Competition: [TAL + CSP] - A Collective Danger

[TAL + CSP] - A Collective Danger

Prompt: You come across, by whatever means suits your character best, intelligence suggesting an imminent attack on the capital of (other clan). While a rival clan, Taldryan and Scholae fought successfully together in the GJW. Helping them could provide leverage for a future alliance, but letting the attack happen would be a blow struck against a rival. what does your character do in this situation?

Taldryan Perspective: Driven from their home system of Kr'Tal due to the actions of Grand Master Pravus, Taldryan has journeyed across the galaxy to the former Imperial system of Caelus. They have come at the request of the local government to help thwart terrorists attacking their cities.

Taldryan Capital: Taldryan makes its home on its flagship, MC80 Home One-class Star Cruiser Paragon:

Scholae Perspective: In an attempt to establish a foothold in its new home system of Caperion and its dynamic political landscape, Scholae Palatinae has made an unlikely military alliance of convenience with the ideologically opposed Democratic Republic of Elaya. However, while Elaya has supported Scholae in obtaining land from its enemies, the future of this alliance, Scholae's only current ally, is unlikely to be sustainable due to Scholae's expansionist ambitions.

Scholae Capital: Caelestis City, on Seraph's moon, Ragnath:


Competition Information
Organized by
General Zentru'la, Rian Taldrya
Running time
2018-05-07 until 2018-06-07 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
15 subscribers, of which 7 have participated.
Master Mune Cinteroph
File submission
1st place
A deleted dossier
Textual submission

Collective Stronghold

Amidst the ruin of a barren world blared a message of hope, inclusion, of equality; Liberation and freedom from the Force fed influence of foreign rulers. Leaders who still cling to “hokey religions” and carry an air of self importance which to the average man, means little to nothing. The message would sweep the plains and reach into the hearts of the depressed occupants of less than adequate dwellings. They were humbled by poverty and could easily be manipulated. To liberate was to rebuild, the Capital Enterprise Administration knew this all too well and would follow the money even if it led to their own downfall.

A new target was in the Collective’s sights. An government inspired by Palpatine himself, chock full of resources and ripe for the picking.

Collective HQ

It rose from the burnt landscape, a dead spire, but in appearance alone was it abandoned. The charred walls and carbon scoring told tales of the many battles fought over the Stronghold. But if one were to venture deeper. They would find that inside was abuzz with activity.

Associates of The Collective paced the corridors and their ceaseless chatter created a constant background noise. Droids carried out their menial tasks, slaves to their programming. Traveling merchants, the nomads of Nancora peddled their goods and Smugglers delivered their cargo. Inside was like a small city where most, if not all accommodations could be met.

((The turbo-lifts at the center of the plaza lead straight up, ascending to the highest point which was where the office of Rath Oligard could be found. Few could make it to the top without the proper credentials. But if you were the man of shadow, you were able to walk freely.))

“What have you brought me?” Said Rath Oligard, his back turned to the door as he peered out the large windows of his office.

The dark presence slithered towards Rath but remained in the shadow.

“I bring you an opportunity.”

One of Oligard’s bushy eyebrows crested with intrigue as he spun in his chair and leaned in.

“Tell me more.”

Onboard Decimator

“My lord, we’re receiving a transmission.” Said Impryss as she pressed a series of buttons which were linked to the mainframe of the Decimator. “Uploading the coordinates.”

“Let’s hear it.”

((*static* Helix 5 to Decimator id #4215, Commander, I know of your Brotherhood. I can give you a glimpse into the future.))

“Hmph.” Impryss grunted. “A glimpse into the future, fool. This Informant also claims to be a seer?”

“Easy.. let’s hear him out.” Said The Colonel. “Send me your coordinates, Captain.” He added, redirecting his message to the strange vessel. “Chart a course, Iggy.”

His faithful Droid responded with a series of sharp whistles.

“Be careful, use that Droid programming of yours, compute what I am saying to you or I”ll have you scrapped and jettisoned from the airlock.”

The Droid’s conical head merely rotated back and the Decimator’s engines whirred and increased in power. Cold metallic fingers punched in the coordinates to the informants ship and the crew’s mission was underway.


Caperion System
Ragnath Orbit

“Sir, on your command.”

“Glass it.”

As a series of vessels broke from hyperspace, main cannons of Oligard’s warships were locking on to Caelestis down below.


“Destroy… it” Rath commanded with a long draw. “Their Empire will soon belong to me.”

The turbo-laser battery rained down terror and fighter craft took to the skies. The attack was a complete surprise as the Collective fleet slipped into Scholae Palatinae space.

However they were not left unmet as Imperium Squadrons could be seen bursting through the atmosphere.

“This is not a drill, we are under attack. Repeat, this is not a drill.”

“All wings report on me.” Ordered Kell Dante as he banked sharply to group up and take the lead. “Engage their fighters. We need to hold out until the Sidious can get here. Patch me through to Grand Admiral Mune immediately.”



Quejo sat in the Captain's chair of his vessel, stroking his beard with his forefinger and thumb as the Decimator reached Venenum space. He found it strange to be in Scholae space but it wasn’t foreign to him.

“Why are we here?” Impryss questioned the Colonel.

“That’s why,” He smirked, seeing an unmarked vessel, motionless in a sea of black.

A series of chirps broke the eerie calm as IG-86 performed a scan of the ship and relayed the information to his owner.

