To participate you must, -Be in the official DJB Telegram Channel -Submit any personally created image that can either be hand drawn, or digitally created throughout the week of the event in the Official Telegram DJB Art chat. -Have your appropriate DJB name listed somewhere in your Telegram profile. -Images related to Star Wars and the Club theme will have priority over being featured, but any image will have the opportunity to be featured should not meet the criteria on a case by case basis. -Not required, but if you are seeking Clusters of Graphite, images should go by the Dark Brotherhood Graphics Grading Rubric v.2.0. and in .psd, .png, and/or .jpg. While this isn't required for participation, placement, and being featured, it is HIGHLY encouraged. If images do not follow the guidelines users will not be awarded Clusters of Graphite. -Images will only be selected from those posted within the time frame of the current competition that week and have to be submitted on the Official DJB Telegram art channel. A link to the channel can be found “Main, Brotherhood Chat, and then selecting DB Art Community”.
1st place
Ghost Luka Zarkot
2nd place
Jael Valsi Chi'ra
3rd place
Tomora Nay'ek