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Seer A'lora Kituri
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- cybernetic_eye_gallery.png
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Rian Taldrya
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- _GJW_XII_Phase_I__Graphics_-_Machines_are_stronger.png
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Male Anatomy back: https://jinx-star.deviantart.com/art/MALE-ANATOMY-FRONT-BACK-STUDY-300196022?q=gallery:jinx-star/26710390&qo=14
Robot Spine DesignInspiration: https://9dkid.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/wc_08.jpg
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Maximus Alvinius
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- Cybernetic_Implant_Collective.png
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My image is a cybernetic implant that The Collective, specifically the Technocratic Guild would create and allow their members to utilize. I used my character Maximus Alvinius as the model only to show the location of the implant for modeling purposes as I know this implant is something The Collective would use and not my character.
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Sildrin Lyonsbane
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- gjw_2017_194_2.png
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Cybernetic extendable hair tail whip.
The tail is about 1.7m long, but offers the possibility to be extended by a bit more than tripple its length. Which makes it have a reach of about 7 -8 meters.
The user has additional control to wrap the tail around objects (or persons). It can be used to choke people - together with sharp hooks (which are sharp as a blade) the whip can cause fatal wounds. The tail can hold easily the weight of the user, making it a perfect tool for e.g. climbing, or dangling from roofs for assassinations and more.
To support the heavy strain on the neck a cybernetic exoskeleton extension is added to the neck. It prevents the user's neck from snapping or taking other serious damage.
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- Korroth8488-E2-80-9313048_GJWXII-P1_.png
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This is the Collective's frontline artillery shock troop. The A.I. of the prototype J-1c proton cannon interfaces with cybernetic implants in the bantha's cerebral cortex, connecting the behemoth's bloodthirsty instincts to the cannon's targeting system.
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Lord Dacien Victae
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- Phase_1_posed_spike.png
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The eye spike is inspired by the metal eye spikes used by Inquisitors in Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn trilogy.
This cybernetic implant replaces an eye with a spike that combines a highly-sensitive metal detector and limited optical and thermal sensors. The spike allows its user to "see" metal clearly highlighted. Because massive quantities of metal are commonly found around the galaxy -- particularly in cities and on ships -- the spike can be modified to identify and deprioritize large bodies of metal, so that smaller concentrations become more obvious and any surrounding environmental metal does not overwhelm the user. This is particularly useful for identifying weapons or other devices through clothing or inside of non-metallic containers, and is sometimes used by bodyguards and mercenaries who need to be able to tell, at a glance, whether someone is concealing weapons.
The limited optical sensor provides some vision in the normal visible range of light, skewed towards the reds by the thermal sensor which also allows minimal infrared detection. The optical and thermal sensors help prevent disorientation by giving the user more "natural" depth perception and color vision than the purely metal-sensing detector could provide by itself. The thermal sensor is also useful for tracking heat signatures in dark environments.
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Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
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- 3714machinesarestronger.jpg
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higher resolution version available upon request.
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Darth Renatus
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- Darth Renatus opted out of publishing his submission.
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Lu'aisha Gresee
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- Lu'aisha Gresee opted out of publishing her submission.
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Ghost Luka Zarkot
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- cybernetics.png
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This cybernetic enhancement connects the user's occipital lobe directly with the interface of a connected droid. Often these are used for surveillance. The visual feed from the droids are seen in real-time through the wearer's own vision, and they can react almost instantaneously to the stimuli.
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Master Bentre Stahoes
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- gjw12_14185_cybernetic_phase1_.png
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a cybernetic eye (if that was not already clear)
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Ranarr Kul-Tarentae
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- gjw_img1.png
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An eye-implant, used by multiple individuals, to let each other see what they see. When facing an enemy it also measures the connection to the force and predicts possible actions.
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Maenaki Delavi'in
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- photo_2017-10-30_09-17-24.jpg
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Muthakarkin black-holo glitter cybernetics up in this hell.
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Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae
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- MachinesAreStronger.png
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"...make it very clear where it is supposed to go"
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Seer Xolarin
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- ControlUnitD5.jpg
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The angle is funky because of the camera angle for proper lighting. On the sketchpad it is squared off.
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Alara Deathbane
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- 20171030_185152.jpg
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Head piece meant to control the voice, mouth, hearing, and smelling of a person. Replaces the jaw.
