Competition: [CC] Collective Recruits: Liberation Front

[CC] Collective Recruits: Liberation Front

The Liberation Front

At the center of these three pillars sits Rath Oligar’s Liberation Front. This faction views themselves as the revolutionary spirit of the Collective, the ones who are truly committed to Oligard’s vision of equality for those who lack the powers of the Force. Comprised of soldiers, saboteurs, and militia-like recruits, they are the survivors of the galaxy and the heart and soul of the Collective.


  1. Create an NPC for the Liberation Front.

  2. Members will be tasked with creating a Non-Player Character (NPC) for the Liberation Front. This character would become a part of the Collective faction page, canonizing their existence within the Brotherhood’s main storyline.

    • Using the provided NPC Template or your own preferred application of choice (Microsoft Word, Apple Pages, etc.) create an NPC Character Sheet.
    • Example: Captain Crimson
    • Completed characters will feature up to six (6) unique traits (Aspects) and should detail their specializations (Discipline, Skills, Feats) and any other backstory or history you feel like adding.


  • C-D4WG - Character Sheet Reference — Allows you to view all the information on Aspects, Skills, Feats, and more.
  • You can use any of the pre-written Aspects here if you’re not comfortable creating Custom ones.
  • Character Sheet Sandbox - Enables you to experiment with builds/skills. You can take a screenshot and attach the build, or transcribe for your template submission. You can find it on your admin page at the bottom of the "Character Sheet Administration" page.
  • NPCs adapt the granted feats of their sub-faction.


  • Created NPCs will be Non-Force Users.
  • Created NPCs can be any rank up to Equite 4.
  • Created NPCs should include as much detail as possible while following and adhereing to the Character Sheet Guide and Approval Guidelines.
  • Participants can optionally link an original or reference character image, just credit your source when doing so. Avatar creation tools like this one can be helpful.

How to Submit

  • Participants will submit entries in .pdf, .doc, or .txt format.
    • If using the Google Docs template:
    • File” → “Download as” → “PDF Document (.pdf).
  • Alternatively, members can submit a plain text submission to the competition by copy/pasting the following template:
* Name:
* Age:
* Height:
* Weight:
* Species:
* Path/Order/Rank:
* NFU Discipline:
* Character Traits (Aspects):
* Skills:
* Feats:
* Languages:
* Lore:
* Notes/Extra:

You are responsible for checking your own formatting, this is just a starting point.


  • Entries will be graded on completion, syntax, originality, and the quality of the writing used to create an interesting and well thought-out character.
  • Characters that get selected to be added will be created by the Voice staff as official NPCs, per the Voice of the Brotherhood’s discretion.
  • The winning NPC will be featured in the Collective Chronicles canon/official fiction.
  • Qualifying NPCs that are added to the roster have the potential to be used in the future.
Competition Information
Parent Competition
[CC] The Collective Chronicles
Organized by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Running time
2018-01-19 until 2018-02-09 (22 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
First Level Crescents
24 subscribers, of which 11 have participated.
General Zxyl Bes'uliik
File submission
1st place
2nd place
Marcus Armani
Marcus Armani
File submission
2nd place
3rd place
Lucine Vasano
Lucine Vasano
File submission
3rd place
Aedile Tali Sroka
File submission
4th place
Jael Valsi Chi'ra
File submission
5th place
Neza-Rem Zarabi
Textual submission

* Name:Edwin Ironjaw
* Age: 65
* Height: 6ft
* Weight: 200lbs
* Species: Human
* Path/Order/Rank:Gray Jedi/Mercenary/Reaver
* NFU Discipline: Weapon Specialist
* Character Traits (Aspects):(General)Child At Heart, Due Diligence. (Personality) Easy going till the fight starts, Universal Soldier. (Combat) Duelist, Minister of War.
* Skills: (+4) Primary Martial Arts(Wruushi), Secondary Martial Arts(whiptree), Athletics.
(+3) Might, Perception, Mechanic, Endurance
(+2) Linguistics, Intellect, Resolve, Tactics.
(+1) Leadership, Investigation, Empathy, Manipulation, Miscellaneous Weapons, Lore, Explosives, Crafting.
* Feats:
1) Jury Rig
B1) Lightnight Reflexes
2) Shockboxing
B2) Sleeping Rancor
3) The Hand Is Quicker
4) War Hero
5) You May Have Heard Of Me
B3) Your Reputation Precedes You
6) Disarming smile
* Languages:Shyriiwook, Thykarann
* Lore: The History of the Martial Arts of Wrruushi
* Notes/Extra:
Edwin Ironjaw's body is an evenly proportioned muscular frame. His corded muscles show through his tight fitting jeans as well as his shirt. His time spent working in a shop and in the sparring room has built him into an immovable rock and his square jaw and chiseled features show the wear of time upon them. His silver hair is braided and tied up in a messy ponytail. His facial hair is cleanly shaven into a neatly kept mustache that crowns the entire length of his upper lip and comes together on either side of his large nose which had been broken many times. His bright blue eyes showed a joyful youth under his deep set brow and bushy eyebrows. his neck met somewhere behind his years poising the mans head on a thick trunk like neck.

