Competition: Meditation



Meditation can be used in a variety of ways. Some people meditate quietly, while others use it as a tool through combat focus, and many other things. Write a story about how your character does this, what they focus on, and what areas is your character seeking to help themselves in. Meditation is a tool that can help save many in times of need and struggle. So let’s hear your best story!

How to submit

Write a fiction at least 500 words in length. No maximum. Including a list of songs used at the end of your fiction that go with the story is preferred, but not required. The music is preferred to go with your fiction as I'm reading it, but any music is acceptable. Preferred submission format is pdf, word documents, and submitting in the text box is acceptable too. Anything in a GoogleDoc must be exported as a pdf for submission.

How it will be graded

Grading will be based on the Fiction Rubric.

Competition Information
Organized by
Maximus Alvinius, Zeline Nemesis
Running time
2017-12-12 until 2017-12-29 (18 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
20 subscribers, of which 9 have participated.
Boss Ragnar Kul
File submission
1st place
2nd place
Creon Neverse
Creon Neverse
File submission
Textual submission

Google Docs Link:

Alternative Textual Submission is as follows:


It is the gateway to one’s inner self, the Force, and also higher planes. Such simple in appearance, yet so complex in it’s hidden workings. The potential benefits goes without saying, both in embracing the light, and mastering the dark.


Practicing daily, for five minutes at a time if need be, but it must be done everyday when possible. Timing is also an important factor in daily practice, often before bed, or even immediately after. Immediately after rest is often preferred, so that fatigue will not impede focus. Once a habit is made, however, of daily routine, it is when the increased time spent under meditation should occur. From the minimum of five minutes to perhaps ten, and onward till you find yourself lost for hours at a time when it is available. However, after spending much time developing the inner techniques and focus to expedite the steps necessary in meditation, often times the lost hours becomes minutes once again. The mind is a muscle, and possesses the capabilities of muscle memory just as the body does. When exposed to a routine, even in meditation, it can efficiently repeat the steps, allowing the practitioner to delve into a deeper mastery in a shorter period.

Along with time, space too follows the same procedure. Areticus often would conceal himself in complete darkness, silence, and solitude. Little things, such as a small light, footsteps, or sensing others would cause a distraction that would only lead to a frustrating end. These mundane and semantic distractions however, fade both in daily routine and alternative available circumstances. When one develops the mental muscle memory, distractions fade, and one could eventually achieve the same results in any location. Often times practitioners would test this discipline with attempts of meditation under a cold waterfall, near a dangerous ledge, or with the howling wind of a raging storm.

Although all one needs is the self, there is one object that has made Areticus’ initial practice more efficient. It was difficult to obtain, but upon acquiring a singing bowl made of seven distinct metals, he would utilize the vibrational frequency it resonated. This frequency was met with the frequency of his mind causing a sync meditative state. He has no use for them now, but will often play them for students in need it’s aid.

Last but most certainly not least is poise. Often the cross-legged, back straightened, with hands gesture accordingly is the preferred position instructed by masters. Areticus abided by this at first, but learned, just as it is with timing and spacing, that these are but aids for the beginning adept. He has often done so by simply resting his eyes in a chair, or lying down. He has heard of the great elders achieving meditative states during motion in conscious activity, with some in more extreme circumstances as combat. As extravagant as that would be, Areticus remained skeptic to its validity. For now, he selects his posture given the circumstances he finds himself in, always preferred with the seated posture that was initially instructed. Although unecessary, it is a display that is familiar, and sends incomers a message as to not disturb him.


First Areticus begins relaxes his body. If need be, the aid of a calming bath or changing into a more comfortable attire allows for easier relaxation. The entirety of his body needs to achieve a heavy state of relaxed, however this cannot be done all at once. There is a seven step process, beginning from the bottom and up, that he must perform before his meditative trance can be achieved. Often times a slight itch, chill, or ache from the body can damper the mind. This relaxation instigation minimizes the distractions of the physical body and allows the mind to begin it’s trance.