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- Machines_are_stronger.jpg
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Embedded in the skin for enhanced arm strength. Power supply and armor on the chest, with over lapping plates enhancing and protecting the spin
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- eye_implant.png
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Anshar Kahn Tarentae
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- Anshar Kahn Tarentae opted out of publishing his submission.
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- AE1353X_Hearing_Enhancement.png
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Terran Koul
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- gjw-gfx-cybernetic.png
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Qyreia Arronen
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- Fade_Model_Artificial_Tongue.jpg
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Privateer Tyraal Bitshiver
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- IMG_1479.JPG
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Cystem 6-D12, mk.17
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- Machines_are_Stronger.png
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Ghost Edgar Drachen
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- GJW12_Implant_Comp.jpg
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- implant.jpg
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- Leg_Cyberonic.jpg
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This cyberonic leg gives great strength. Either losing a leg or two from battle or choosing to replace ones leg. The chemicals within will give a person higher jumps, be able to run faster or simply kick a foe with a massive hit.
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Sage Enzo Dek
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- DekStun.jpg
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Nikora Rhan
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- TarvitzWithWhatPassesForArtByHisStandards.jpg
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Visual Reference:
Also, as you would likely want an English translation for all that, please read the following:
Prototype: Forgebreaker Pattern Assault Fist
Implant Location: Arm
Main components: Inertial enhancer and dampener, plasma field generator, reinforced durasteel casing and internal structure, sheperd control chip, micro-repulsorlift components, industrial grade servos.
Details: To further enhance the combat capabilities of our soldiers, the Forgebreaker Pattern Assault Fist is a heavy duty melee weapon. Designed to replace the wearer’s arm below the shoulder, it is connected into place by various durasteel anchors and reinforced across the bone joint. The main arm itself can be detached under the guidance and operation of an engineer, leaving an interface socket in its place. This will allow Technocratic Guild soldiers to utilise more standard prosthetics for day to day duties.
While each Forgebreaker is custom built for the individual user, compared with a standard human the forearm is thirty inches across in length and has a weight comparable to most engineering corps backpacks. The size helps it to incorporate a variety of detailed combat and interface systems, notably several micro-repulsorlift segments to offset its overall weight.
The primary offensive elements of the Forgebreaker is its prestigious strength. Each individual digit is a repurposed servo unit often used in construction droids, and is capable of exerting immense pressure on any subject caught between its fingers. Furthermore, it is enhanced by multiple layers of durasteel and internal skeletal components, allowing it to withstand intense stress. When combined with the inertial enhancers, this allows singular and focused punches by the wearer to breach even the most durable fortifications and vehicle hulls within a few blows. An inertial dampener at the rear of the implant limits the stress placed upon the wearer’s shoulder and body in turn, preventing it from inflicting harm upon them.
When required in combat or against particular materials, the central generator wreaths the palm of the Forgebreaker in a layer of plasma. This allows it to vaporise most subjects at a touch, but more importantly, repel the blows of lightsabers. Despite the best efforts of Technocratic Guild engineers, it remains too unwieldy to be used as a dueling weapon against Jedi. However, its sheer size and the ability to work in combination with other weapons makes this a perfect shield against the favoured weapons of Force users.
A series of high tech neurological circuits and a shepherd ship built into the user’s brain allows for it to operate with the dexterity and speed of a standard hand design its massive size. This allows the user to quickly adjust to its incredible strength with some basic training, meaning that they retain the ability to bend reinforced bars with the forefinger and thumb, but also enough control to operate consoles and basic gestures.
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Lucine Vasano
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- Lucine Vasano opted out of publishing her submission.
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Sia Thiano
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- Sia Thiano opted out of publishing her submission.
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Aedile Tali Sroka
- File submission
- SW_Cybernetic.png
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The Mk II "Eyeball" optical cybernetic has several key advantages over contemporary counterparts. The designers have left the outer lens and chassis as superfluous items which do not hold structural rigidity requirements, meaning that they can easily be swapped for aesthetically pleasing alternatives to better mask the presence of a cybernetic without compromising functionality.
Everything in the MK II revolves around the central column, quite literally, as the dual top and bottom joints allow the cybernetic to rotate around its axis entirely freely, while also offering a generous +/- 35 degrees of elevation/depression.
