Whilst exploring Aliso’s vastness, you discover something that may be worth noting and decide to catalogue your discovery for the Dread Lord. Create an image depicting what you’ve found on Aliso. The subject can be anything from massive buildings to biological microorganisms. A label and/or short description are encouraged, but will not be part of the grading process. It is also worth keeping in mind that your images can be used to influence the Clan's future lore in any way imaginable as we conflict with the Collective so please feel free to think outside the box.
Grading will be based on the Dark Brotherhood Graphics Grading Rubric v.2.0. Theming will be specifically dependent on the idea of depicting your new discovery on Aliso. Preferred formats include .jpg and .png though if I can access it, I’ll count it.
1st place
TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
2nd place
3rd place
Azmodius Equesinfernum