He begins focusing on the base of his spine, the root of instinct in his body, until it is still and stable. Next he moves along to just below the naval, where sacral and hormonal functions are depressed. He then moves to make his stomach, just above the naval, still and null. This is where he can alleviate the distractions from his stomach, be it for wanting of food or unsettled from too much. Afterwards he moves to a more complicated center, the heart. He focuses on relaxing in this area in two fronts, both in the cardiovascular system by becoming mindful of his breathing, and sorting out any current emotional duress that may impede him. Once the heart is at peace, the throat, which governs his physical self expressionary tone and communication is relaxed. One of the most important aspects of the body is the mind, especially to an academic as Areticus. From the throat he moves to the center of his forehead, which puts the mind into a waving trance. He goes beyond more than emptying his thoughts, but rather hypnotizing himself in memory, cognitive function, and focus. The final step, is to relax his connection to the Force. There is no certain body position that is a conduit, for the Force resides and penetrated through the body. It is taught however, to allow the crown just above the head to represent the Force connection symbolically. Once all has achieved the relaxation instigation, the meditative paths open it’s way to Areticus.

Inner Self

Through the path of the Inner Self, Areticus becomes self aware of himself physically, mentally, and spiritually. He reviews over the different areas and aspects of himself, which of his seven aspects is out of balance, or perhaps consciously increasing one or decreasing the other. These seven aspects are given many names, the nomenclature adopted by Areticus and his instructor however is “Chakras”. This technique takes practice even after the self training it took to get here, it allows for manipulation of his whole being. Perhaps, given his circumstances, he would decrease his acclamation for charismatic communication and working with others, as he relaxed from the throat, by refocusing the inner self from there to understanding and ingesting new experiences, represented physically when relaxing his stomach. Another example to be to alter his affinity with his emotions, and recenter on the ability to use the force; from the heart to the crown; a Jedi technique. Or perhaps, in order to find himself versatile and at peace with himself, a balancing of all aspects takes place. It is this path of the inner self through meditation that Areticus can decide who he wants to be.

The Force

Through path of the Force, Areticus attains adherence to both the Living Force and the Unifying Force. This practice is the most taught and common of force users. When tapping into the Living Force, Areticus becomes mindful of force reliant consciousness. All beings that the Force moves through, both living and dead. When tapping into the Unifying Force, each time Areticus would find himself lost in the grand metaphysical connection that hinges all of reality together. It is read that visions of the past and future can be obtained through attunement in the Unifying Force, a feat Areticus hopes to achieve. It is through this path of meditation that Areticus becomes more familiar with the Force.

Higher Planes

It is said, through rare holocrons and ancient tomes, that there is a meditative practice which allows one to separate the consciousness from the body and roam in a plane beyond the physical. Validation of this plane’s existence is put into question by those who have heard of it, with the only evidence revealed through experience of practitioners. This requires an adjustment of a very particular frequency when relaxing the mind. This frequency will make the body cold, swing energies throughout all seven aspects, and create a violent and radical vibrational sensation. Once you swallow that fear, and let yourself go to the vibrational sensations, it is said that the consciousness drifts away in a shell befitting the plane that overlaps it, and reveals to one an expansive universe with much more to learn. It is through this path of meditation that Areticus attempts to explore what possibilities lie beyond.


In the wake of one’s journey through meditation, reflection is a vital part in progression. Although Areticus favors his sharp memory, taking record of his experiences and lessons learned from them safeguards those lessons for later review. Often times if he thinks one meditative experience was identical to another he had before in the past, he would find the recorded archive and include it in his reflection in order to avoid repeating the same mistakes going forward. In addition, seeking guidance through his experiences from more experiences practitioners and masters offer insight and wisdom to better himself when exercising meditation. If perhaps a problem cannot be solved through self reflection, a guide in either the physical, and sometimes in a Higher Plane, can illuminate the issue from experiences of their own. It is because of this that Areticus reminds himself to be humble in the presence of those who possess more experience, and absorb as much knowledge as he can from their judgement and teachings.


Preparation: Mercy in Darkness by Two Steps From Hell

Instigation: 7 Chakras Magical Chants by Meditative Mind (Choose Any)

