Competition: May the 4th Be With You!: Galactic Hospitality Services

May the 4th Be With You!: Galactic Hospitality Services

Galactic travelers often need a place to stay when they are away from home and lodging in others homes is one option. In this competition, one of your characters has utilized services and a rented an entire home or rented a room in someone's home. Your submission must include all information in the list below, in whatever format you deem most appropriate, that I will be able to open and view:

  1. Star rating out of 5. Can list sub-stars like airbnb or other sites but not necessary.
  2. The text of the actual review your character left to help future travelers.

Scoring will be done by first looking at completeness, with only complete entries with both required elements in the list above being able to place. Then by awarding on a 1-5 point scale. 1-5 for creativity and 1-5 points for Star Wars realism with 1 being no attempt to be creative and original or realistic, and a 5 being completely unique and creative and fully immersed in Star Wars. I won't be checking any CS for realism or looking into any backstories. Any ties after scoring will be broken by the organizer's subjective enjoyment of the tied entries.

This competition is intended to look into the different places across the galaxy and how people live and provide a fun opportunity to explore the Star Wars galaxy in a unique way.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Celebration: May the 4th Be With You!
Organized by
Lord Evio Nezsa
Running time
2018-05-03 until 2018-05-07 (5 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
First Level Crescents
30 subscribers, of which 17 have participated.
1st place
Marcus Armani
Marcus Armani
File submission
1st place
Master Mune Cinteroph
Master Mune Cinteroph opted out of publishing his submission.
2nd place
Kookimarissia Mimosa-Inahj
File submission
3rd place
Qyreia Arronen
Textual submission

Locale: Maaz Katana's Castle, 1 room, queen bed
Rating: 4 of 5 stars

Stayed at Maaz's place for a week with a friend. Whole experience was great overall. Ground-level cantina provided all the food (try the signature "Solo kebab") and drinks you'd need during a getaway, and all within a short walk from the room. When we weren't enjoying the in-house music or the company of the other guests, we had a blast going out beyond the castle walls and exploring. The castle is on a karking *lake*! Pack your swimsuit, because the water is awesome. Then there's plenty of lush woodlands with plenty of trails all around; great for camping, hiking, or just going out for a picnic.

"All this great stuff and only four stars?" you might ask. Well, Maaz's place isn't exactly easy to get to, so expect to bring your own ship or pay a pretty credit for transportation. And while staying in a castle is great, it's less a "Naboo royalty" feel, and more a "ancient Sith temple" feel: not a whole lot of decor, drafty stonework, and lackluster furniture. I'm all about experiences though, so these downsides didn't kill the experience for me at all.

4th place
General Ronovi Tavisaen
File submission
5th place
Erik Cato
Textual submission

Location: The "Cosy" Dagobah Den
Rating: One out of five stars

When I had requested a place close to nature that was solitary and easy on credits and this is not what I had in mind! This travel agency service was a complete scam. The parking was absolutely atrocious upon arrival. I had the lift my ship out of the muck on more than one occasion. The climate was very humid and uncomfortable. The dwelling itself is definitely close to nature as it's situated beneath a giant tree. Other than the crawling and slithering wildlife I didn't see a single entity the whole time I stayed there. The ceilings were far too short for someone of my stature. I bashed my head on more than one occasion as a result. The bizarre part was that every time I had hurt myself I could hear a high pitched laughing however as stated above I never saw anyone. It's enough to drive you mad. There was no cooking or cleaning services whatsoever. I had to hunt and gather my own means of nourishment. Sleep did not come easy as the bedding seems to be designed for an incredibly small person. I will never go to this retched planet again and have put a bounty on the travel advisor who tricked me into vacationing here. Don't bother with this dump, it's not worth the low price.

No placement
Nikora Rhan
Nikora Rhan opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
Research Director Kadrol Hauen
File submission
Textual submission


This hotel room on Coruscant was great! It was large, well cleaned, and even came with a clothes washer and dryer! Only complaint was that it felt a bit empty. It was a very retro room, but the breakfast here was amazing!

No placement
Darth Aeternus
Textual submission

I had been able to rent the Fallen Spear for a few days. The amenities are more then adequate, however, those unversed in Autochtonian might find themselves unexpectedly in the Rancor chamber. This chamber is clearly labeled, in said language, however.

The vessel is otherwise equiped with all the amenities one would expect for the (hefty) price. The food maker will recreate most known foodstuffs.

5 stars, would rent again.

