- Member
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
- File submission
- 3714-maker.png
- Textual submission
Rath Oligard's Bryar Pistol
- Placement
- Member
Mako Henymory
- File submission
- _GJW_XII_Event_Long__Multimedia_-_The_Maker_-_transcript_.pdf
- Textual submission
-Video uploaded to Youtube at:
-PDF Transcript of voice over submitted via on site file upload
-Pewter lost wax casting of the MC80 Star Cruiser, the Solari
-Reference used for carving:
-Video made with Lightworks free video editing software, voice recording done with Windows voice recorder.
- Placement
- Member
Nikora Rhan
- Submission
- Nikora Rhan opted out of publishing her submission.
- Placement
- Member
Aylin Sajark
- File submission
- E299C595-C946-41D5-B1E3-558FC6DF5F40.jpeg
- Textual submission
The E11 sniper rifle, adjusted to fit the user better by having a custom stock. Scope is detached.
- Placement
- Member
Maximus Alvinius
- File submission
- DSC_0072.JPG
- Textual submission
The following image is a custom built replica by myself of the scene depicting the ancient ruins of Nancora in the area known as "The Badlands". A place filled with many ruins from the past.
- Placement
- Member
Aedile Tali Sroka
- File submission
- Tali_Sroka_The_Maker.zip
- Textual submission
I was going to make the Lekmaster 5000, but as I was rummaging through cubic feet of nostalgic plasti-bits, I happened upon some random parts which gave life to inspiration. So a scene was made. But it seems like quite a simple thing, so I felt I had to include the Lekmaster 5000 as well, which is to live on through the GJW XII as medical evacuation freighter and special forces insertion shuttle, among other things...
The scene (pictures 01-04) depicted is from the beginning of Chapter 5 - The End Game, wherein we see Lucine Vasano poisoning Lieutenants Kenson (shown here with his evil mustache) and Brent (looking all gunnery and such with her headset) with wine provided by none other than the infamous Rhylance, whom we can see peeking around the corner all Blue and emulating the infamous Grand-Admiral Thrawn (some creative license was taken in this regard), while a guard patrols beyond the wall, blissfully unaware of what is about to happen to the ship he is on...
In addition (picture 05), we see an extra detail which was no stated in the fiction, but was obviously present if one read between the lines. In that Rhylance had replaced the table's foot with a B1 battle droid which he could activate to assassinate the two officers in case Lucine failed to impress. As the good doctor said: “Can never be too careful.”
Lastly (pictures 06-10), because I had spent the better part of four hours scrounging parts and fitting and re-fitting the central superstructure, I present to you the Lekmaster 5000! Not because it holds any particular merit as such, but because I was happy to make it. :P
Seen both in egress ramp deployed and closed -modes.
- Placement
- Member
- File submission
- 20171118_174000.jpg
- Textual submission
Attached is a scene within the throne room. A polished black metal in which reflected the red lights that illuminated the room. A few tomes and scrolls are displayed by the walls. The scene is when Dark Prophet Cantor, Grand Mast Cotelin, Eminent Val Cole, Adept Evant Taelyan, Adept Montresor and Battlelord Dracaryis stood in a semicircle before the Grand Master on his throne awaking orders.
- Placement
- Member
Ranarr Kul-Tarentae
- File submission
- gjw_3d.jpg
- Placement
- Member
- File submission
- GJW_Maker.jpg
- Textual submission
This is a Technocratic speeder of my own design, complete with triple laser cannons, being driven by a heavily armored Technocrat Soldier.
- Placement
- Member
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
- File submission
- Grievance.jpg
- Textual submission
Grievance, the flagship of then-Fleet Admiral Rath Oligard.
- Placement
- Member
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
- File submission
- The_Maker_-_Sang_Entar.JPG
- Textual submission
Rath Oligard meeting and shooting the Jedi that was on the ship that crashed and killed his family.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Jafits Skrumm
- File submission
- ISD_wreckage.jpg
- Textual submission
The aftermath: Star Destroyer wreckage on planet Nancora
- Placement
No placement
- Member
General Daniel Stephens
- File submission
- MC80.zip
- Textual submission
It is supposed to be the SOlari. Didnt have time to let if harden and paint :(
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
- File submission
- DSC_0531.JPG
- Textual submission
CNS Venator Damnation that appears at the assault on the collective
- Placement
No placement
- Member
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
- File submission
- File_2017-11-19__23_39_11.jpeg
- Textual submission
Source for the hyperspace graphic - https://cdn.push-entertainment.com/HD/Hyperstars-3D-Screensaver.jpg
Model - Lego X-Wing UCS
Scene - Zoron preparing to exit hyperspace en route to battle.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Azmodius Equesinfernum
- File submission
- 6D21B519-A3FB-4CF4-9058-736DE4E1C134.jpeg
- Textual submission
RZ-1 A Wing flanking Hammerhead corvette
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Warlord Furios Morega di Plagia
- File submission
- 20171120_133756.jpg
- Textual submission
Scene of the Nox Echo (on the right) being destroyed by the Dreadnaught-class x60 Heavy Cruiser (on the left, piloted by Darth Vader to represent the antagonist) in Chapter 3 - War.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
- Submission
- Aurora "Aura" Ta'var opted out of publishing her submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Tasha'Vel Versea
- File submission
- 20171022_153314-1.jpg
- Textual submission
This is my 3D model of the "Shattered Legacy" a strike-class medium cruiser under the command of Clan Naga Sadow.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Ghost Rulvak Qurroc
- File submission
- 20171120_121138.jpg
- Placement
No placement
- Member
General Kell Palpatine Dante
- File submission
- output.jpg
- Textual submission
Dante talking to his troops!
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Tribune Kanal O'neill
- File submission
- lightsaber.jpg
- Textual submission
This was supposed to be the lightsaber used by one of the Dark Jedi or Gray Jedi in the story.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Master Bentre Stahoes
- File submission
- IMG_20171022_131822.jpg
- Textual submission
I created a cardboard "crafted" model of the Damnation, the Sadowan Venator that spear-headed the attack on the Collective Blockade in GJW Fiction.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Edgar Drachen
- File submission
- photo4940868770763745236.jpg
- Textual submission
Captain Chelsie "CC" Crimson vs Edgar "Egg" Drachen on a forest planet.
FYI - Egg design based off art created by Jasper Arlow #9933 please see any of my QUA reports for the source image but for ref here is my last report with the image https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/news/reports-hoth-qua-report-11-the-great-jedi-war-xii-edition
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Boss Ragnar Kul
- File submission
- IMG_1946.jpg
- Textual submission
Entering for participation. Grafted my character's Tie Defender under the belly of a Y-Wing (X-Wing Miniatures models) which was used in fiction to ferry the Tie Defender as a decoy/glider for my character's insertion to Nancora during this GJW. Thank you.
- Placement
No placement