The optical portion is a fairly traditional affair, with a lens pack focusing light into the photoreceptor unit housed against the central column, applying magnification as desired via electrically actuated polymer lenses. If desired, the lenses can also be shifted aside and other lenses slotted in their place to allow for UV or IR and Thermal imaging. Although if used, the zoom functionality is not available.
Also housed within the cramped spherical space are eight miniaturized chemical lasers. Individually, these hold no more power than to light a match head in a single burst, but when focused into a single beam can pose a real threat to any unarmored targets, becoming the equivalent in yield of a low-power blaster bolt.
This "Death Stare" functionality can be accessed literally in the blink of an eye, with the entire cybernetic revolving 180 degrees around the central column to bring the laser to bear. Due to the optical channel being blocked when in this configuration, the user must either have a second working eye for aiming or preferably fixate their gaze upon the target prior to revolving the cybernetic. This is a reason why it has gained its nickname "Death Stare".
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Ethan Martes
- File submission
- DJB_Brain_Implant.png
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Dr. Rhylance
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- 20171030_184341.jpg
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Councillor Turel Sorenn
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- entry13830.jpg
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Type 1 Neural Enhancer - Combat/Slicer Variant
Surgically implanted spinal cord / vertebra replacement with dataport, adrenal inject ports and data storage (in vertabra replacement).
Hand drawn with mechanical pencial
Reference used:
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- cybernetics.jpg
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- Cross_Sections.png
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Images used for Photo-manipulation
File #57
Neural-Machine Interface (NMI) Overview
The Neural-Machine Interface or NMI is the latest in a series of attempts by the Technocratic Guild to build implants capable of matching the abilities of Force-sensitive individuals. The particular focus of the NMI is to deal with the existence of Force-sensitive pilots by improving a normal pilot’s ability to control their vehicle and react to stimuli.
The NMI accomplishes this by intercepting and reading the subject's thought patterns, translating them into useful instructions, and directing these instructions through a data cable to a specially modified starfighter. In this way the pilot is able to control the starfighter as fast as the system can translate instructions, and removes the need for clumsy manual controls.
Due to the sensitive nature of operating so thoroughly on a subject's brain, the NMI has to be installed via a combination of traditional and nano-droid assisted implantation. Implantation begins with the surgical addition of a data-port and processing module anchored to the subject's spinal column. This section of the implant will translate raw neural information into usable instructions, serve as a physical connector between the NMI and the starfighter, and act as a base for the nano-droids to construct off of. This process has no unusual side effects beyond regular surgical recovery.
Over the next 3 weeks a series of specially programmed nano-droids will be injected to construct the remaining pieces of the NMI. Using the processing module as a base, the droids will construct a delicate cord of cables and neural inductors up the subject's spinal column and into the brain. This web of neural inductors will eventually grow to encompass the volume of the subject's brain, allowing the implant to get a complete read of the subject's neural activity. These nano-droids will further construct an artificial sagittal crest into the subject's skull to anchor the NMI to for structural stability. Side-effects of this process include headaches, dizziness, seizures, loss of memory, temporary loss of motor function, and temporary inability to see, speak, or hear.
Now fully implanted, the NMI is ready for use. During testing, pilots implanted with the NMI showed a marked increase in reaction time over un-implanted pilots, with increase of as much as 20% recorded in these early tests. During combat simulations implanted subjects won a one-on-one duel with comparable unimplanted pilots nine times out of ten, signifying a massive increase in individual combat effectiveness. This improvement only continued to grow as the pilots became more and more familiar with the system, though this increase coincided with more severe side-effects.
Side-effects of the NMI’s use appear to culminate in a unique combination of paralysis and dissociative disorder in the subject. As use of the NMI becomes more intense, the brain's neural pathways begin to optimize around its use, impairing function when not using the system. Subjects report loss of fine motor skills, slurred speech, sluggish movement, loss of balance, and physical impairment up to and including full body paralysis.
These physical symptoms also coincide with a unique form of dissociative disorder, where through extended use the subject begins to lose their sense of self, becoming “bonded” in a way with their machine. The subject forms a unique sense of self that is a synthesis between their organic body and the starfighter to which they are assigned. They begin to identify physically and emotionally with their starfighter, showing signs of extreme distress if removed from it or if it is altered in any way without their permission. The disorder can eventually culminate with extreme panic attacks upon removal from the machine, leading to two test subjects having to be kept in their machines under life support.