No placement
Aedile Tali Sroka
Textual submission

Overall Rating: 3/5

Venue: Ach-To Sanctuary

Written review:

If you are traveling in the unknown regions and your freighter gets tailed by some *very* persistent space pirates, I can recommend taking a gander at Ach-To while the heat dies down. It's actually very conveniently located, if your star charts have the newest 5KY-VLKR update. If not, it might take a while to find.
Overall, the venue is rather spartan, but homely. There is enough parking for a sizable freighter, but don't bring your whole trading clan with you, since the island can run out of space rather quickly and having your ship tumble into the oceans is only good for making a nice set piece for other visitors to gawk at. At least one former visitor managed to do so with their X-wing.

The cabins are well equipped with both a door and roof, with optional extras like in-house fires available on request. I recommend your own pillow, and blanket, and mattress, and portable living arrangement. Ventilation is excellent, though some former patrons had apparently wished to enhance this feature even further via the medium of a blaster. To each their own, I suppose.

Although a compact place, Ach-To has many things to see, like old ruins and interesting stone carvings and the porg-steaks are rather agreeable. The caretakers mostly leave you alone and don't generally try to steal your belongings, which is good. However, some parts of the island are rather peculiar and if you're easily startled, then venturing too deep might not be for you. Existential crises and reflections on the self may ensue, so unless you've already made peace with your place in the galaxy at large and embraced the meaninglessness of your plight, then maybe stick to the grassy knolls outside.

Price is very agreeable overall as I never received an outright bill, so I must assume my stay was free of charge. Considering I always aim for a good value-for-money ratio, this venue scored top marks.

However, I could not give Ach-To a higher grade, because of the groundskeeper. He was very dour and unkempt, kept littering plasma projectors and generally being a nuisance. When he was not pole-vaulting off cliffs, he was lurking in the shadows with fresh thala-siren milk dripping from his mustache. Generally off putting, to say the least. I guess he just needs someone to really talk to him about life, or something, but unfortunately I am a paying customer and that is not my part of the deal.

Anyway, if you are in need of a place to stay and you happen to be in the subsector, give Ach-To a try.

-Yumni Ha, Arconan Logistics and Shipping Co.

No placement
Derek Cinn
File submission
No placement
Alara Deathbane
Textual submission

Tatooine Resort
2 out of 5 stars
Though the people were rather interesting, and the blue milk was finely poured, I would not recommend visiting here to anyone. Not only is it barren and desolate, but it is the possession of many a crime lord and capitalist. And not the kind that look pretty when you slice em on a plate. Would not go back despite enjoying watching the pod racers.

No placement
Maximus Alvinius
Textual submission

Couch Surfers Interstellar

Location: Space Port Nomads
User Star Rating: 5 out of 5
User Review: When I was looking for a location to stay, Mr. Creep Stalker was quick to answer my question when I inquired about his plexileather couch for rent at 4,000 galactic standards a nights. This was a little steep compared to the local Casino hotel for 500 standards a night, but he promised a great view with free dinner and breakfast. Much to my surprise he upheld his end of the bargain. The couch was quite spacious for my half my body size which was perfect for my back. It also included many holes to help store my stolen contraband as well in case those pesky security officer came looking. The food was delicious as it came stuff packed and well preserved food that stayed perfectly stale hidden inbetween the cusions for ease of access when hungry. Best part I could let my crumbs fall whereever for the next guest in case they got hungry. Lastly the view was just as he said. I had a perfect porthole view of the sewage factory ejection area of the station. Many I tell you that you have never seen a beautiful sight as I did after watching multiple unsuspecting pilots get plowed in the driver seat with space sewage as they turned the corner to pass my location. I highly rate this as the best stay I have had while using Couch Surfers!

No placement
General Stres'tron'garmis
Textual submission

Otoh Gunga Aqua BNB
Stars: 1 out of 5
I can nae even explain how bad of an idea this place is. One, ya gotta go underwater ta find it, and if yer real lucky, you'll find a seacab ta take ya. I was nae so lucky, and wet Ryn does no smell good. Tha food was, unsurprisingly, all seafood, which I guess is fine, but again, it smelled awful. Who tha hell wants oysters for breakfast? Tha people were fine over the text comms, but tryin' ta speak with anyone will make ya want to tear yer own tail off in frustration. Ended up in the wrong places three times cause I didn't know tha difference between 'bombad' and 'real big'.

Also, the bathroom was awful, apparently when yer people are half bloody fish ya don't know what a towel or a shower is.

1 outa 5 stars, would not recommend unless I hate ya.

No placement
Kaz Raith
Kaz Raith opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
File submission
No placement
Dr. Giyana Jurro
Dr. Giyana Jurro opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement