Competition: [CC] Collective Recruits: Crew It

[CC] Collective Recruits: Crew It

The Collective - "Just Crew It"

The Collective is nothing without the countless crews and support teams that operate their fleets, feed their troops, and patrol their skies.


  1. Create an NPC crew that, while not having Character Sheets, can become additions to the Collective Wiki page as support teams for the Collective’s Roster of NPCs. This can be anything from engineers to bridge crews or even pilot squadrons and special recon teams.

  2. Participants can use the Collective Wiki for reference.


  • Participants will submit entries in .pdf, .doc, or .txt file format.

Members can use the following Markdown template for the Submission box, or create a document of their own to submit as a .pdf, .doc, or .txt file.

Crew Name:
Crew Type:
Additional Information:


  • Crew Name: Rose Squadron
  • Crew Type: Starfighter Flight Team
  • Leader:
    • Emery Rose
  • Members:
    • Rose I - Edwin Kurr
    • Rose I - Bella Ritter
    • Rose III - Killian Starr
    • Etc.
  • Background/History: Rose Squadron is the top gun squadron in the Collective's navy. They are one of the oldest groups, and members have to prove their skill to Emery in an actual dogfight to be even considered joining the team.

  • Additional Information: They are fiercely loyal to their leader, Emery Rose, and are regarded as elite simply by being chosen to fly alongside her.


  • Entries will be graded on completion, syntax, originality, and the quality of the writing used to create an interesting and well thought-out crew.
  • Crews that get selected to be added will be created by the Voice staff as official Wiki stubs, per the Voice of the Brotherhood’s discretion.
  • Qualifying crews that are added to the roster have the potential to be used in the future.
Competition Information
Parent Competition
[CC] The Collective Chronicles
Organized by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Running time
2018-01-19 until 2018-02-09 (22 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents
19 subscribers, of which 11 have participated.
1st place
Textual submission

Crew Name: Trill Squad
Crew Type: Covert Operations/Black Ops Squad
* Ling Dao - Liberation Front, Guard Officer
* Wayv Sine - Technocrat Engineer
* Kabir Siad - Technocrat Huntress
* Kam Faer - Technocrat Soldier
* Arhet Cetpek - Captial Enterprise Agent

Background/History: As the brainchild of Liberation Front Guard Officer Ling Dao, Trill squad is built around the idea of integrating the three pillars of the Collective into one cohesive unit. By combining the varied talents of these very different sub-units into one, Trill Squad is able to take on a wide variety of highly sensitive missions on behalf of Rath Oligard and his leadership team. This squad was formed as a response to the incursion of the unified Dark Jedi Brotherhood clans onto the Collective homeworld of Nancora, partially as a test to see if more coordinated larger scale operations between the Three Pillars might be possible in the future. The high-level leaders of the Collective have their eyes on Trill Squad as a possible proof of concept.

Additional Information: Trill Squad takes its name from the letter in aurebesh writing system. Dao felt that the letter "trill" had the look of three separate pillars being unified into one. The team itself is new and has not undertaken many missions yet as a unified force. As a group newly formed there is internal squabbling in regards to the best way to approach a mission the squad is always unified in their loyalty towards the Collective. Dao, as the leader, provides much of the tactical and strategic support. Siad and Faer are frequently called in when combat skills are required. Sine works to both maintain the technology used by the team, as well as any cybernetic enhancements, and also works to improve upon standard issue items. Lastly, Cetpek acts in the capacity of a traditional intelligence agent frequently taking on different cover identities to gather information or identify targets of opportunity.

1st place
Aedile Tali Sroka
File submission
2nd place
Consul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna
Textual submission

__Crew Name:__ Skylla Janitorial Guild F9, "the Finers"

__Crew Type:__ Sanitation Management Guild


* Martat Doxedun - Human woman


* Tuart Evv - Sullustan man
* Golta Ndessisu - Dug woman
* Onazsho - Mirialan man
* Congilb Hychset - Human man


Skylla Janitorial Guild F9, or the Finers, are a band of senior sanitation workers. These elderly men and women, each with their own various reasons to dislike Force-users, had stepped up to volunteer their lives for the cause. Deemed outside the range of physical capabilities to join the army, aka too old, the group was assigned onto the Skylla sanitation staff.

__Additional Information:__

Reassignment hasn't diminish this band's drive to fight for the cause. Armed with brooms, chemicals, droids, and witty remarks, the Finers will confront any intruders.

