Details: Create an amusing account of an incident at the annual Taldryan Halloween Ball. Perhaps an amusing costume malfunction (Ala Janet Jackson's Superbowl Nipple Slip) during the Taldryan Best Costume Awards. Perhaps an intoxicated member making a pass at the Consul.
Fiction All submissions shall consist of no less than 1 page of text, 12 point, in a standard font (Times New Roman, Arial, and the like are acceptable). Submissions MUST be in either .rtf or .txt.
Poetry Submissions shall consist of no fewer than 12 stanzas using a standard rhyme scheme (A-B-A-B, A-A-B-B, and so forth) Submissions MUST be in either .rtf or .txt.
Graphics Submissions shall be in either .jpg or .gif format. A cheap stick figure sketch is allowed (And sometimes highly encouraged). Vulgarity is appreciated, but not required.
Awards: Third Level Crescents, plus first place entries will all be posted on so everyone can view them.
Submissions: Send your submissions via email with the proper file type attached to Ziggy - [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and CC Shadow [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Deadline: All submissions must be in no later than November 4th, 2005 Midnight PST.
Nobody has participated in this competition.