocrat base is said to be located by the base of the only mountain on Glottal. We’ll have the troops down in no time.”

“Good, now leave me alone, I’ll be with you momentarily.”

The Captain of the Pride nodded and exited the room as the blastdoors shut behind him. Wyrm took a second to reevaluate her objectives. Scouts reported a large amount of Collective transports moving to the Glottal System. Upon further investigation, reports show that the Technocratic Guild set up a supply base on the remote planet, and that it was supplying the bulk of the Collective’s forces with weapons and implants from here. Her job was to lead a convoy to infiltrate the base and eliminate all Collective forces in the area.

Evelynn stood up and, taking a deep breath, slowly made her way onto the bridge.


**A few minutes later,
Pride of Dakhan**

As the Battlemaster stepped onto the bridge, she could see the outline of the Marauder Corvette make its way toward Glottal, accompanied by two fighters from Searing Blade Squadron. As they approached the planet’s atmosphere, Evelynn sensed something was wrong. In the distance, she saw a squadron of red painted T-70 X-wing Starfighters exit the atmosphere and enter attack formation.

The response from the Reaper’s Call was swift. Twelve fighters emerged from its hull, entering a formation of their own as, combined with the two Searing Blade pilots, they made their way toward the enemy.

The fight was short, brutal and the result infamous. Within minutes, the defending forces picked apart the Dakhani ships one by one, until the Marauder Corvette was the only one standing. A few minutes later, it was blasted into bits as well.

“It was an ambush!” Colonel Drux said, a slight touch of panic in his voice. “Prepare to evac-”

“Belay that order. Launch the remaining fighters and prepare to intercept.” Evelynn cut the Bothan off as she quickly made her way to his chair, once again closing her eyes and letting the Force flow through her.

She could feel the minds of the remaining Searing Blade pilots as they scrambled to their X-Wings. *Focus. You will not die today.*

Mark Drux was furious. Not only was this the second time in the hour that she had interrupted him, but she allowed herself to take his seat on the bridge and take full control of his crew. However, a voice in his head told him to keep his calm, as he well knew what she was capable of if interrupted even the slightest bit.

Meanwhile, a brawl was preparing outside. As the ships moved closer to each other, Evelynn reached out and felt the minds of the Collective pilots, as well as the disarray in her own ranks. Letting the Force flow through her, she reached out to the friendly pilots, clearing their mind and guiding their focus. She could practically see through their eyes.

The fight was going better than anyone could have expected. Eight casualties on the side of the Collective, with only two Dakhani fighters being destroyed. However, Evelynn was having trouble keeping focus. The effort had gotten to her, and she was exhausted.

Suddenly, one Collective pilot started maneuvering like Evelynn had never seen before. The precision and weapon accuracy was jaw-dropping. One by one, the Dakhani ships got blown up, until all that was left were three Collective fighters.

Evelynn felt the strength leaving her. Just before she lost consciousness, she heard the Colonel yell an order at one of the pilots.

“Get us out of here, there’s nothing else we can do.”

No placement
Advisor Reiden Palpatine Karr
File submission
No placement
File submission
No placement
Nikora Rhan
Nikora Rhan opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
General Daniel Stephens
General Daniel Stephens opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Kookimarissia Mimosa-Inahj
File submission
No placement
TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
File submission
Textual submission

Strike Team Nryghat

A short Story

Written, Directed and Starring:

TuQ’uan Varick as Strike Team Nryghat leader, TuQ’uan Varick

And some other people. . .


The Star Destroyer Ascendency
Nancora System:

“What have I gotten myself into,” TuQ’uan thought to himself, as he strode towards the Ascendancy’s hangar bay where a shuttle was currently fueling up for the mission ahead. The entire area was abuzz preparing for war, the Kel Dor glanced around at all of the faces he didn’t recognize and would probably never see again. Towards him came the familiar prim and proper blue form of his former trainer, Laren Uscot, recently di Plagia. The two met in the hall outside the hangar, Plagueians pushing past them in both directions.

“Good Luck, TuQ,” the Pantoran spoke as he shook the mercenary’s hand with a firm grasp.

“You mean you aren’t coming along?”

“The Dread Lord has other plans for me, though I’m sure you can handle this.” Laren turned and continued on his way.

