Competition: [CSP] Money Money Money

[CSP] Money Money Money

The clan economy is still largely based around the Cocytus System. Given that this system no longer exists, we need a new economy functional in the Caperion System. How should the clan be making money in this brave new world? Which of the native factions should we be trading with? How can we use the technological masterpiece of a city (Caelestis) which we’ve taken as our home. What trade can we do off world?

  • Minimum 500 words, Maximum 3000 words.
  • No Google-Document links, please provide valid submissions in PDF, .doc, or text box.
  • Grading will be done via the Voice Grading Rubric with added focus on engagement with the clan system and its inhabitants.
Competition Information
Parent Competition
[CSP] Conflict in Caperion
Organized by
General Zentru'la, Braecen Kaeth
Running time
2018-02-04 until 2018-03-04 (29 days)
Target Unit
Clan Scholae Palatinae
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
9 subscribers, of which 3 have participated.
1st place
Sage Enzo Dek
Sage Enzo Dek
File submission
1st place
Sage Lontra Boglach
File submission
2nd place
Jorm (The Jester) Na'trej
Textual submission

Money makes the world go ‘round, and the old adage holds true even in a galaxy far, far away. *The Last Jedi* had a whole sidestory arc on its own planet to demonstrate that. But Scholae Palatinae left its money sources back in Cocytus, which wasn’t beneficial to them.

Hence, we need to look at the assets we have brought with us, and how to make money on them without selling them off piecemeal.

**Scholae’s Fleet** is at the moment one of the top three fighting navies in the Caperion system and surrounding space, with future upgrades only able to excel ultimately. The fleet like is also allied with one of the other big fleets against the third, with no pressure to go into an all-out shooting war anytime soon.

This frees up some vessels to serve as scouts or escorts in and out of the system to allow trade to happen in relative safety, and there is no reason to not take a cut of the profits. Excidium with its independent flotilla can start up a believable piracy menace to motivate potential customers, snatching up some goods along the way.

Related to that, Scholae has a better working knowledge of the galaxy outside Caperion, and can serve as factor for business negotiations for the native nations, again creating the demand for their escort services.

**Tipoca Station** is a state-of-the-art hospital in space allowing for up to 80.000 patients to be treated at once. That is more capacity than Scholae Palatinae’s navy crews, ground forces, auxiliaries and Clan members combined could occupy, or not far off.

The surplus capacities could be utilized to handle the patient overflow from other other factions, or straight rented out to Elaya.

Another option would be the refurbishing of one wing or two into upper crust hospitals and spas, siphoning money from the native rich for providing services they could get planetside for a quarter of the price if they were willing to miss out on the prestige of having foreign elite physicians.

**Caelestis City and its surroundings** are not yet fully mapped, so I will have to present some speculations. The city itself is a demonstration of power and wealth, and supplying it from Seraph in an active war like the present one would not only tie down ships, but risk their destruction every time they make a run. Hence, I have to assume that Caelestis’ sources of foodstuffs and raw materials are on Ragnath, and close by too to protect them. It would be too easy to starve the city out otherwise.

So, we have:
-one Meraxian idol city
-a food supply to go with it
-whatever light industry is necessary to maintain it
-considering it’s a propaganda stunt, the means to fabricate and spread Meraxian culture.

Going from this, we could open parts of the city to tourism (including event tourism like three days in a Meraxian dungeon with Scholaean soldiers roleplaying) and/or sell Meraxian foodstuffs and luxury items (consumer electronics, wine etc) to the free nations.

3rd place