Competition: [Caelus Chronicles] Chapter 2 - In the Trenches: The Elites

[Caelus Chronicles] Chapter 2 - In the Trenches: The Elites

You are to create a Character Sheet for a member of the Caleus System Security that will accompany you during your mission to recover the top secret facility of Kagu Shi, using the provided NPC Character Sheet Template listed below.

Character Sheet Template by Noobis/Varuk Kru

To use the Google Doc template, you must submit in .pdf format, to do so, click “File” → “Download as” → “PDF Document (.pdf)” when viewing the template

Grading and Requirements

Submissions will be graded on creativity and detail, with the Top 3 submissions will see their characters getting wikified for use in the following chapters of the event.

Limitations: For creating the Character Sheet you should take in mind the following restrictions:

  • Your character should be a Non-force user.
  • Your character should be ranked between Journeyman 4 (Professional/Captain) and Equite 3 (Corsair/Lieutenant Colonel)
  • Your character should also be in line with the species migrated within the Caelus System.

Despite that, your completed character should feature up to six (6) unique traits (Aspects) and should detail their specializations (Discipline, Skills, Feats) and any other backstory/history you feel like adding.

  • C-D4WG - Character Sheet Reference — Allows you to view all the information on Aspects, Skills, Feats, and more.
  • You can use any of the pre-written Aspects here if you’re not comfortable creating custom ones.
  • Character Sheet Sandbox - Found in your Character Sheet Administration menu, enables you to experiment with builds/skills. You can take a screenshot and attach the build, or transcribe for your template submission. You can find it on your admin page at the bottom of the "Character Sheet Administration" page.


As this is a Clan-wide competition, Third Level Crescents will be awarded to the Top Three Placements.

Additionally this competition will award Influence (Participation) Points to all participants and the member grading the competition.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
[Taldryan] Caelus Chronicles - A Taldryan Story
Organized by
Rian Taldrya
Running time
2018-03-12 until 2018-04-04 (24 days)
Target Unit
Clan Taldryan
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
2 subscribers, of which 1 has participated.
A deleted dossier
File submission
1st place
2nd place
File submission
2nd place