“Promise me if I die, you’ll avenge me,” TuQ’uan shouted at the only Plagueian he even remotely considered a friend. “Laren? I know you can hear me, Laren!”

The Di Plagia simply continued on.

The Kel Dor finally arrived at the hunk of a shuttle that he had been given to use for this mission, barely large enough to hold 6 passengers and a pilot, which he decided would be called The Bantha Fodder. Starfighters all throughout the hangar were preparing to take off and join the fray.

The fellow members or Strike Team Nryghat had arrived ahead of the Taskmaster and were currently in disarray, lounging around on various crates a few of which were filled with a few extra explosives that had yet to be loaded on board their transport. The five members of the team were hand picked as the best and most promising Non-Force users The Circle had to offer.

The team consisted of: Lieutenant Buio, a young, pale Zabrak loyalist who was a good infiltrator, though TuQ’uan wasn’t entirely sure whether Buio was his first or last name. Next was Nora Shim, a bothan slicer TuQ’uan only trusted enough to get the job done and no further. Ker Laa, a rather short Ryn with a proclivity for explosions. Ranna Salan a human weapons specialist whose trusty heavy blaster has been know to get her out of a few tough spots. And rounding out the team was the Taskmaster himself TuQ’uan Varick.

TuQ’uan pulled his blaster pistol from his holster and fired a single shot into the ground, bringing the attention of the members of Strike Team Nryghat, as well as every being currently in the ship’s hangar. The mercenary immediately regretted his decision.

“False alarm people, go about your business,” TuQ’uan shouted across the hangar as he holstered his pistol hoping the soldiers all around him would do the same. The Kel Dor returned his ire to his strike team.

“Now, could someone please explain to me why these crates have yet to be loaded?”

“We figured that would be a task for the slaves,” the Zabrak spoke up.

“That would be ‘Sir’ to you, Lieutenant, and as far as I’m concerned, it is a task for you. Get it done immediately, we are wheels up in three minutes whether you’re on board or not. And let me tell you if you’re not, you’ll have Selika do deal with.” This concerned the Strike Team who got to work right away. TuQ’uan made his way up the shuttle ramp.

The Bantha Fodder
4 minutes later:

Battle raged as TuQ’uan stood at the front of the shuttle, looking out the window at the chaos that was currently consuming the Nancora system. There was a wall of ships surrounding the planet itself and another wall appeared to be enclosing around that one. The pilot assigned to transport the strike team had launched the ship in the midst of a squadron launch to mask the Bantha Fodder. They would slowly make their was towards the Braga keeping the element of surprise and awaiting their opportunity.

He turned to address his team, all eyes were on him.

“From here on out we are on our own, until we make our escape there will be absolute radio silence with the rest of Plagueis. There is no emergency extraction, it is succeed or die here,” The Kel Dor let his words hang in the air a moment. “Once on board we will have to split up, Lieutenant Buio will be in charge of Bravo team, who will work their way towards the ship’s weapon controls. If for some reason we are unable to take down the whole ship at least we can dismantle their weapons.”

The tension was thick in the air, but these five had been chosen for a reason, or so TuQ’uan thought. Plus it was too late to turn back now.

“I will lead Alpha team towards engineering where we will copy as much data as possible before setting charges which, if calculations are correct, will overload the system and start a chain reaction of explosions throughout the ship. Then, and only then, will we break radio silence between teams, giving everyone five minutes to get back to the ship for extraction. If you aren’t there on time, I’m sorry, but you’re on your own.”

Peek, TuQ’uan’s recon droid whistled and beeped rapidly drawing all eyes towards the Braga looming ahead of them. The ship’s weapons began to glow green briefly.

“This is it, if you’re not ready, you’ll be dead.”

He turned his attention back to the Braga, all at once the glow became a green beam that cut across the void of space and ripped straight through a Brotherhood vessel, leaving an ugly explosion in it’s wake.

“This is where the fun begins,” the pilot muttered grimly.

That was to be their cue to board the Braga, the ship couldn’t fire that weapon and keep its shields up at the same time. A stunned silence filled the shuttle, the team knew what they had to do.

Weaving through the space between the Ascendency and the Braga, the shuttle seemed to go miraculously unnoticed amidst the chaos of battle all around. Starfighters flew all around them, the space all alight with explosions.

