Competition: May the 4th Be With You!: Legendary Encounter II

May the 4th Be With You!: Legendary Encounter II

"May the Force be with you, always."

May the 4th is about celebrating Star Wars. All of it. While the Fiction Society takes a hard stance with DB Canon integrating with new Canon, our history, and the Legends content that has kept it alive over the course of so many years is still vital and important.


Write a short story or scene that depicts an interaction between your character and ANY character from the Star Wars universe. That means any character from either the new Canon or from Legends material ranging from comics, books, to the animated tv series and films. You can pick anyone from Legend favorites Corran Horn, Mara Jade, and Darth Talon to new Canon heros like Poe Dameron and Sabine Ren.

Additional Information
  • Members are free to use either their Main Character, their Alternate Character, or one of their slotted *NPC*s.
  • Your entry should be a minimum of 250 words. No maximum.
  • That’s really it. Have fun.


We will use a slightly modified version of the Fiction rubric, in that realism grading will allow for the inclusion of Legends material and characters. Go as Wild Karrde as you want.

Bonus CI’s

In celebrating of Star Wars day, all entries are eligible to earn bonus Cluster’s of Ice.

Bonus Clusters of Ice: The Bonus is calculated as follows: 1 additional Cluster for every 500 words of fiction, up to a maximum of 2000 words.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Celebration: May the 4th Be With You!
Organized by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Running time
2018-05-03 until 2018-05-07 (5 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
First Level Crescents and regular and bonus Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
29 subscribers, of which 12 have participated.
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
File submission
Textual submission

It's a thing, a short thing, have it, sorry.

1st place
General Stres'tron'garmis
File submission
2nd place
Adept Reiden Palpatine Karr
File submission
3rd place
Aedile Tali Sroka
File submission
4th place
5th place
Kaz Raith
Kaz Raith
Kaz Raith opted out of publishing his submission.
5th place
Kookimarissia Mimosa-Inahj
File submission
No placement
Dr. Giyana Jurro
Dr. Giyana Jurro opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
Nikora Rhan
Nikora Rhan opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
File submission
No placement
Adept Xantros
File submission
No placement
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore
Textual submission

The Y-wing dropped out of hyperspace above the jungle planet of Sepros. Calenhad brought the ship downward in a slow descent toward the forest floor. With the practice of an experienced pilot, Calenhad gracefully set the ship down upon the forest floor. Calenhad opened the cockpit of the ship and vaulted over the edge. His feet landed upon the forest floor and he took a deep breath. “It’s good to be back” he stated as he felt the Force flow through the forest. Life flourished among the large wroshyr trees and emotion flowed freely upon Sepros. Calenhad turned toward his astromech S4-Dow. “Stay with the ship S4-Dow. Etah gave me permission to borrow it and I expect to return it in one piece.” The droid whirred disappointedly. “Master, does this mean that there is no meatbags for me to kill? Oh, how dreadfully boring. Certainly there is something better for me to do?” Calenhad let out a sigh at his droids antics. “Just make sure the ship is in one piece S4-Dow.” Without waiting for a response Calenhad walked off into the forest. Confident of the Force’s ability to warn him of any danger Calenhad allowed it to lead him through the forest. He eventually found himself before the long destroyed Temple of Shadow. “I suppose you have something to show me?” Calenhad spoke, hoping the Force would send some sort of response. Only silence awaited him. Calenhad knelt before the ruins and opened himself up to the Force. The vastness of the galaxy swirled around him. Life was created, emotion flared. Happiness, love, hope, anger, jealousy, hatred, all flowed past him. Just as it began, life ended. A mere speck upon the great canvas of time. Calenhad opened his eyes to see a elegant garden with flowing fountains instead of the ruins he expected. “Well this is….different” he stated as he looked quizzically around the room. “Have you sought the tranquility of the Room of a Thousand Fountains?” a voice called from across the room. Calenhad turned toward the voice to see a young Mirialan female entering the room. “Yes, that is correct’ Calenhad answered quickly while attempting to collect his thoughts. ‘Didn’t the academy teach that the Room of a Thousand Fountains was located in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant? Why is the Force showing me this? This can’t merely be a vision if the girl is able to see me.’ The girl’s voice brought Calenhad out of his thoughts. “Excuse me Master?” the girl stated politely. “You may call me Calenhad. What is your name girl?” “Barriss Offee” she replied. Calenhad paused in thought. ‘Why did this girl seem familiar? Barriss Offee...Offee….Offee, Wait a moment, that was the Jedi responsible for the bombing of the Jedi Temple in the months leading up to the end of the Clone Wars.’ “I have been rather troubled as of late Barriss. The Jedi are not what they once were. “Why do you say that master?” she asked. Calenhad gazed into her blue eyes. “I speak of the nature of the Jedi Order in this conflict young Barriss. Do you remember how this conflict started?” She answered immediately. “Of course I do. The Jedi launched a rescue mission to free Masters Kenobi and Skywalker as well as Senator Amidala.”
“That is where you are wrong I am afraid. Of course the media will portray it as such. The glorious Republic goes off to war to rescue it’s captured citizens. But did you consider the army the Jedi used to fight? The Clones did not appear overnight after all. No, my dear, the clones take years to properly grow and mature. It takes time for a slave to learn its new routine after all. This is what the Republic and by extension the Jedi Order has become. We are no better the the slavers in service of the Hutt Cartel. But this is not the worst thing to consider. Why don’t you ask Master Kenobi what the purpose of the Clone Army is? The Jedi Order could not have possible known that a war would break out on a galactic scale all those years ago now could they? So why was such a massive army commissioned?” The mirialan looked disturbed by the outpour of information. “I’m afraid I don’t know the answer to that question Master.”
“The Jedi have lost their way Barriss. They seek political gain and involve themselves in the Senate. It is not enough for Yoda to control the entire Jedi Order. No, he must have the entire Republic with his grasp. We have become the very oppressors that we claim the Separatists are.” Calenhad could feel his form slipping as the Force called him back to his time. “Just think about what I have told you Barriss” Calenhad called, as he faded back to Sepros. His orange eyes gazed upon the Temple of Shadow and a smirk blossomed upon his lips. “The seeds have been planted within her mind. Now it is only a matter of time before they bear fruit.”