The mechanism of these side-effects is not completely understood but appears to be treatable with constant psychological evaluation and extended periods outside of the subject's starfighter. This treatment, however, reduces combat effectiveness when compared to untreated subjects.
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Evelynn Wyrm
- File submission
- GJW_implant_Phase_1.png
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Teylas Ramar
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- Teylas Ramar opted out of publishing his submission.
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- IMG_20171027_231223.jpg
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Warlord Furios Morega di Plagia
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- Furios_GJWXII_Round_1_Machines_are_Stronger.jpg
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Knockout serum, designed to also overcome weaker Force Users' Control Self power. Can be used at wrist length or launched like a dart if needed.
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Epis Locke Sonjie
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- Locke_art.jpg
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The power of art is insignificant next to my inability to draw.
Wait, that doesn't make sense...
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Rathus Marr
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- Rathus Marr opted out of publishing his submission.
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Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
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- GJW_XII__phase_1__Rogue_Squadron_FG.png
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Oops, will put right entry in here soon. Almost finished :)
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- GJWGraphicEntry.png
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Tribune Kanal O'neill
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- 20171029_181055.jpg
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This implant increases the visual acuity of the wearer while also allowing them to change the visual light spectrum they are looking in. It also has a build on voice changer which attaches to the cheek and wraps down to the throat.
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Angel Snow
- Submission
- Angel Snow opted out of publishing her submission.
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Lucifer Scorpio Romanov
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- IMG_20171030_144846.jpg
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This chip is meant to be installed on the neck, at the base of the skull. The following is the meaning of each letter/number combination section:
Section J: Regulates the outputs and inputs of currents from all the other sections.
Section V: Is circular valves to inject a single, or a total of four different, chemical's to enhance a subjects physical or mental abilities.
Section B: Keeps a continuous up-link of bio-metrics to a data-pad which will relay the information to a secure server.
Section C: Controls all input and output of the chemical's to keep a balanced flow without damaging the subject.
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TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
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- IMG_3829.JPG
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This is an optical enhancement prototype code named Shereshoy'karir, built by the Thechnocratic Guild. Fitting snug to the side of the user's face Shereshoy'karir is attached behind the users ear to the Optical Lobe where it is capable of interrupting the signal between optic nerve and lobe.
This optical enhancer allows the user to expand their visual spectrum and switch their vision to view thermal, infrared and increase low light vision through controls on the side. The enhancer also allows for up to 20x optical zoom.
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Reaper Heiken Akechi
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- Reaper Heiken Akechi opted out of publishing his submission.
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Jafits Skrumm
- File submission
- GJW12_GFX_Machines_are_stronger_-_JS7764.jpg
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Brain implant:
- Make calculation and decision faster
- More accuracy and precision to target
- Can't be tricked by Jedi mind trick
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General Kell Palpatine Dante
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- Mighty_Machine.png
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Creshkin Vos
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- Creshkin Vos opted out of publishing his submission.
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Ashia Kagan Keibatsu
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- Ashia Kagan Keibatsu opted out of publishing her submission.
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Zeline Nemesis
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- 20171030_234853.jpg
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It's a hand piece implant that the collective would use to scramble communication devices.
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Master Selika Roh di Plagia
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- Master Selika Roh di Plagia opted out of publishing her submission.
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General Daniel Stephens
- Submission
- General Daniel Stephens opted out of publishing his submission.
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- brain-implant-chip.png
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A deleted dossier
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- MachinesBetter.png
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It's supposed to be an eye with a crosshair to show it helps people aim.
But I can't draw. ;)
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Lieutenant Colonel Narman Losa
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- Arm_0.jpg
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My poor rendition of a cybernetic arm. This one has been modified with a jagged, two-pronged bladed weapon in place of the elbow joint (A). This weapp can be electrically charged for close quarters combat with Force users.
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Lord Halcyon
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- Cybernetic-Halcyon-43.jpg
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Torin Ardell
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- Machines_-_DarroZhen.jpg
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Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
- File submission
- machinesstronger.jpg
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References: https://imgur.com/a/pkAjn
Investigate proposed removal and replacement of normal bipedal spine with implant in order to increase functionality, reflex response, agility, strength, and flexibility. Model based on prototype design by Cythe, J. c.17ABY (Index 4C). Intent is to successfully implant and monitor patients and patient outcomes during missions. Viability not a concern.