Inner Self: Release My Heart by Ivan Torrent

The Force: The Force Theme by John Williams

Higher Planes: Dawn of Discovery by Brand X Music

Reflection: Sorcerer’s Secret by Brand X Music

2nd place
3rd place
Zel Koo
Zel Koo
Textual submission

The sound of a waterfall glistened in the ears of Sariel, the raging water cascading over rocks and providing a cooling mist. The human’s muscles ached from his morning exercises, his daily ritual of practicing kata and weapons forms always doing the trick to awaken his mind with a tempest of thoughts and feelings. He sat in a lotus position, the coolness of the moss covered rock he sat upon providing him a small degree of comfort from his sweat covered clothing.
He breathed in deeply, closing his eyes as his mind wandered through the rapid fire of images and memories. He allowed each one to play out, embracing both the positivity and negativity that came from each. The music made by the natural beauty that surrounded Sariel allowed him to further grasp these experiences, working through the emotions that came from them and scrubbing their hold on his conscious thought away. It would not be long, however, until the memory that refused to leave would surface and Sariel could feel the anxiety in his chest swell at the fear of experiencing it once more.
In his mind, he saw the orange hue of flames in the darkness. He smelled the soot and ash of his monastery burning, the scent of charred flesh stinging his nostrils as he heard the crying and screams of those he was meant to protect. He felt the ache of his failure as he witnessed his Grand Master struck down by a man in black, the ringing of the vile beast’s cackle stinging the human. His home laid waste, his brethren butchered and slain, and the feeling of hopelessness attacked his heart and mind in a horrid offensive.
His eyes burst open as the image of the beast entered his view. A monster in the guise of a man, blood stained skin coupled with a horrible visage of a face roared in his mind. A single tear rolled down his cheek as he closed his eyes once more, refusing to fail again at his mental exercise. He focused harder, trying his best to control the memory in his mind as if it were a lucid dream. In his memory, he saw himself look down at his hands and see the weapon that he could not find that day. It was a long ebony staff, the special carvings and carefully wrapped linen seeming to smile as he held the trusted friend in his hand. He forced himself to approach the beast, destroying the memory in his mind and creating a new experience. He was younger then, when fear and anger still held him back from action. He could not change yesterday, but he could make it so that the tragedy of his past no longer held sway over his future.
“Oh, another notch for my belt.” said the Umbaran, his hand holding a black leather sash that was mangled and mutilated by tally marks.
Sariel ignored his taunt, instead gathering his inner strength and energy in preparation for the battle. A crimson blade came from the beast, his cackling renewed with vigor at the sight of his weapon. The human gave no reaction, staying his position and readying himself for the Umbaran to strike. Like a creature uncaged, the black clad warrior lunged at Sariel with his saber in a downward strike. Sariel rolled forward, past his opponent, and placed three strikes against his enemy. One blow landed behind the knee, forcing his opponent to stagger, the other two strikes landing on one side of his body and the other side of his head. The Sith howled, immediately turning around and striking wildly. A thrust burst forth, another lunge, another downward strike. Excitement roared in Sariel’s mind, the path his new memory was forging far better than any previous attempt. Sariel counterattacked, his quarterstaff sending a flurry of strikes in various spots. Like a whirlwind, Sariel came down upon his enemy and made multiple strikes against him. Each hit, however, only caused laughter to come from his enemy. It unnerved the human just enough to provide a window for the beast.
As Sariel attempted another strike, the Umbaran used his darkness to summon a telekinetic thrust against the human which sent him spiraling backward. His hands released his quarterstaff and sent it flying. When he landed, his head hit the rubble of a building that sent shockwaves of pain throughout the Odanite’s body, dazing him just long enough for his opponent to stand above him and smile. It was then that Sariel saw the true face of the creature, a beast with no lips, nose, or ears staring at him with murderous glee.
“Not this time, boy.” said the beast, readying his saber to plunge it into Sariel’s heart. As it came down, darkness covered the memory in the man’s mind which forced his eyes to open and bring him back to the present. Once more, the human failed to banish the last bastion of memory that harbored the emotions he worked so hard to suppress. The beast lived by a code of death, destruction, and chaos, and Sariel knew that only through life, meditation, and serenity could he hope to change the hold the creature had on him.

3rd place
Ethan Martes
File submission
Textual submission

526 words

No placement
Ondur Lkaetur
Textual submission

The song 'Turbo Killer' by Carpenter Brut, found here officially on their channel. It reflects the wild shift between feel power and triumphant. Even the doubt and worry the moment he thinks, or discovers, his opponent in whatever battle.. could possibly kill or capture Ondur. I hope i understood and followed correctly.

Ondur's been standing in one spot staring at a projection of his home planet for twelve hours. This is not out of desperation. Though he would enjoy a visit for the first time in a long while. It is his main form of meditation lately. The lessons of struggle and backstabbing, the bond of those few you trust until you toss them away. Those are channeled inside Ondur for everything. Especially meditation and focusing on Number One, himself. Nerve shredding moments where indecision would give your killer, your opponent, your enemy of whatever total victory.

