Write a fiction on facing a foe(s) alongside your allies, utilizing teamwork strategies to secure victory. This teamwork combination technique must be given a single phrase or command word that triggers it. You may use fellow members of the DJB, or you're own alternates and NPCs. You need not limit yourself to warfare, but create you're own tactic in any scenario you choose.The example below is as follows:
Areticus, Lo-Kain, and Iios raise their hands in surrender at the aimed squad commanding them to not move. Areticus concentrated on drawing the force whilst glancing to his left and right at the others before calling out the word "Smokescreen!" He then forms an illusion that causes a strong smoke to conceal all three as they all immediately fall to the ground on their backs. Blaster fire darts above them as Iios pulls out a smoke grenade and releases it, allowing Areticus to forgo the illusion with no difference in hiding them. Lo-Kain jumps high in the air, directing with a roaring scream, drawing the fire to him. However, upon the redirection of their blaster fire, the roaring Lo-Kain was too merely an illusion. Before they could take measures into account, the thermal detenator had already exploded and disoriented the survivors. The real Lo-Kain then charged in forward out of the smoke to the left, and Iios firing off on the right. Areticus appeared blade at the ready for any survivors, but his students made quick work of any who remained.
This would be an example of a teamwork technique called "Smokescreen". But instead of just giving a name and description, creatively introduce it into a combat based fiction scenario. Entries will be graded in accordance to the Voice Rubric. Minimum word count of 500 words, placements will go to the top five, and accepted submission formats include .doc, .pdf, or text submissions.
1st place
Boss Ragnar Kul
2nd place
Nikora Rhan
3rd place
Iios Singuard