Installation and implantation implemented in consecutive steps: full laminectomy, full myeloectomy, angiostomy of cerebrovascular accessories, and insertion of device. Major body of device is first inserted before addition of interconnected ports deep to tissue laterally from body. Superior and inferior connector sites require establishment prior to insertion of body or additional nanoconnector implantation. Once insertion is completed, reconnection of associated systems may begin. Installation post myeloectomy required <4 standard minutes before onset of hypoxia results in destruction of brain tissues. Degradation is acceptable within parameters of 4<6 minutes but viability for assessment is lost after >7 minutes. Patient mortality rate increases approx ~60% with each additional minute. Once installed, remote nanoconnetions acclimate to host conditions and begin neuron replication and reconnection.
Application of anesthesia complicated implantation procedure; noted were higher degree of vertebrae inaccessibility due to patient proneness; interference with normal operating function of nanoconnectors to neurons when excess chemicals present at synapse; and higher incidence in 30-day mortality with application of general or neuraxial anesthesia compare to nil. Patients were identified and subgrouped by anesthesia technique: general, neuraxial, and combined neuraxial-general. Demographics (species, gender, age, etc), postoperative complications, 30-day mortality, length of recovery, and patient performance testing were analyzed and compared. Average age and comorbidity burden differed modestly between groups. Multivariable analyses were conducted to identify the independent impact of choice of anesthetic on outcomes. Conclusion provides that standard operating procedure associated with the most favorable complication risk profile has patient remain completely lucid with minimal neuraxial application in order to prevent stray movement during operation as necessary.
Collapsible spinuous processes or lack of extended spinuous processes (Model F1;F2) on vertebrae allows for hyperflexion and hyperextension of spine, increasing over flexibility of patient by >300%. Increase in neural response time >100% while corresponding muscular response demonstrates >75% increase in tension and >80% decrease in contraction completion and interval delay. Addition of multivariable stimulant categories show >40% increase to previous percentages in concentrations varying from 140pg/mL-230pg/mL catecholamines (Index 7H) for most positive outcomes. >230pg/mL associated with overall system failure in patient and cardiac arrest. Depressants yielded similar, inverted results and require further testing.
Follow-up observation of patients resulted recorded side-effects to various anomalous degrees: partial to total paralysis, hypertension, hypotension, numbness, unresponsiveness or delayed response time, convulsions, tremors, seizures, syncope, vertigo, emesis, muscular dystrophy, peripheral and central neuropathy, stroke, and aneurysm. Psychological effects also recorded extensively (Table A2;A4;J9 for full listing) but to include at highest incidence: schizophrenia, amnesia, dementia, aphasia, dysphasia, and increased incidence of dissasociative and depressive disorders leading to suicidal behaviors. Most degradation occurs in patients between 30-day and 60-day, with only <3% of patients displaying moderate to high functionality after 90-day. <56% patients still functioning by 60-day, establishing hyperoptimal performance window. Implantation considered successful in any patient functioning 15-day post-op.
Successful implantation and recovery associated with at least 43% favorable increase in performance across multivariable categories and all standard operating performance execution. Mission completion rates increase 27% with 4% increase in favorable outcomes for patient return upon mission competition. Mortality rate for post-op patients currently at 92% with expected decrease to 87% with implementation of procedural changes (Index 12B). Rate considered within acceptable parameters for mass implementation.
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Master Zsarion Bloodfyre
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- BeefPic2017.jpg
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Dr. Giyana Jurro
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- Dr. Giyana Jurro opted out of publishing her submission.
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Erik Cato
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- advanced_biofeedback_regulator.png
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The advanced biofeedback regulator allows a humanoid to ensure even more cybernetic modifications. The spinal attachment strengthens the back and provides more processing and power to a user's enhancements.
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Braecen Kaeth
- File submission
- GJW12.Brae4520.Phase1GFX.Machines.jpg
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This Technocrat upgrade allows for individuals who have been grievously wounded in their lower half to replace now defunct limbs with a robust, piston-driven replacement that can integrate with their other organic limbs. Beneath is a simple, but powerful replacement that allows soldiers to get back into the war against the Force Users of the galaxy. It can be covered in synthetic flesh, but several of the tubes that pump coolant are still visible.
