Competition: Responding to the threat (Run-On)

Responding to the threat (Run-On)

Objective You and your team have just received a distress signal that Commander Mauro Wynter and Major Silvia Tanos are under attack at the Shipwright Guild's Factory Complex. Your team will be responding to this attack through a series of run-on posts.


Team sizes must be a minimum of 2 members, but can have a maximum of 4 members per team. For participation, each member will be required to make at least 1 post, with a minimum of 250 words in the post. For placement, two posts with a min of 250 words each in this ongoing story will be required. There is no max word limit for this competition. Reserve Posting, Double Posting and Editing your post after it's been posted to the forums will NOT be allowed in this competition. Each member must include a hyperlinked Character Sheet snapshot in their first posts for realism grading. Create your team names as your run-on post title along with Kesaret run-on on discourse and in the opening post include all member names that are in your team in the opening post. Example of Run-on title (Team Gators: Kesaret Run-on).

Grading: Placements and grading will be determined using the Official Run-On Grading Rubric.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Shadow of the Kesaret
Organized by
Maximus Alvinius, Colonel Len Iode, Boss Ragnar Kul
Running time
2018-02-16 until 2018-03-09 (22 days)
Target Unit
House Satele Shan
Competition Type
Fourth Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
4 subscribers, of which 3 have participated.
Neza-Rem Zarabi
Textual submission

Manually added by Seer Mauro Wynter

1st place
Hyle Alihandross
Textual submission

Manually added by Seer Mauro Wynter

2nd place
3rd place
Ethan Martes
Ethan Martes
Textual submission

Manually added by Seer Mauro Wynter

3rd place