Approaching the Braga the pilot cut power to the engines and flew forward on the momentum they had gained, they had to wait for the opportune moment for entry. Without a sound in the shuttle the view of the battle was eerie, no one dared speak.

It only took a few more minutes before the green glow returned to the Collective’s terrifying new weapon. Without wasting a moment, full power was thrown to the engines, the shuttle aimed directly at the port side docking bay of the monstrous ship ahead of them. Straight as an arrow the shuttle hurtled through space, closing in quickly.

The shields shimmered as they went down and a split second later the shuttle was in and braking hard to avoid a crash. Thanks to the skilled pilot they stopped just short of the wall of the hangar and an early end to their mission.

Braga hangar Bay:

With a heavy thud the Batha Fodder landed in the cramped port side hangar, there were a few small crafts within the bay, but other than that the room seemed eerily quiet. TuQ’uan looked around at the members of Strike Team Nryghat and nodded before activating the ramp controls.

The Strike Team checked its weapons one final time before moving out. Peek, took the lead ensuring the coast was clear. Once the team leader heard the go ahead beep, it was time to go. The team moved quickly across the cold durasteel floor towards a door across the hangar. Peek quickly found a port to plug into and had access to ship schematics.

The team made it past the door and down the hall with ease before coming to a junction. Clapping Lieutenant Buio on the shoulder, the Kel Dor nodded and the two teams went their separate ways, Ker Laa and Peek remaining with TuQ’uan the rest went with Buio. Bravo team went a little ways down the hall to the left before coming to a stop in front of a maintenance access hatch, with a little bit of muscle from Ranna combined with a slice from Nora the hatch opened and Buio led the way through to a set of tight hallways running throughout interior of the ship. Replacing the hatch behind themselves, Bravo Team was gone.

“My man,” TuQ’uan whispered to himself.

Peek took point, scouting ahead for wandering enemies. Alpha team didn’t have the luxury of hiding in the walls. Thanks to Peek, TuQ’uan and Ker spent the next few twists and turns through the Braga narrowly avoiding collective soldiers. According to the schematics they had, Alpha team was roughly 20 meters away from their objective when Peek let out a twitter.

“Kark!” TuQ’uan hissed under his breath. “We have to move faster, they found the ship, which means they will be looking for us.”

Without a second thought the mercenary made a beeline for the engine room. 15 meters. 10 meters. The smell of ozone filled the air as a blaster bolt whizzed through the air past his head. Catching him off guard the Kel Dor pulled his weight back causing him to go sliding feet first down the hall. They had been so preoccupied with what was in front of them, they forgot about what might be behind them.

“I don’t think you're supposed to be here,” the silky smooth voice of their pursuer carried down the hall.

Rolling over onto his stomach left TuQ’uan facing back the way he had come. Ker hadn’t been far behind when they were so rudely interrupted, now she had come to a stop with her hands in the air. Behind the demolitions expert stood a shorter, red and white Togruta, calmly holding his blaster pistol, aiming from the hip.

“Neither of you move.” The sound of boots could be heard echoing down the halls. “What a pathetic attempt.”

TuQ’uan let his arms relax at his side, he would have to move carefully here. The Togruta slowly began moving forward, keeping his blaster pointed forward, eyes moving back and forth between his quarries. TuQ’uan found the Sonic Grenade secured to his belt and slid it into his right hand.

A blaster bolt hit the ground just short of the Taskmaster.

“I thought I told you not to move. I want to see your hands”

TuQ’uan moves his right hand away from his body, careful not to reveal the grenade right away. Their attacker was still a good five feet from Ker. TuQ’uan primed the grenade and with all of his might slide it down the hallway. Ker saw the small black cylinder roll down the hall past her and immediately dove to the ground beside the Kel Dor, the two of them covered their ears as best they could and buried their faces in the ground. With a deafening explosion the Sonic Grenade went off at the Togruta’s feet, driving him to the ground.

TuQ’uan hoped back to his feet, drew his blaster and put a well placed shot into their would be captors chest.

“Well, now they know where we are! Time to move,” he spoke a little louder than intended but with the ringing in his ears he didn’t really have a sense of volume.

