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Maximus Alvinius
- File submission
- Max-ArmorEliteGJW.png
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Collective landspeeder equiped with biological agent dispenser against force users, propeller for speed, and even guns for defense. I used references from the original landspeeders and from the 1970s cars back in the day. The ground i utilized a picture for the texture. The links are below.
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Rian Taldrya
- File submission
- Armor_of_the_Elite_(Rian_Taldrya__10701).png
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Linearts used:
- https://wingzero-01-custom.deviantart.com/art/T-70BR-Reconnaissance-X-Wing-Fighter-Line-Art-618509538
- https://wingzero-01-custom.deviantart.com/art/T-70-X-wing-Space-Superiority-Fighter-Line-Art-559799055
- https://wingzero-01-custom.deviantart.com/art/BTL-B-Y-Wing-Fighter-Bomber-Unarmored-Line-Art-558278615
- https://wingzero-01-custom.deviantart.com/art/BTL-A4-Y-Wing-Fighter-Bomber-Full-Armor-Line-Art-545302787
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Mandalorian Malodin'Tater
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- New_Tank1.jpg
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Heres my entry for the Armor comp,
DBPin 3160
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Jael Valsi Chi'ra
- Submission
- Jael Valsi Chi'ra opted out of publishing his submission.
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Krath Adherent Edema R'uh-Kalinor
- File submission
- 284dc694-82a5-45a7-aff3-e4cb064f5701.png
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Havr 8 juggernaut: technocratic upgraded juggernaut. Upgraded drive train, armour and weapons package, spotter tower moved to more protected location.
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Nikora Rhan
- File submission
- All_Terrain_Fire_Support_Transport.jpg
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Visual inspiration/reference: https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Vax4KlGA4Dw/V5e-y3hKAeI/AAAAAAAAI40/L0OYuRTSD2kWng3YFaCjv38eZSHPUF7-wCLcB/s1600/eldar_sketchbook_06.jpg
Vehicle: All-Terrain Fire Support Transport
Height: 7 meters
Manufacturer: Collective Technocratic Guild
Owing much to the concepts devised by Rothana Heavy Engineering, the All-Terrain Fire Support Transport (AT-FT) serves as living proof of the Technocratic Guild’s ability to improve upon older designs. Born from the desire to reinforce the Collective’s military forces with mobile artillery platforms, engineers turned to long abandoned designs from the Clone Wars, eventually settling upon the All-Terrain Experimental Transport.
While intended primarily as a test bed for later vehicles, the AT-XT retained a number of benefits over the later All-Terrain Scout Transports which were used for this vehicle. Of note, the sealed cockpit design and dorsal mounted artillery pieces were both directly lifted from the original blueprints, as was the addition of a heavy anti-infantry cannon. Equally, several major complaints often levelled at the AT-ST were addressed, with more heavily armoured legs and superior “talons” to support its mass while on the move.
Unlike the walkers however, the AT-FT was built not to take the brunt of enemy attacks but to remain constantly on the move and harass foes. Capable of reaching top speeds of 140 km/h in offroad conditions, it could keep pace with most assault lines while readily serving as a “crisis unit” to reposition itself and counter enemy assaults. Several additional micro-thrusters allowed it to also jump over heavy terrain, with four forward-facing ion engines giving the pilot the ability to quickly pull back from an engagement. This made them remarkably effective in hit-and-fade assaults, with the added benefit of being able to perform low-orbit drops when supplied with disposable secondary thruster units.
The vehicle’s main armament was an enhanced version of the proton mortar utilised by its inspiration. While suffering from a slower rate of fire, it was capable of striking targets at up to fifteen kilometers and the pilot was capable of controlling its pulse type. This allowed it to fire both armour-penetrating “solid” shots of focused energy and broader explosive bursts against enemy footsoldiers. This was further supported by a light quad laser cannon, capable of laying down suppression fire and cutting through enemy troops. Both were made more effective by a state-of-the-art targeting sensor suite mounted in the vehicle’s nose-cone and six spotter missiles which could be used to relay and confirm enemy positions.
