Title: " ", Directed by Quentin Tarantino
Type of Film: Neo-noir, black comedy
Casting Suggestions:
1. Darth Pravus - Samuel L. Jackson
2. Mav - John Travolta
3. Rath Oligard - Josh Brolin
4. Drac - Bruce Willis
5. Marick Tyris - Christian Bale
6. Selika Roh - Marion Cotillard
7. Daggo Mouk - Toby Jones
Description: In a galaxy far, far away, the lives of two Sith Lords and a Gray Jedi intertwine in numerous tales of violence and vengeance around a dinner table on Nancora. Pravus (Samuel L. Jackson), with his sidekick Mav (John Travolta) in tow, are interrupted during a planned meeting with the ominous Marick Tyris (Christian Bale). The odd Sith duo must face off against the mysterious and unyielding Collective, lead by the relentless Rath Oligard (Josh Brolin), who wants nothing more than to destroy Pravus and his kin. What began as a simple lunch becomes a race against time, as Pravus and Mav attempt to make contact with Dracaryis (Bruce Willis) and his ally, Selika Roh (Marion Cotillard), before their lives - and the lives of the entire Brotherhood - are cut short like their own meal.
PravusPoints: a Cryptocurrency tied to the success or failure of the film. An easy sell, of course, if you can sell the film. The key is to invest in it ourselves before it's released so we make the most profit. That's how it works, right?
My Size Mav: A Barbie-esque doll featuring Mav, comes complete with a fully activated lightsaber and force powers. Hint: it's actually just Mav cloned into miniature form and inserted with a control chip.
LegoGJWXII, Battle of Nancora: A massive planet and lego set depicting the land and space battles. Perfect for kids 0 - 300.