Competition: [CC] Collective Recruits: Capital Enterprises

[CC] Collective Recruits: Capital Enterprises

Capital Enterprises

Capital Enterprises are the financial and tactical backbone of the Collective. While they believe in Rath’s vision and agree that Force User’s need to be purged from the Galaxy, mostly because of how easily they can interfere in politics and economics. Capital Enterprises has their own motivations and goals, but understand they can’t do it on their own without the other two pillars.


  1. Create an NPC for Capital Enterprises.

  2. Members will be tasked with creating a Non-Player Character (NPC) for the Liberation Front. This character would become a part of the Collective faction page, canonizing their existence within the Brotherhood’s main storyline.

    • Using the provided NPC Template or your own preferred application of choice (Microsoft Word, Apple Pages, etc.) create an NPC Character Sheet.
    • Example: Sencara A'theri
    • Completed characters will feature up to six (6) unique traits (Aspects) and should detail their specializations (Discipline, Skills, Feats) and any other backstory or history you feel like adding.


  • C-D4WG - Character Sheet Reference — Allows you to view all the information on Aspects, Skills, Feats, and more.
  • You can use any of the pre-written Aspects here if you’re not comfortable creating Custom ones.
  • Character Sheet Sandbox - Enables you to experiment with builds/skills. You can take a screenshot and attach the build, or transcribe for your template submission. You can find it on your admin page at the bottom of the "Character Sheet Administration" page.
  • NPCs adapt the granted feats of their sub-faction.


  • Created NPCs will be Non-Force Users.
  • Created NPCs can be any rank up to Equite 4.
  • Created NPCs should include as much detail as possible while following and adhereing to the Character Sheet Guide and Approval Guidelines.
  • Participants can optionally link an original or reference character image, just credit your source when doing so. Avatar creation tools like this one can be helpful.

How to Submit

  • Participants will submit entries in .pdf, .doc, or .txt format.
    • If using the Google Docs template:
    • File” → “Download as” → “PDF Document (.pdf).
  • Alternatively, members can submit a plain text submission to the competition by copy/pasting the following template:
* Name:
* Age:
* Height:
* Weight:
* Species:
* Path/Order/Rank:
* NFU Discipline:
* Character Traits (Aspects):
* Skills:
* Feats:
* Languages:
* Lore:
* Notes/Extra:

You are responsible for checking your own formatting, this is just a starting point.


  • Entries will be graded on completion, syntax, originality, and the quality of the writing used to create an interesting and well thought-out character.
  • Characters that get selected to be added will be created by the Voice staff as official NPCs, per the Voice of the Brotherhood’s discretion.
  • The winning NPC will be featured in the Collective Chronicles canon/official fiction.
  • Qualifying NPCs that are added to the roster have the potential to be used in the future.
Competition Information
Parent Competition
[CC] The Collective Chronicles
Organized by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Running time
2018-01-19 until 2018-02-09 (22 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
First Level Crescents
22 subscribers, of which 8 have participated.
1st place
Marcus Armani
Marcus Armani
File submission
1st place
2nd place
Lucine Vasano
Lucine Vasano
File submission
2nd place
Padawan Tisto Kingang
File submission
3rd place
Aedile Tali Sroka
File submission
4th place
Dr. Giyana Jurro
Textual submission

* Name: Gans Hruber
* Species: Human
* Handedness: Right Handed
* Age: 40
* Height: 1.85m
* Weight: 81.81kg
* Physical Description: Gans Hruber stands tall over the average Human male, with a build that puts him ever so slightly on the heavier side of a healthy figure. His eyes are a light brown, while his hair is a darker shade of brown. His nose is one of his most prominent facial features which ends just short of his dark brown beard which runs around his mouth, down the jawline and almost links up with his sideburns that also extend down to the jawline.
* Path/Order/Rank: Dark Path, Mercenary, EQ4
* NFU Discipline: Director
* Character Traits (Aspects): There's a difference between 600 credits and 600 million(Custom General)
Gans Hruber is motivated by one thing and one thing only, credits. He understands that material wealth can open plenty of doors and often pursues methods of acquiring a fortune that exist outside the law. While this can often benefit him in terms of acquiring wealth, it can also tar him with the label of a criminal which could lead to people not wanting to associate with him.
Strategist(Pre-written General)
What Was It You Said To Me Earlier?(Custom Personality)
Gans Hruber has a sharp wit, he often enjoys throwing his enemy's taunts back at them once he has put himself in a superior position. Because of this, he is one of the more personality-driven members of Capital Enterprises which comes with a reputation. He can either be embraced or seen as a joker who lacks the necessary results first attitude the rest of the group strives for.
Think Through Your Exits(Pre-written Personality)
That's What Henchmen Are For (Custom Combat)
Gans Hruber, all things being equal, isn't fond of taking part in combat himself. Instead, he would rather convince others to fight for him. While he's no slouch when it comes to combat, he isn't accustomed to engaging in it all too often, as his minions usually take care of business for him. However, if presented with say a stubborn member of law enforcement who refuses to give in and is pretty competent, Hruber can find himself having to improvise which puts him at a disadvantage.
Dead Sprint(Pre-written Combat)
* Skills:
* +4: Intellect, Manipulation, Lore and Perception
* +3: Subterfuge, Leadership, Explosives and Intimidation
* +2: Slugthrowers, Endurance, Resolve and Diplomacy
* +1: Athletics, Might, Survival, Pilot(S)
* Feats: Active Reload, Fear Will Keep Them In Line, Your Reputation Precedes You, Run And Gun, Classic Misdirection, True Colours, Resistance is Futile, Down Scope and Elusive Prey
* Languages: Basic
* Lore: Tailors of the Galaxy, Galactic Politics, Economics and Security Procedures
* Notes/Extra: Gans once pulled off a heist at Capital Enterprises office party which lead to him being given millions of credits and a lucrative position within the company. He now works to increase the funds available to the group using his previous careers as both a terrorist and a thief.

5th place
File submission
No placement
A deleted dossier
File submission
No placement
Sage Enzo Dek
File submission
No placement
Boss Ragnar Kul
File submission
No placement