However, the AT-FT was far from flawless. Its single seat design allowed it to be piloted by an individual, but most crews were noted to suffer extreme fatigue from the stress of maintaining the vehicle for weeks at a time. A key part of this was down to both the complex control interface and a flawed suspension mechanism which, while perfect for the AT-ST, was not suited to the AT-FT’s metal fiber joint designs. The jump-jets for these vehicles were prone to overheating after a few rapid bursts, and often put great strain upon the engine if improperly monitored. Finally, the AT-FT was heavily reliant upon supporting units when engaged in close range firefights against vehicles. Unable to bring its canon to bare at knife-fighting ranges, even light enemy tanks were noted to outperform and quickly destroy AT-FT pilots if they were unable to immediately disengage from combat.
The process of improving the existing designs continues, and later Mk. II designs are already being devised. For the moment however, the AT-FT remains a favoured tool by Collective commanders for harassing enemy troops and supporting assaults.
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- Nancoran_Knights_Standard_Bearer.png
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Jafits Skrumm
- File submission
- Armor_of_the_elite_-_Speeder_bike___podrace_cockpit.jpg
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A combination of speeder bike + podrace cockpit, inspired from Germany motorcycle + sidecar in WW II era and vehicles from Mad Max series
The cockpit can be armed with a laser canon, a flamethrower or a harpoon gun, depends on the mission
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- 20171117_221623.jpg
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Warden Benn Nevis
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- Track-AT.jpg
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No placement
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Zeline Nemesis
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- Zeline Nemesis opted out of publishing her submission.
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No placement
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Vivackus Kavon di Plagia
- File submission
- Vehicle.png
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No placement
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Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia
- File submission
- 20171117_125151.jpg
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Attempt at a tank inspired by the Saber line.
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No placement
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Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
- File submission
- walker.jpg
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Uparmored heavy imperial walker with self transporting capacity.
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No placement
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General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
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- File_2017-11-20__00_11_09.jpeg
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Next big thing in starfighter production - recycling! Behold the majesty of this "ugly"
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No placement
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Terran Koul
- Submission
- Terran Koul opted out of publishing his submission.
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Qyreia Arronen
- File submission
- T-47M_Medevac_Airspeeder__QA14369.jpg
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T-47 Airspeeder: https://orig00.deviantart.net/ca3d/f/2015/192/0/7/t_47_airspeeder_line_art_by_wingzero_01_custom-d90ucd9.png
Medical emblem: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/File:Medical_emblem.svg
Parchment background: http://6iee.com/data/uploads/35/418147.jpg
Additional Stats: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/T-47_airspeeder/Legends
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No placement
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Teylas Ramar
- Submission
- Teylas Ramar opted out of publishing his submission.
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No placement
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Tribune Kanal O'neill
- File submission
- collectivexwing.png
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No placement
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Azmodius Equesinfernum
- File submission
- 9422D049-3A46-492D-A460-E687011BEB83.jpeg
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Feet equipped with hover capabilities and upgraded gyroscoping mechanism to combat force push/pull, increased range and speed of turrets to combat blaster deflection.
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No placement
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Ghost Edgar Drachen
- File submission
- GJW_P2_Armor.jpg
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based on an AT-TE
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No placement
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Alara Deathbane
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- Swimming_SHip.png
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This vehicle was actually a mining submarine used back in the day when Nancora *actually* had water on its surface. Since then, the Collective raided the Navy Corps, seared off the flippers on this bad boy, and rigged a tank pulley system to the bottom to get it to climb dirt. Now it serves underground to infiltrate camps and to dig where no Technocrat has dug before. (can you see the rust on the front? how about the dripping paint from humidity?)
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No placement
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Dr. Rhylance
- File submission
- 20171120_173411.jpg
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No placement
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Sage Enzo Dek
- File submission
- Nancor.png
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No placement
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Lu'aisha Gresee
- Submission
- Lu'aisha Gresee opted out of publishing her submission.
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No placement
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Tasha'Vel Versea
- File submission
- 20171120_113337-1.jpg
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No placement
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Kaz Raith
- Submission
- Kaz Raith opted out of publishing his submission.
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No placement
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Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna
- File submission
- 2017-11-20_17.59.17.jpg
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The assault Mech C-AM with a wider body/leg ratio for greater support against assaults/Force attacks. Also has several tanks of flame combustible fluids to spray at the enemy, vrooooom!