Deep inside he misses the constant darkness and connection to the Dark Side itself there. The chance to be alone with IT, the very power in and around him. Ondur is going to return and Force a lot of relaxation on the petty squabbling idiots. Those with the Force can join him and the Brotherhood or they become one with it.

So here he stands, standing being a position of power. He reminds himself that his strength is a nit and some lice compared to others..

But it is his own. Perhaps he could take a planet all his own, and reshape it in the image of Umbara. Only better, more beautiful, with a Ruling class.. Just him of course. No war even! Except the thrashing inside his heart and soul. This was usually part of the routine, the piece of the plan where he sits and deactivates all light source. Of course he can see fine, well, fine compared to a blind human fumbling around. Then there is to come his favorite meditation.

Here now, is the beautiful practice he called: Go in your head and spread the darkness. Even smear the damn power all over the place. Remembering what his failings were and imagine triumphant laughter. his or is it the Dark Side itself that had been laughing each time he set this stuff in motion? Bringing to life the days where he was weak in the Force but still had to beat the life out of children, rival children, and sometimes it fully involved beating out their life entirely.

As he trained away from the Dark Brotherhood, there were time he had to hunt down fools. He had to chase and kill escapees. Sometime slaves and other times other Force users. The focus always grew strongest when he thinks about the many times he feigned that he would let them go. The surprise that blew out their face when he demonstrated that he had lied; That was fun. It wasn't cruel. It was Umbara.

Then he would like to focus on the family. Not his. But those that had many come and trained. They varied with power in society. They often varied highly with their access to the Force. Testing his manipulation and how he envisioned the fates of his cohort. He especially enjoyed bringing a younger student to hunt the rogue escapees. It taught them what happened if you try. And sometime he saw weakness in his little helper and chose to report of the tragic loss of such potential, especially if the students he executed were friends or family to his rivals. Ondur did have a petty streak. At least more than now. Of course he wasn't a wanton psychopath. Ondur was trained by the Academy's own Krypteia. Weed out the Weak, There Go The Paperwork Left For The Weak. It was their creed. It was his tool.

His meditations focused on the heart pumping, muscle aching, triumph over someone or something that was in your way. Accident or no, it was the end of that.

No placement
Erik Cato
File submission
No placement
Raider Jon Silvon
Textual submission

Arron stalked silently through the trees and grass, carefully so not to spook the woodland creature before him. This new planet had an abundance of fresh and unfamiliar wildlife; a perfect hunting ground. Seraph was an unfamiliar planet to the Dark Jedi, but it was where Scholae Palatinae had chosen to make their new home. He needed to get acquainted.

He burst from the coverings, his claws flashing out, one set bone, one set metal. Green eyes flashed sulfurous yellow.

And the forest life would need to get acquainted to him.

Cathar was a wild planet, and its people were hunters of that wilderness. Hunting was in Arron’s blood, in his soul. And through his soul, he connected with The Dark Side.

It had been a hard lesson, long in learning, and cruel in living. It wasn’t until he had come to Antei, and learned of the Dark Side, that the scattered pieces fell into place. The universe was wild, and all in it, were the predator, or the prey.

The animal bleated and screamed, thrashed about, but Arron was relentless. He had let go of thought, let go of reason, and embraced the Hunt. He was predator, it was prey; this was the way of things, the Dark Side itself was proof of this.

The creature, a thing with black fur and five twisting horns, finally fell silent, and the woods fell quiet once more. It didn’t last long; a howl broke the night, and Arron could sense them coming in the Force.

A group of three broke into the clearing where Arron stood over his prey, large and bear-like, with vaguely humanoid forelimbs. The lead one, bigger than the others, and with a nasty scar across its face, stepped forward. The Alpha. And Arron was in its territory. That could not go unpunished.

The creature charged, bellowing in rage. Arron didn’t bother returning the gesture. He crouched low, waiting for just the right-NOW!

Arron leapt into the air, the Force granting him altitude no mundane body could reach, and landed on the monster’s back. Before it could react, Arron sent a stream of lightning into it’s body, and listened as the creature shrieked-


Arron blinked his eyes open to see his Battle Team leader Callindra waving her hand in front of his face.

“C’mon, eyes open Arron, we’re landing in ten.”
“Right,” Arron said, the memory of the hunt a week prior receding in his mind. “I’ll be ready.”

That seemed to satisfy the Sith Lady, and she went to check with the other members of the Battle Team.

Arron stood to stretch, and caught his reflection in to metal of the ship. The bright yellow of his eyes was slowly fading back into its natural green, but flecks of yellow seemed to linger. That had been happening more and more lately, he knew.