Now full out running it took them no time at all to reach the door they were looking for, this one wasn’t going to quite as easy as the first. They could hear the sounds of boots on the durasteel and soldiers shouting down the hall and it sounded like they were closing in fast.

“Cover me.” TuQ’uan pried the door control cover off and plugged his datapad in. This wouldn’t take too long but he’d rather not get shot if he could avoid it. Ker had her first shot off and TuQ’uan began typing faster.

With a hiss the door slid open, a none too soon, he could see at least a dozen collective soldiers in their prim grey uniforms making their way towards them. Grabbing Ker by the shoulder he pulled the two of them through the doorway, closing it from the other side. TuQ’uan put a bolt into the door controls to make sure they wouldn’t work again before looking around the room they now found themselves in.

“Well I guess we’ll need to find another way out.” The Kel Dor turned around to see three Collective engineers staring at them, stunned. “First person to move dies.”

The one furthest to the left glanced quickly to the others with him before falling to the ground, a hole in his chest.

“Just to be clear, I count that as a movement. You don’t have to die here, at least just yet,” TuQ’uan muttered the last bit under his breath. “All you have to do is help us out and make our jobs easier.”

“Frak you!” shouted the engineer who was now furthest left.

“Just to clarify, do you agree with her,” he asked the remaining engineer who didn’t say a word.

“Well, you know what they say, silence is consent.”

Two more quick shots and all of the engineers in the room were dead. Banging had started ringing from the door behind.

“Let’s get to work, I’ll find a terminal, you find something that will make the engines go boom.”

The two split up. It didn’t take long for TuQ’uan to find the terminal he needed, pulling out his computer spike kit he got to work.

He hit the motherload, the information on their cloaking system was here as well as a few experimental projects they had been working on and testing on the Braga. This would surely earn him some points, and credits, with Selika. As if on cue the door he thought he had sealed was blown open. Grabbing a datadisk with all of the information he had found loaded onto it he ran to find Ker, Peek right at his feet the whole way.

Ker was just a little ways away behind a set of cylinders near the wall that appeared to be fuel containers, cursing away.

“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” a hint of concern crept into the Taskmaster’s voice as he knelt down beside her.

“Don’t worry. I saw this in a holo once.”

TuQ’uan shot Ker look that said she’d pay for then if they made it back to the circle alive.

A blaster bolt pinged off the bulkhead near their heads.

“Well if you could get that done soon, that would be great.”

Popping up from behind their cover the Kel Dor blindly returned the fire that was coming their way. Ducking back down he activated his wrist link.

“Bravo Team, this is Alpha, what’s your status?”

“We are taking heavy fire here but we almost have what we came for,” Buio’s voice crackled through the speaker.

“Alright, well this is your five minute warning. Good luck, I hope to see you on the shuttle.” Shutting off the comm he turned to Ker. “Set it and let’s get the frak out of this place.”

It looked to TuQ’uan that their best bet would be to fight their way back out the door they came in, luckily most of the soldiers had spread out through the large room in order to flush the saboteurs out.

Taking a deep breath TuQ’uan and Ker jumped up from their cover and bolted to the right, firing a volley of shots as they went, injuring at least three Collective soldiers as they circled back around to the door.

One of the soldiers had thought to place themselves in front of the doorway. Getting lower down as he ran TuQ’uan rushed right towards the unfortunate soldier and barrelled right into him, sending the two of them flying into the hallway and crashing into the hard durasteel wall. The soldier threw a punch catching the Kel Dor in the side of the head. As the soldier wound up for a second blow TuQ’uan nimbly spun with the punch sending the soldier off balance. Seeing his opportunity TuQ’uan drove his foot into the back of the soldiers leg, snapping it as he crashed to the ground.

Wasting no time, Alpha team was back on the move, firing their blasters behind them as they went.

Braga Hangar Bay:

Alpha team came running through the hangar door at full speed to see Nora alone and pinned down behind a crate. TuQ’uan, Ker, and Peek slide down beside her, there were five soldiers blocking their way to the shuttle.

The three Plagueians fired at the soldiers from behind the cover of the crate but they all seemed miss their targets. TuQ’uan jumped from behind the relative safety of the crate to get a better shot, as he unleashed a volley of fire in the direction of the soldiers he saw a second volley coming at them from just off to their side. The combination of the two flurries of blaster fire was enough to finish off the entire group. Ranna had saved the day here.