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No placement
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General Stres'tron'garmis
- File submission
- GJW2.png
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No placement
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Master Bentre Stahoes
- File submission
- atst_collective_14185_gimp.jpg
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the AC-SW, Armored Collective Spider Walker sports six missile launchers (three on each side of the "head" and an Electronic Warfare suite built into the head of this specialized walker. Eight legs protrude from a base which bears the modified walker's head. This grants the AC-SW greater stability to allow it to fire projectiles easily at enemy infantry or armor.
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No placement
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Colonel Len Iode
- File submission
- WP_20171120_14_15_12_Pro.jpg
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No placement
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Fist Uji Tameike
- File submission
- Graphics_Submission.png
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No placement
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Privateer Tyraal Bitshiver
- File submission
- image1_(2).jpeg
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The alterations were to
-- add a sidecar, and a flamethrower on said sidecar
-- increase the length of the vanes in the front
-- upgrade from a single blaster to a double blaster cannon on the bike itself
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No placement
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Ethan Martes
- File submission
- DJB_Armor_Elite.png
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No placement
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Councillor Turel Sorenn
- File submission
- Collective_AT-RT_variant.png
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Modified AT-RT -
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No placement
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Aul Celsus
- File submission
- 1511028359204.jpg
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No placement
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Jorm (The Jester) Na'trej
- File submission
- Grand_Zlam.jpg
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A quick and exceptionally dirty upgrade to the Imperial 74z speeder bike, the Grand Zlam overclocks the engines to carry a single capital-grade proton torpedo into battle. Its preferred enemies are heavy vehicles, massed infantry, and bases. Should the pilot survive the warhead's use, he may continue to use the bike like a normal 74z with even more speed and less brakes.
Photo manipulation.
Original pictures:
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No placement
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- Submission
- Aaleeshah opted out of publishing her submission.
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No placement
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- File submission
- T-22_Double_Decker_Tank.png
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Warlord Furios Morega di Plagia
- File submission
- Zac_Sketch.pdf
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Modified AT-AT with tank tracks for mobility and a hydraulic suspension system in the legs, 24 troop deployment pods underneath, deploying 6 at a time on each side. The former troop carrier was fitted with additional cannons on the top/sides and a 4 speeder vehicle bay on the back.
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No placement
- Member
- File submission
- Improved_AT-AT.png
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Photo-manipulation Sources:
AT-AT: [link](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/8/80/MP-ATAT.png/revision/latest?cb=20140412215825)
Tank Treads: [link](https://www.auroragraphics.net/gallery/thumbnail_large_online/6b866f2d-9767-6a58-3d32-4bd1eee59a4a.png)
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No placement
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- sketch1511217168388.png
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I'm so sorry
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No placement
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Kul'tak Drol
- File submission
- C868A0EA-D5EC-483D-8021-4F84D08C0AD1.jpeg
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Kul’tak Drol #13819
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No placement
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General Daniel Stephens
- File submission
- 20171120_162252.jpg
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Modification is a railgun launcher slung under the belly of the ship. Gun can shoot a multi-ton object at up to 20 percent lightspeed at target. Used to annihilate targets on planets. Shot temporarily drains the onboard reactor causing ship to lose engine power for a time depending on the energy used to shoot.
Ship image was traced from: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Strike-class_medium_cruiser?file=StrikeCruiser1.jpg
I added in the weapon and Collective insignia to the aft of the ship and the railgun launcher.
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No placement
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Evelynn Wyrm
- File submission
- behicleGJW.png
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No placement
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Torin Ardell
- File submission
- Combat_Sandcrawler.jpg
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No placement
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Aedile Tali Sroka
- File submission
- Eradicator.jpg
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No placement
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Boss Ragnar Kul
- File submission
- IMG_1888.jpg
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No placement
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Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
- File submission
- WalkerModGJW.png
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No placement
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Ghost Rulvak Qurroc
- File submission
- Armor_of_the_Elite.png
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No placement
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Darth Renatus
- File submission
- 11708-AtraVentus-Armor_of_the_Elite.png
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This is a modification of the C-AM units for the Collective, based on the All Terrain Missile Platforms.
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No placement