The objective of this competition is to complete the highest level Duo Greater Rift in Diablo 3. This competition is for Seasonal Characters (Normal or Hardcore) only, it will conclude when the Season ends.
You must pair up with another member of the DJB to complete the Rift. Solo entries will not be eligible.
If you are not a member of the DJB Clan in Diablo 3 you need to do two things. First, complete an entry to this competition stating your ID. Second, make sure you have the competition organizer in your Friends list in Diablo 3.
You must submit a valid screenshot of completion (based on the right of combat and valid entries on the [wikipedia). The highest level rift completed by a duo will win (ties broken by time to complete the Rift).
This event will conclude at the end of Season 12.
1st place
Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel
1st place
Ghost Rulvak Qurroc
2nd place
Jael Valsi Chi'ra
3rd place
3rd place
Master Alaris Jinn