“Where’s Buio?” TuQ’uan inquired of the present members of Bravo Team as they all made their way back to the shuttle.

“He got caught up in a fire fight a little ways back and ordered me back here,” Ranna explained to the group with a hint of regret creeping into her voice. “Nora has all of the information we were able to gather.”

Shouts came echoing through the hangar behind them, more soldiers were coming. Ranna turned, feet planted firmly on the ground.

“Go, I’ll hold them off long enough for you to get off the ship.” Ranna began opening fire as the rest of the team quickened their pace, they were running out of time to get to the shuttle.

The ramp of the shuttle had already been lowered and laying at the bottom was the body of the pilot who brought them here. It looked like TuQ’uan was going to have to fly them home. The Kel Dor hopped into the pilot’s seat and started the shuttle up, he was going to wait for take off as long as possible.

On the floor below, Ranna was putting up an admirable fight. More and more soldiers were filling into the hanger and despite the fact that she was getting hit with blaster bolts at an increasing rate, Ranna refused to hit the floor without a fight.

An explosion rocked the Braga, that was the cue that told TuQ’uan he had waited long enough. Slamming his hand against the controls, the shuttle lifted up off the durasteel deck and the boarding ramp snapped shut.

TuQ’uan spun the shuttle around as a second blast rocked the ship, the shield would be down now. The Taskmaster aimed the shuttle out of the hangar bay and went straight to full throttle. Once they were out in the void of space they were weaving through an absolutely chaotic battlefield, the hunks of dead ships littering the space all around them. TuQ’uan got on the comms to The Assendacy.

“Ascendency, this is strike team Nryghat. We are coming home, please have the welcoming party ready.”

A massive explosion erupted behind them sending a shockwave through the shuttle, now it was just a straight shot to home. TuQ’uan knew he should be happy with the mission's success, but he couldn’t help but feel the weight of those he lost under his command.

No placement
Aedile Tali Sroka
File submission
No placement
Privateer Tyraal Bitshiver
File submission
Textual submission

This is based on the first prompt, of taking on Rose Squadron. There's no fighter, so I just used a T-65 X-wing that was conveniently in the hanger of the ship. Just to make it clearer, I wrote it as a combined effort of Tyraal doing Rose Squadron take down, at the same time and place as the prompt 2. So while Tyraal was taking on Rose Squadron, Odan-Urr forces are infiltrating the Braga.

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Torin Ardell
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Constantine opted out of publishing his submission.
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Boss Ragnar Kul
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No placement
Mandalorian Malodin'Tater
File submission
Textual submission

GJWXII Phase 1 Fiction

Battlelord Ric "Tater" Hunter (Sith) / Battle Team Tacitus Athanasius of House Excidium of Clan Scholae Palatinae
Pin# 3160

