The rivalries are heating up and everyone is on edge. In attempt to rally the clan and raise moral, your Clan Summit has organized a general meeting with all of the Clan's members. Moments before the meeting is to begin it is discovered that a rival clan has abducted your mascot in an attempt to crush your Clans moral. Outrage from this desperate manoeuvre has rippled through your clan, and as an attempt to right this wrong you have volunteered to retrieve your beloved mascot.
Create a clan mascot using any non-sentient lifeform in the Star Wars universe, it can be anything as small as a Loth cat or as large as a Rathtar, and pick any Clan other than your own that would be audacious enough to kidnap said mascot. Using a minimum of 500 words tell the tale of your daring rescue, whether that be through diplomacy, brute force, or good old sneaking around. You do not need to be successful in the liberation of your Clans Mascot but you do need to be realistic in your attempt.
This competition will be judged using the Voice Fiction Rubric and submissions should be made in either .doc or .pdf formats. Make sure that if you are using another member’s character to get their permission.
1st place
Boss Ragnar Kul
2nd place
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
3rd place
Marcus Armani