Competition: Friend or Foe

Friend or Foe

Upon entering the system, Tython Squadron is attacked by unknown fighter craft. Heavily outnumbered, they are in for a hard fight.

Nighthawk is in the same area, scanning down the location to find the hostiles that had invaded Arcona space. Seeing Tython Squadron under fire, they decide to engage the mutual enemy.

Describe the battle against the enemy foe, to include how Nighthawk reaches out to Tython Squadron and the reaction within Tython Squadron to the help and any associated fall-out between the Clans.

In a fiction of 500 words minimum, no maximum, describe the prompt. Grading will be based on the Voice Fiction Rubric, creativity, and cohesion with the greater event story line.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Rendezvous of Destiny
Organized by
Boss Ragnar Kul, Constantine
Running time
2018-01-31 until 2018-02-08 (9 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Fifth Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
13 subscribers, of which 3 have participated.
Neza-Rem Zarabi
File submission
1st place
2nd place
Ethan Martes
Ethan Martes
File submission
Textual submission

1430 words

2nd place
3rd place
Joe Durham
Joe Durham
Textual submission

Lieutenant Colonel Mauro Wynter sat in the cockpit of his X-wing fighter and absently drummed his fingers on a display screen. Suddenly a voice shouted over the comm. "Incoming fighters at six o’ clock!” The voice shouted. Wynter flicked on his comm “Are they friend or foe?” He asked. “They don’t belong to the Brotherhood.” Said Knight Zeline Nemesis. Pew pew. One of the unknown fighters opened fire with its laser cannons. “I guess that answers our question. There’s too many of them to take on head to head. Get into a defensive wedge formation. I’ll take point.” Wynter ordered moving his X wing to the center of the wedge. Pew pew pew...pew pew. Came more enemy laser cannon fire. “Hold the formation. The enemy is spread thin. We’ll try to break through their center and attack the rest from behind.” Wynter said. “Roger!” The members of Tython Squadron responded. Boom...boom boom! The green explosions went off all around them and yet the squadron remained untouched. “On my my order fire all your concussion missiles at the enemy fighters’ center ships!” Wynter ordered.
“Steady...steady....NOW!” He shouted over the comm as dozens of tiny red missiles sped toward the enemy fighters. “ All ships continue on course!” Wynter said which garnered more than a few surprised murmurs. Usually after a bombardment like what they just did would be followed by the squadron splitting off and surprise attacking the stunned enemy from the flanks. However this would not work against such a large number of fighters. BBBBBBBOOM! The sound of dozens of missiles hitting their targets went off. “Now all ships fire at will!” Wynter ordered as wave after wave was shot at the explosions. When the dust cleared in front of Tython Squadron was the wreckage of about 20 fighters. Behind the debris was a huge hole in the enemy’s position. Pew pew pew. “Sir friendly fighters incoming at twelve o’ clock.” A voice came over the comm. “Tython Squadron this is Seer Constantine of Battle Team Nighthawk from Clan Arcona. We’ll dispatch the rest of this bunch while you regroup.” An unfamiliar voice came over the comm channel. “Copy Nighthawk we’ll leave it to you.” Wynter said. Nighthawk mopped up the remaining enemy fighters and met up with the members of Tython Squadron. “That was a good fight you guys put up out there. You didn’t even suffer a single casualty.” Said Constantine to Wynter. “Thanks we really appreciated the help.” Wynter said. And with that the Battle was over.

3rd place