Competition: Porgs are my favorite people.

Porgs are my favorite people.

Write a personality aspect for a porg, loth-cat, or other creature from the Star Wars Universe. The aspect must be at least 2 sentences in length, and no longer than 150 words.

Include in the submission a name of the aspect, the text of the aspect, and optionally what creature the aspect is written for. Any format is acceptable as long as I can find a way to open it on my computer and review the content.

Grading will be done based on an equal combination of Star Wars Universe fit, possessions system fit, and personal preference by the competition organizer.

Competition Information
Organized by
Lord Nevan Taelyan
Running time
2017-12-15 until 2018-01-05 (22 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
First Level Crescents
32 subscribers, of which 16 have participated.
1st place
Textual submission

If I Fits, I Sits

This animal has a special propensity for finding the smallest of holes and sitting inside of them. When presented with a box, vase, bucket, or any other container they will almost immediately begin attempting to insert themselves inside of it. This creature has a worrying tendency to turn up in the strangest and most obscure places in pursuit of this obsession, and can sometimes become trapped if they get into a place they cannot get out of.

1st place
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
Textual submission

Creature: Akul.
Name of aspect: Bonded Loyalty, Friendship Is Conditional.
Aspect text: Being mostly a loner, {{gender:he,she}} is still loyal to a 'T' to {{Insert Member name}}, whom {{Creatures name}} bonded with while young. While the Akul is very protective of {{Insert Member name}} through their bond, other people are looked at as threats, unless {{Insert Member name}} says otherwise.

2nd place
Mandalorian Dral Falgorth
File submission
3rd place
General Stres'tron'garmis
General Stres'tron'garmis opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Ranarr Kul-Tarentae
Textual submission

Porg Aspect

I'm an addict!

{{member}} loves company and will get highly attached to others. Once {{member}} found a connection to someone else, {{gender:he,she}} will rarely leave the side of that new made companion. This can lead to amazing partnership or, in bad cases, to great annoyance.

No placement
Zel Koo
Textual submission


"You Scream, I Scream, We All Scream For Ice Cream"

Johnny the Porg is a very excitable creature. Often times, he gets so excited that he flaps his hands up and down and screams with giddiness, no matter the situation. Because of this, many people do not like bringing Johnny to secret covert missions, but routinely enjoy bringing him to social gatherings.

No placement
Textual submission

Porg aspect:
"At All Costs"

Other members will strangely compelled to protect [[porg]] at all costs. This will increase unit cohesion and [[porg]]'s survivability, but often catalyze irresponsable risks that put the party in danger.

No placement
A deleted dossier
Textual submission

Creature: Porg
Aspect name: The Shrill of Foresight

The cuddly, sea-faring avian species native to the planet of Ahch-To are known for their distinct, high pitched calls. Due to their roosting and nesting nature, Porgs evolved to become highly aware of their surroundings to such a degree that they are able to detect danger moments before all other sentient creatures by instinct alone. This detection manifests itself as multiple, high-pitched calls coupled with a distinct unfurling of their wings into a stiff, horizontal position and widened eyes. While this call will signal that the Porgs have detected danger, only those educated to understand beasts or with a high *Perception* will notice and benefit from their warnings. Those less susceptible to the Porgs wide-eyed cuteness may disregard the shrill, and for them and the Porg in question, it may already be too late.

No placement
Erik Cato
Textual submission


Upon entering this world, this oorg has designated one of your characters as its assumed mother. It will follow that character around relentlessly and won't gain it's independence until reaching young adulthood.

No placement
Textual submission

I Find Your Lack of Joy, Concerning

{{porg}} has a singular purpose in life, to quite literally enrage people whose souls have long ago died
and can no longer find happiness in life from things that are cute, cuddly or just plain adorable. When
{{porg}} encounters this type of being {{gender:he,she}} uses their own innate cuteness to identify and
subsequently torment these individual even at the risk of inducing insanity. This behavior can be very
risky to {{porg}} as some of these individuals are so dead inside they may attempt to cook and consume
{{porg}} instead of just allowing themselves to enjoy something fun for once.

No placement
Seer Xolarin
Textual submission

Porg Rage

{{item_name}} can become emboldened under duress with an encouraging scream reminiscent of Wookiees or other wild creatures. {{owner}} is in turn encouraged and gains strength and endurance, while foes and allies alike are perturbed and distracted.

No placement
Reaver Tra'an Reith di Plagia
Textual submission

Unfortunate Comedian: The porg is subject to unexpected bad luck, at the worst possible time. If there's a turn it doesn't see coming, it will go *splat* on a windshield, or it will get thrown against a bulkhead. No matter what, bad luck for the porg is hilarity for all others nearby.

No placement
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
Textual submission

Porg Life

Some porgs get fancy cages with plush nests. Some get threatened with the chopping block. When faced with death, a porg has a choice. Fight for their freedom or go quietly. This porg chose the former, running away from the knife and braving the cruel world of reality. As a result, this porg has become fiercely protective of its turf and will fight porg or beast (humanoid) to defend what's rightfully theirs, even if it requires deadly force. In addition, this porg is often found with a cadre of followers, who worship said porg for protection. This porg's harsh view of life can negatively impact their followers but it's a porg life and nobody loves them.

No placement
Ruyn Myr
Textual submission

Aspect Name: Cute but Furocious
Creature Aspect is written for: Porg
Aspect Description: [Character name] may look cute and cuddly but don't back [him/her] into a corner or you might regret it. [Character name] tends to use [his/her] cuteness as a lure to draw in the enemy before striking.

No placement
Minister Cor-Hatha Vow
Textual submission

Enlightened Fool

Impish and shrill, {name} is a consummate jester and entertainer. Likes others of his species, {name} snacks on character flaws and stray food morsels alike, employing the sophisticated sense of humor Kowakian monkey-lizards are known for. Shrewd and seemingly beneath contempt, {name} finds refuge in satire and sarcasm, held aloft in even the darkest circumstances by the laughter of an audience. As long as the galaxy remains a refuge for scum and villainy, there will be jokes to be told and cuisine to be enjoyed. {Name} does not expect to go hungry.

No placement
Boss Ragnar Kul
Textual submission

Aspect: Limited Flight
Species: Porg
Text: The Porg species small vestigal wing-arms are not very conducive to flight. This adaptation evolving out of the species after eons of existence on the rocky islands of Ach-Too. However, some limited flight is still capable over very short distances and only slightly lift a few feet off the ground.

No placement
Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter
Textual submission

For an anooba
"You are pack"
(Insert name of anooba companion) is strongest when they are in a pack, and will fight to protect companion(s) that they trust and see as packmates. Loyal to a fault, they will stay by their companion's side through thick and thin, only forsaking their pack bond in death. When it comes to fulfilling an objective, they will work together with their companion to accomplish it.

No placement