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Mandalorian Malodin'Tater
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- 3160machine1a.jpg
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forgot I had another part to add to pic. Updated version
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Aylin Sajark
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- 20171030_210233.jpg
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Brian implant to be able to communicate telepaticly as well connect to computers
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Warden Benn Nevis
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- IMG_20171024_0001.jpg
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modular weapon attachment for the arm
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Teu Buhkari Sadow
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- Teu Buhkari Sadow opted out of publishing her submission.
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Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
- File submission
- strongerMachine.png
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High Councillor Masahiro Haku
- File submission
- Epson_10242017_122331.png
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Higher Quality image available upon request, new scanner setup.
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Manji Keibatsu Sadow
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- Manji Keibatsu Sadow opted out of publishing his submission.
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Corsair Chrome
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- nanochip.jpg
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A medical nano-chip that can be placed anywhere on the body. This will help fight infections as well as speed up the healing process. Nanites can be programed from a Datapad wirelessly (Datapad not included).
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Raistline Taldrya Majere
- File submission
- raistline.jpg
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Additional Information:
Forearm implant where the top plates separate for a holographic projector. The projector can be used as one on one communications, stored imagery or even movies. Got a little down time when not hunting those dark jedi, why not catch a movie?
Images used:
http://www.bulldozer-vfx.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/cyber-arm-2.jpg Arm
http://dl9fvu4r30qs1.cloudfront.net/0c/5c7650031c11e2914b22000a1d0930/file/princess-bride-inigo.jpg Mandy Patinkin Princess Bride film
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Krath Adherent Edema R'uh-Kalinor
- File submission
- 8d4cb775-42f2-4f82-90d9-5ab43001a3dc.png
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Neural armature: armoured Cybernetic limb, designed to interface and integrate with the wearers neural network. Once fitted, the device is able to emit a medium range field that prevents any force users from manipulating them or anything in the field. The arm can also project a low level defensive field, however not at the same time as the neural field. Should the cybernetic be damaged, the user has a high chance of entering neural shock.
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Ghost Rulvak Qurroc
- Submission
- Ghost Rulvak Qurroc opted out of publishing his submission.
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General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
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- File_2017-10-30__15_51_19.jpeg
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knock-off arm bracer by "Arrackid"
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Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel
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- IMG_20171030_191442.jpg
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Cybernetic eye augmentation.
C'ree/Arcia, 3463
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Azmodius Equesinfernum
- Submission
- Azmodius Equesinfernum opted out of publishing his submission.
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Boss Ragnar Kul
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- IMG_1843.JPG
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Ocular Laser Implant used as a self defense implant for operatives of the Technocratic Guild.
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Moff Alethia Archenksova
- File submission
- IMG_20171021_160759304.jpg
- Textual submission
"Might I sugest agin, a skul-gun for my head. Yesterday in Batery Park, some scum we all know pushes smack for NSF gets jumpy and draws. I take 2 .22's, 1 in flesh, 1 in augs, befor I can get out that dam asalt gun.
If I could kil just by thought, it would be beter. Is it my job to be a human target-practis backstop?
Gunther Hermann"
Idea from Deus Ex, art by Archenksov. Now that's what I call teamwork.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Kaz Raith
- Submission
- Kaz Raith opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Aul Celsus
- File submission
- collective-cybernetic_-_aul_celsus.PNG
- Textual submission
Arm used from: https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2013/07/12/18/19/arm-153258_960_720.png
The rest made in Adobe Illustrator
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Tasha'Vel Versea
- File submission
- 20171024_134423-1.jpg
- Textual submission
This is the Myriadulla Implant created by the collective that is surgically implanted into the ear. It is used as one of their primary forms of communicating and sending encrypted information regarding plans, orders, troop movements, etc directly into their brains. Should the implant be forcibly removed from the host, it is set to explode within seconds of being removed.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Warlord Etah Obsidyn
- File submission
- GJW.jpg
- Textual submission
Created in Paint
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Colonel Len Iode
- Submission
- Colonel Len Iode opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
General Stres'tron'garmis
- Submission
- General Stres'tron'garmis opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement