Submit a location or resident of Palioxis Station. You have broad leeway on what and how to depict.
Your submission may be in the form of a .pdf or other static document, i.e. not Google Docs or anything you can alter after submitting. It may be a simple description in the text box, a mock DB character sheet or CS snapshot, a wiki article, a blueprint, or whatever format allows you to best communicate your ideas.
Your subject should be a location, group, or resident that would be at home on Palioxis Station as it is described here. Some examples include:
Entries will be graded on completion, originality, and the quality of the presentation used to create an interesting and well thought-out character or location.
Entries may make their way into the station's wiki article, upcoming clan fictions, or other COU lore in the future.
1st place
Nikora Rhan
2nd place
Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri
3rd place
Zel Koo