Competition: [CSP] Words and War Long Fiction

[CSP] Words and War Long Fiction

This competition has two prompts, depending on whether you have declared yourself for the Path of War or Path of Subterfuge at

Path of War: Something has gone horribly wrong and you lose your commander in the carnage of a chaotic battle. Nothing seems to be going the way it should be, and then you discover from the enemy by whatever means you choose, that your commander (be it BTL, House Leader, or Clan Leader, refer to what path each of the Summit Leaders has taken) has been taken prisoner by the Meraxis forces you’ve found yourself pinned against. You have a new mission it would appear, and failure is not an option. You must complete your original mission and secure your commander at all costs. Tell the tale of your battle, your discovery of your commander’s capture, and how you retrieve him/her and complete your mission given the odds against you.

Path of Subterfuge: It would seem you are not the only force to have set foot upon the territory of the TRF. Through word of the locals, you hear of strange outsiders having come to meet with their leaders. They’ve been described as imposing, strange in their mannerisms, and definitely not from Seraph. They can only be off worlders, outsiders. It is only when you hear of the blade carried by one of the strangers that it becomes clear that a Collective agent has been sent by the Meraxis Empire. You are to tell the story of your investigation among the civilians of the TRF, how is it that you interact and make your discovery. Finally, what action do you take upon your discovery, keeping in mind that you must retain your subterfuge and keep your initial goal in mind.


  • Minimum word count 1000 words, no maximum word count.
  • Voice Fiction Rubric will be used for grading.
  • Snapshot of CS to be attached to entry.
  • Acceptable formats include doc, xdoc, and pdf.

This is a level 3 competition for the parent competition: Words and War

Entries will be graded according to the DB Fiction Rubric

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Words and War
Organized by
General Zentru'la, Master Mune Cinteroph
Running time
2018-07-02 until 2018-07-30 (29 days)
Target Unit
Clan Scholae Palatinae
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
6 subscribers, of which 1 has participated.
1st place
Mako Henymory
Mako Henymory
File submission
1st place