3rd place
A deleted dossier
Textual submission

Crew Name: The Mindbreakers

Crew Type: Scientific/Medical Research Team

Leader: Capo Di, Team Lead

* Dr. Meeren Letrell, Toxicologist - Female, Umbaran, 36 years old, Field Medic (EQ3)
* Dr. Ikere'Rin'Desori, Neuroscientist - Female, Chiss, 32 years old, Director (EQ3)
* Halfol Tuyascara, Interrogation Expert - Male, Kiffar, 48 years old, Hunter (EQ4)
* Dr. Nheval Oress, Surgeon/Coroner - Male, Human, 29 years old, Field Medic (EQ2)
* Payve T'Shar, Weapon's Specialist - Female, Togruta, 24 years old, Weapon Specialist (EQ4)

Background/History: The Mindbreakers were a team of scientific, medical, and combat experts assembled by Daggo Mouk. Their primary task was to develop chemical, neurological, psychological and biological countermeasures to combat Force Users. These measures could take two forms: offensive countermeasures, such as lethal toxins that can be easily delivered and utilized in battle; or defensive measures, methods of enhancing the physical or mental defenses of Technocrat forces through chemical, biological, or neurological enhancement. The Mindbreakers also had access to capture Force Using specimens, testing their theories and creations on those imprisoned by the Technocratic Guild.

Additional Information: Within the Technocratic Guild, The Mindbreakers are only known among the top leadership. Daggo Mouk assumes personal responsibility for the issuing of orders and observation of their progress, wishing to keep the organization and their developments in his own hands. The team manages scientific experiments that Mouk himself does not have the time to perform himself.

4th place
Dr. Giyana Jurro
Dr. Giyana Jurro opted out of publishing her submission.
5th place
Boss Ragnar Kul
File submission
No placement
A deleted dossier
The deleted member did not want their submission published.
No placement
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
Textual submission

Crew Name: Red Talon Squadron
Crew Type: Starfighter precise flight team
*Talon Leader - Tarlok Maldon
*Red T I - Chias Brahnx
*Red T II - Lara Kavos
*Red T III - Trigo Tochiki
*Red T IV - Jorya Caranthyr
*Red T V - Gorden Zylvarstar
*Red T ect....
Background/History: The Red Talon squadron is one of the finest B-Wing starfighter squadrons in the Collective's navy. Each A/SF-01 B-Wing Starfighter has a distinctive Red Talon painted on the breadth of the largest wing. The squadron is based on the Cruiser Thanewulf (Strike-class Collective m50 Medium Cruiser)
Additional Information: Each pilot of this squadron has been hand picked by its leader, Tarlok Maldon, and then put through more extensive training to become a part of the squadron. Those who do not pass the extra training are passed over, until they either pass the training or are just sent to another fighter group.

No placement
Marcus Armani
File submission
No placement
Padawan Tisto Kingang
Textual submission

Crew Name: Black Angel Squadron
Crew Type: Starfighter Flight Team
* Harlow Emling
* Angel II Trent Vorano
* Angel III Levi Mauzey
* Angel IV Jazlyn Brindsi

The Black Angel Squadron is a four man X Wing squadron who work as a clean up crew for the Collective's navy. Less Famous than the Rose Squadron, each one of the members still had to be tested by Emery Rose as they work as a backup unit, meant to deal with anyone who is able to successfully target the Rose Squadron. While they don't have numbers they have plenty of skill, and are a highly aggressive group of pilots.

Additional Information:

While not in the same league as the Rose Squadron, this was a backup squadron also built by Emery in one of her few moments of humility to run as a cleanup crew for the Rose Squadron. They exist to pick off those who target Rose Squadron.

No placement
Sage Enzo Dek
Textual submission

Crew Name: Project Zero

Crew Type: Frontline Assault “Team”

* Fragus “Zero” Mouk

* Reincarnate v1.1 (Angela)
* Reincarnate v1.7 (Lilith)
* Reincarnate v3.4 (Karmen)

Background/History: Fragus Mouk, younger brother of Daggo Mouk, followed in his brother’s footsteps in the Technocratic Guild. However, upon dealing with AI-like technology, he suffered an accident that destroyed much of his body. Needing part of this AI initiative to survive, Daggo combined it with Fragus, turning him into “Zero” of the new “Project Zero”. Project Zero would be dedicated to utilizing mechanical soldiers from an embedded interface in the brain.

Angela, Lilith, and Karmen were all former DB members, kidnapped and turned into vegetables that would be combined with similar “zero” technology. However, they would be controlled through the technology embedded in Fragus’ brain. They would essentially be robots with partially organic bodies. They took their orders directly from Fragus, allowing him to become a fighter that utilized four consciousnesses into one.

The versions are different types of “zero” technology. Others were captured as well, but their assimilation mostly failed. When Karmen came online, she accidentally eliminated another person from the network. This brought Fargus and Daggo to believe only three could be linked to Fargus at the same time...for now.

Additional Information:

They are used as front line assault units. Fargus attacks with his team, and he utilizes them in whatever direct way he can. It has opened him up to some new senses and forms of direction.

No placement
Lontra Boglach
File submission
No placement
TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
File submission
No placement