No placement
Padawan Tisto Kingang
File submission
No placement
Sage Enzo Dek
File submission
No placement
File submission
No placement
Boss Ragnar Kul
File submission
No placement
Dr. Giyana Jurro
Textual submission

* Name: Jango De Portier
* Species: Pantoran
* Handedness: Right
* Age: 21
* Height: 1.75m
* Weight: 80kg
* Physical Description: Jango De Portier is ever so slightly on the taller end of the height spectrum for a Pantoran. Like some other Pantorans, he sports light blue-hued skin and yellow eyes. His upper lip is slightly fuller than his lower, under which he wears white stubble. Jango's nose is thin from the bridge down, only widening a fraction at the base. His hair is a mousey blue mop that hangs just above his small, round ears.
* Path/Order/Rank: Gray Path, Mercenary, JM4/Professional
* NFU Discipline: Hunter
* Character Traits (Aspects): My Papa Always Told Me(Custom General)
Jango De Portier didn't receive much of an education. Instead, he worked alongside his father on their family farm to provide for the household. While this has resulted in Jango not being the sharpest tool in the shed, his father did pass down valuable life lessons that fit Jango's newfound career in the Liberation Front.
Bright Eyes But Not A Lot Behind Them(Custom General)
Jango De Portier, contrary to the expectation of his aristocratic-sounding name, isn't very bright. However, he is a bright eyes young man with a desire to succeed at whatever he does. While he isn't able to debate complex moral issues and can be seen as a bit of a dolt, Jango is one of the hardest working members of the Liberation Front. He's constantly striving to improve and for his colleagues to consider him a peer.
You're Real Purty(Custom Personality)
Jango De Portier could best be described as socially awkward, his speech can be hard to understand. While the words used aren't of particular difficulty, Jango has had the accent of his father almost seared into his brain, resulting in his accent. While this can be seen as cute, particularly among the group's female members, it is equally as likely to cause his message to ignored because his peers may not feel like suffering through his speech.
A Real Gentleman(Custom Personality) Jango De Portier was always told to treat ladies with respect, be they noble or not. This message is a bone-deep lesson that the young man has learned and carries with him to this day. Should he see a female colleague struggling with something Jango is often the first to offer assistance. This kindness is not always appreciated, however, as his behaviour can be seen to have an ulterior motive and could possibly result in either a thank you or something less appreciative.
Farmboy Strong(Custom Combat)
Having grown up on a farm, Jango De Portier has become accustomed to manual labour. This often meant long days and as a result, he has grown accustomed to physically intensive work, resulting in a rarely utilised longevity in combat. This does of course rely on him being conservative in the early going which can backfire against more skilled opponents.
Duelist(Pre-written Combat)
Through careful study and dedication to isolated martial-combat, Jango has turned the act of dueling into an art form. A keen eye and attention to detail allows him the ability to learn their opponent's idiosyncrasies while fighting. He then uses his own skills to capitalize on the opponent's weakness. Because of this calculated approach to isolated duels, The Jango has a harder time taking on multiple opponents at once at higher skill levels.
* Skills:
+3: Endurance, Might, Athletics and Miscellaneous Weapons
+2: Dual Wielding, Resolve, Perception, Medicine and Empathy
+1: Mechanic, Beast Riding, Crafting, Pilot(S), Bladed Weapons and Blasters
* Feats: Ambidexterity, Beast of Burden, Cry No More, Parkour!, Pistol-cuffs and The Force is With Me
* Languages: Basic
* Lore:
* Notes/Extra: Jango's innocnet, well as much as anyone associated with the Collective can be. He's a naive farmboy who was easily swayed to their cause and is a recent recruit, hence being such a lower rank than any other member so far.

No placement