Before the Battle of Coruscant during the Yuuzhan Vong War Luke Skywalker’s New Jedi Order is sent back to the the time of the Great Sith War. As members begin to side with that era’s Sith and Jedi Luke tries to find a way home before he loses his entire Order. Write a story with a minimum of 500 words detailing this encounter and it’s aftermath. Competition will be judged on a scale of 1 to 10 based on the creativity, historical accuracy, and how compelling and entertaining the story is. Participants can write about any member of the New Jedi Order from Star Wars Legends. For example participants may write about: Jacen, Anakin, and Jaina Solo etc. Participants may also insert their characters into the story.
1st place
Bon Riverio
2nd place
Boss Ragnar Kul