**Leviathan's Wake**
The shallow, island-riddled ocean around The Republic of the Force is the seasonal birthing ground for the Leviathans, herd-dwelling gargantuans resembling a cross between turtoises and krakens.
They love to break the surface, warming their coral-encrusted carapace - ovoid, up to twenty meters long, and on the adults thick enough to be impenetrable to man-portable weapons and lightsabers - in the sun before their return to the cold depths in the coming months. Their presence lures all manners of local fish and birds to feast upon their parasites and attracting predators in turn, creating a dangerous living landscape of rising and sinking island strewn with corals, sharp mussels, and pools full of trapped fish segregated by narrow waters threshed by powerfull torrents and diligent hunters.
Courageous youths from all free nations have created the custom of using the stubborn and mostly indifferent beasts' backs for all sorts of trials, be it island hopping, duels, or treasure hunts. The elite of the Scholae Empire has adopted the custom with higher stakes.
**The Lighthouse**
Located in the harbor of Caelestis City and rising from the tides without a rock in sight, the 250m tall lighthouse is a beacon of safety for seafaring vessels. For anyone else, it is a frequent and infamous place to carry out feuds under Meraxis' Code Duello.
The most popular choice is the top-level platform, fifty meters wide and open to the elements, save for the tall transparisteel cylinder protecting the torch. However, robust Meraxian engineering has hardened the critical components of the lighthouse in such a fashion that the whole building is open for battle, provided the duellists sign off on funding repairs.
It has become quite an attraction for the local populace to watch the duels unfold from the harbor or from tall buildings.