No placement
Research Director Kadrol Hauen
Textual submission

36 ABY- First Order Command Ship

“This is Kadrol Hauen, requesting permission to land.”

“State your business.” The officer replied.

“I come on a diplomatic mission from the clan Scholae Palatinae.”

“Insert your landing codes.” The Officer mumbled, clearly bored by his job. Kadrol did as he was told, and reached up, punching in the code to be transmitted.
“You have permission to land.” The voice said over the system. Kadrol drew in closer to the monsterous ship so the tractor beams could pull the ship in.

After the ship had landed, Kadrol lowered the shuttle’s ramp and stepped out. He was immediately greeted by a swarm of stormtroopers: twelve to be exact. Without a word, the beckoned the Pantoran to follow, and they led him down the long cooridor. As they reached their location, the lead trooper opened the door. Kadrol stepped into the interior of the room, and the doors closed behind him. As he looked around, a voice said “Ah, you must be Kadrol. Take a seat.” Kadrol grabbed a chair and sat down. He came to be seated across the long table from Kylo Ren. “I’ve heard much about your training,” Kylo said, “Palatinae stands with everything the First Order believes in, but I’m sure you know that already. I am much more interested in seeing what you have learned.” Kadrol didn’t know how to respond. He had grow up idolizing Kylo, and now he was in the same room with him.

“Come on. Show me what you have learned.” Kylo said. “I will show you the ways of the Force.”

“Ok.” Kadrol replied. He genuinely could not think of anything to say. Even if he had something to say, he wasn’t sure he could physically get the words out. Kylo led Kadrol into a large training room similar to the one he was used to back on Antei.

Kylo Ren pointed him to a dummy, saying “Give it all you’ve got!”

Kadrol drew his lightsaber and demonstrated the few moves he knew. The purple blade hummed as Kadrol struck the dummy very carefully and precisely. He didn’t want to blow his shot of impressing the Supreme Leader.

“Stand back.” Kylo warned. Kadrol took a step back. Watching the Sith, Kadrol became entranced with the fiery red blade with the iconic cross guard. He couldn’t help but just stand there in awe as Kylo Ren sliced the dummy to bits. As he finished, Kylo remarked “In time you will be able to do all this, and more. I look forward to watching your career with great interest.” For the rest of the afternoon, Kadrol sought to learn all he could from Kylo.

As the day came to a close, Kadrol said goodbye and headed back to his ship. “Hey, Kadrol!” Kylo said from behind him, “Tell your clan that the First Order fully supports clan Scholae. Also, I’ve had my Imperial armorers make you a set of armor. It’ll be delivered to you soon.” Kadrol turned around, closed the ramp, and took off. What a day.

No placement