The SRI is designed to bolster its parent unit, House Ektrosis. Ektrosis has a long and storied history steeped in legend and full of those seeking knowledge. All we do now is built upon that which has come before us and we must always be aware of the lessons the past has to teach us. Below you will find a series of clues, all related to Ektrosis, and all somehow linked to the answer before it in the Brotherhood archives. Use both the clue provided and the fact that each answer is linked to the one before it, to complete this hunt for knowledge.
After subscribing to this competitions you will be provided with a list of clues. All clues, including the first, will direct you to a page on the Brotherhood wiki. In the text submission box, enter the name of the wiki page you believe is referred to by each numbered clue. These are designed as breadcrumbs so the answer for each clue after the first will also be referred to somewhere within the page for the clue that came before it. Please do not hit subscribe until you are ready.
1st place
A deleted dossier
2nd place
Lord Halcyon
3rd place
Raistline Taldrya Majere