As the ship landed, and the Team gathered to disembark for their mission, Arron allowed his thoughts to return to that hunt once more. It had been good, but the memory had begun to grow a bit...stale. He’d need to hunt again soon, after this mission preferably, to make fresh memories to meditate on. Perhaps see some of the other wildlife of Seraph…

The way of the Dark Side was the way of passion, and while many Sith and Dark Jedi chose to meditate on their rage, their hate, or even their lusts, he communed with the Dark Side through the thrill of hunting. Cathar were hunters, and in this way, he knew he’d surpassed the most legendary of his ancestor’s numbers.

The bay doors opened, and a humid wave of air, accompanied by the sounds of strange birds and beast heralded the sight of a lush jungle. Arron smirked. Or perhaps he’d get to hunt again sooner than he thought.

No placement
Zeline Nemesis
Textual submission

Meditation: THOUGHTS BROKEN, that’s the only thing that came into her mind…But how? “Jedi are not suppose to be like that” a voice inside of her said.. Why??? Oh,she definitely knew why….And that’s when tears filled her brown eyes..She couldn’t hold it anymore,Zeline covered her eyes,sat down because she had no strength and started crying…If anybody could see her right now,they would think she was mourning a beloved one…But that wasn’t far from her reality..At a later time when her eyes turned red because of crying she thought: Meditation is that the medication?
Zeline Nemesis was a Jedi,she had to reorganize herself and exceed that situation.For her,meditation works only if she closes her eyes ,takes a deep breath and rub her belly,she was pregnant at the time and it should be kept as a secret from everyone including the Force. Zeline had to focus on her thoughts but that was what scared her the most,because by thinking and clearing her mind even if she could realize the situation better,the bad facts still were remaining facts.Although she could analyze them,step by step try to understand why is this happening and what to expect,so when the final result would come,to be able to deal with it.Her thoughts wouldn’t leave her alone not even for a minute. Zeline Nemesis wanted to scream to stop it but she couldn’t..Only choice she had,was to focus on the future.Hope guides her,this is what its takes her through the day and especially the night..With meditation everyone can understand itself better..First she tried not to think of anything, then she organized her thoughts according to the time that everything happened and by pretending she was someone else not related to the situation she tried to solve it,so she would be objective…If not anything could be solved,she would try to focus on the AFTER time…BUT so many questions with no answers from the person she cared about,no way to reach him,his absence made it seem like he didn’t exist in real life,even if she was sleeping and waking up with him on her mind..Therefore,even if she had the willing to solve the situation or find out the truth,how would she solve the problem if the answers weren’t possible to come from her but only from him?At that moment she reminded to herself that everything has to do with balance in meditation,embrace the good emotions but not go that deep into feelings and lose control… While doing meditation at the same time you are letting yourself free,you control everything that has to do with evil bad and negativity and try to stick with the Jedi Code … “Never leave the light path” a friend said in the past but Zeline Nemesis already knew that falling in LOVE for a Jedi is a dangerous trap.. And that has to do not only with emotions you can’t control but with the fear of being betrayed by the person you love and become literally broken,that can turn you into the evil path..It wasn’t a secret anymore she struggled,she suffered, she felt betrayed, that was more than she could ever handle.When he disappeared everything happened so fast for no apparent reason and the explanation she received after pursuing it,didn’t match with the facts she had seen… Yes,meditation may helps when she tried to cope with the situation but in the area that she suffered only that person could actually save her by telling her the truth…Waiting endless days,counted every minute,every second but meditation didn’t really help her because the facts and her reality were harsh .She didn’t want to be betrayed,who does? She didn’t want to live in a lie or hear lies again..The baby inside her belly kicked her again,that made her come back to reality and deal with the struggle for her lost love or waiting to find out if her beloved one was actually being captive..? Meditation: Does it really help or we make ourselves believe that it helps,until the situation is being solved on it’s own,so we won’t have any more thoughts to analyze..? But a fact for real: In meditation beautiful things will happen if you distance yourself from negativity .Inside her mind all these occurred in silence…Besides meditation has to do in some type of way with SILENCE!!! P.S I don't know how to upload a music video from youtube so it's: How far i'll go-Moana!! But the lyrics define me and i love the music too♡♡♡ "so come find me and let me know what's beyond that one knows How far it goes.."

No placement
Aedile Tali Sroka
File submission
No placement