“An information broker perhaps?” Q pondered. “Bring us closer and link up. I’m anxious to hear what he has to say.”

It only took a matter of seconds for the two vessels to become one. The airlock hissed and slid open allowing a lithe human to stride onboard, his face covered with a unique mask which was engraved with Sith and Jedi hieroglyphs.

“Colonel.” The man spoke, offering a bow which was returned by a nod from the Colonel before he jumped up from his chair and stopped within a foot of the stranger.

“Let’s skip the pleasantries. Who are you and why are we here?”

“Who I am is of little importance, where I’ve come from however may be of some use to you.”

Q clenched his teeth and eyed the being for a moment. He was normally good with reading expression but the masked figure had none.

“Very well. Where have you been?”

“I’ve been to many places throughout the Galaxy. I’ve seen things, I hear things.”

“Enough of this.. Tell us why we’re here?!” Impryss shouted, sliding her porcelain colored hand to the hilt of her saber as her fleeting patience created unrest.

“You’re here to learn of deception, betrayal, the coming war.”


“Oh yes, a war wages as we speak.”

“Where, with who, tell me?!” Q shouted and reached in to grip the man by his cloak but was thrust away by an invisible force.

Impryss roared, instinctively igniting her lightsaber and lunged forward only to be frozen in place.

“You never shoot the messenger,” The monotone voice continued as he released Impryss. “Caelestis is under attack by Collective forces and your precious Clan will be next. You cannot hide from the growing storm.”

The Rollmaster’s expression instantly changed as he sprang to his feet. The room erupted in bright light and as quickly as the encounter began, it ended.

“Where did he go, find him!” Q shouted, clawing at his sockets.

IG-86 chimed in once again, this time with a frantic tone.

“What do you mean you can’t detect any lifeforms?” Q roared in anger. He was just as confused as the others but was not going to ignore the warning. He wondered why this ‘being’ approached him instead of Rian, maybe it was just dumb luck. Maybe the reason would present itself at a later time, as of that moment it mattered little.

“Rian, Rian!,” Q shouted through the commlink. “I’m not sure why, but I was singled out by a strange apparition?”

“Apparition?” Rian finally replied

“Scholae is under attack and I have reason to suspect that we are next.”

There was a long pause and a bit of static. The Consul of Taldryan was undoubtedly weighing his options.

“Are you sure of this?”

“No, but surely you can feel something with that Force of yours.”

There was another long pause.

“Fine, we will come to their aid,” Rian sighed. “If we are next, maybe we can stop this threat before it reaches our Fleet.” Taldryan had already been struggling to secure their own place in the Galaxy. He would not allow this ‘setback’ to determine his Clan’s fate.

“For your sake, this had better not be a trap.” Rian added.

“I guess there’s only one way to find out.” Q snapped back “Looks like we’re headed to Ragnath.”


Caperion System
Caelestis City, Ragnath

“Collective ships are breaking through, how did we not see them coming?!”

“The majority of our Fleet is scouting outside of our system. We must take a stand!”

Two soldiers tried to boost each other’s morale as the surgical strike took everyone by surprise. Starfighters zipped between large skyscrapers as they strafed for effective bombing runs. Shuttles unloaded the enemy onto the Moon’s surface with little resistance as tanks blaring propaganda spilled into the streets.

“Join the Collective, the tyrannical rule of those touched by the Force must end. They are few, we are many. Join us and you will not be harmed.” The message played over and over again as people of the City were rounded up and separated from their families.

Members of Scholae Palatinae pushed back but with most of their military spread out, their numbers were thinning.

Screams and confusion filled the air. People scrambled to their safe havens only to be ripped from their comforts as Oligard’s shocktroopers destroyed any and all acts of defiance. Those who refused the liberation were killed and the ones who defected were given status as they betrayed their own people in the hopes that their lives would be spared.

“Sir,” spoke a high ranking official of the Collective army into his wrist-link. “Everything is going as planned. They had no idea we had such a large fleet. Their stockpiles are nearly defenseless.”

“Good,” Rath replied, “Section off the City and begin to setup checkpoints. We will control Caelestis by nightfall.” He finished with an overwhelming optimism.

“The Force will bend to my will. I will free these poor souls. They will rise and be more powerful than their Masters.” He laughed.


ISN Sidious
Unknown Space

“What do you mean Ragnath is under attack?!” Shouted the Consul and Empress of Scholae Palatinae.

“It’s true, we didn’t see the attack coming. We need assista..” The message was cut short.

“Put me through to Mune, immediately” The Consul demanded.

“My lord, I’m aware of the attack.” Said Mune “I’ve already ordered our fleet to return to Caperion. I hope they can hold out.” Just as Mune finished her sentence. An Officer stormed up to Elincia from the bridge.

“Someone named Quejo needs to speak to you urgently. He claims to be Taldryan’s Rollmaster”

Elincia’s brow lifted with intrigue.

“Yes, I've heard of him, put him through”

“Yes ma’...”


2nd place
3rd place
Lord Halcyon
Lord Halcyon
File submission
3rd place
Adept Xantros
File submission
No placement
Alara Deathbane
File submission
No placement
Jorm (The Jester) Na'trej
File submission
No placement
A deleted dossier
File submission
Textual submission

Ran out of time to do much, sorry!

No placement
Kaz Raith
File submission
No placement
File submission
No placement