“This is the ISN Sidious calling all ships. We are in need of assistance. We have sustained heavy damage and are under heavy fire. Please respond.”
“Looks like you are going to get your excitement for the day, Mal,” Ric told his copilot as he set course for the beleaguered Victory Star Destroyer. Ric checked the tactical display and watched as another wave of suicide tugs swept in towards the Sidious. At this rate the ship wouldn't last long, he had to push his small ship to its limits to get there before it went up.
“Sidious, this is the Holdout. We are inbound to your position at this time, over,” Mal angled the deflectors and put as much power as he could towards the engines. Ric knew that his friend lived for times like these. His Chiss blood screamed for action, sometimes at the cost of common sense.
“What the....” Ric watched as the Iron Fleet moved off and disengaged from the battle. The Grandmaster had abandoned them to their fate, not that he expected anything different of course. Pravus had destroyed his former home while he had been asleep.
“Looks like they are pulling back to Arx,” Mal confirmed. “You want me to get on the guns?”
“Yeah, I can handle the ship, but we need to buy sometime to get as many as we can off that Ship,” Mal left his seat and went aft to the upper gun mount. It wasn't long before Ric could hear the thump of the dual laser cannons. He watched as a small number of the closer fighter escorts veered or just disappeared from the scopes. Malodin'Blade was a lot of things, but Ric knew that he was very good with blasters.
The Ghtroc 720 freighter jolted sideways from a hit. Ric glanced at the damage control board and watched as almost a third of the green lights turned to red. So far no essential system had been knocked out but if they kept taking damage like that, it was bound to happen.
“Mal, I am going to need you back down here. We are taking damage and I need a hand to deal with it,” Ric flipped the ship on its back to avoid a flaming Z-95 headhunter that had rocketed towards them. It passed by and flew on before exploding in a huge ball of fire.
“Send the droid! I am having too much fun up here,” Mal replied.
The Holdout approached the stricken capitol ship and was shocked at the large amount of damage that had been inflicted on it. Half of the upper decks and the bridge were a flaming, twisted wreck and the other half was just gone. The ship was beginning to spin on its axis from venting and escape pods were shooting out from all sides. Ric watched as enemy fighters chased them down to destroy as many as they could. With a flash of anger, he slammed to throttles to full and armed his small load of concussion missiles.
The Holdout shot forward towards a flight of Incom T70 fighters, moving in a way that a freighter really shouldn't. Ric was not just a man learned in the Force, he was also a former Elite Squadron pilot and commander. His skill in the cockpit was legendary in some parts of the galaxy. He brought the ship around and let loose a salvo of missiles, disrupting the attacking squadron. Malodin let loose with the laser cannons, further disrupting the attack.
“Hold on, I'm going to bring us around and see if we can board the Sidious,” Ric had found a suitable place to dock that was intact. “Sidious, I am preparing to dock at aft section of deck fourteen. I can take some survivors from there.”
As soon as the docking ring had sealed, Ric ran to the hatch to help load as many as he could. The scene that greeted him sent memories cascading through his mind. In an instant, he was back on board the Vigilance at Endor. He had just landed his damaged Interceptor in the hanger as the Death Star exploded. The crew had all paused, not believing that the station was gone and had been overcome by panic. That was the scene that greeted him here.
Men and women began to fill the hold of the small freighter until there was no more room. Ric returned to the controls of the ship and unlocked from the damaged destroyer. Another small rescue ship moved in to take his place as he guided the severely overloaded craft towards the ISN Thrawn.
As he pulled away, the ship that had just taken his place was hit by a kamikaze tug and exploded, destroying the airlock and creating a breach in the ship. Ric watched as crew members who had been waiting for rescue were sucked out into space. He pushed the engines as fast as he was able to, trying to evade the enemy fighters and tugs that lay between him and the Thrawn.
“Holdout, this is Rancor Five. We are coming up on your port side. We'll cover you as long as we are able to,” Ric looked at the tactical display and saw seven green IFF signals circling his ship.
“Copy that Five. Where's One?”
“He's gone sir.”
“Copy Five. You are now One. Form up and move out.”
As the small group of ships moved through the battlefield, Ric could see the damage wrought by the Collectives attacks. There was wreckage, death and destruction everywhere. His mind once again flashed back the final battle over Endor.
He vowed to himself that he would never again sit idle on the sidelines and do nothing. Now he would help take the fight to the Collective and then on the Grandmaster who had let it happen. Once his clan had been avenged, then he could rest.

No placement
Dr. Giyana Jurro
Dr. Giyana Jurro opted out of publishing her submission.
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Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
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Ethan Martes
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File submission
No placement
Terran Koul
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Textual submission

Objective 2 - Sabatoge

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Tribune Kanal O'neill
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Textual submission

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Epis Locke Sonjie
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Textual submission


I chose Prompt #3 - Extraction

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General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
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No placement
Fist Uji Tameike
File submission
Textual submission - Snapshot of Loadout

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Aerwin Tribwell-Urr
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Warlord Furios Morega di Plagia
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General Stres'tron'garmis
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Warlord Etah Obsidyn
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Textual submission

Word Format

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Master Bentre Stahoes
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No placement
Maenaki Delavi'in
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Seer Xolarin
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No placement
Plaid Sadira
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Textual submission

I have provided a link to my current snapshot below.

No placement
Tasha'Vel Versea
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No placement
Manji Keibatsu Sadow
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File submission
No placement
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
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No placement
Padawan Tisto Kingang
File submission
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