Competition: [CSP] Words and War - Phase 1: Fiction

[CSP] Words and War - Phase 1: Fiction

This is the Phase 1 Fiction for Clan Scholae Palatinae’s Words and War event. Judging will be based on the fiction grading rubric. Below are included the two prompts; as the clan is split up upon two paths, that of War and that of Subterfuge. Choose your path and remember your mission throughout your submission.

Path of War: Elaya want a piece of the territory and have joined the battle, making this a three way fight. We want to scare them off, not kill them all.

Path of Subterfuge: As word of your exploits grow, the local government get wary and send a squad to arrest you. How do you deal with that, mindful of the consequences that killing their local law enforcement might have on swaying them to our side

General Guidelines:

  • Minimum word count of 500, maximum word count of 1500.
  • Include a snapshot of your CS when submitting.
  • Voice Fiction Rubric will be used for grading.
  • Files must be submitted as doc, xdoc, or pdf ONLY.
Competition Information
Parent Competition
Words and War
Organized by
Master Mune Cinteroph, General Zentru'la
Running time
2018-07-06 until 2018-07-16 (11 days)
Target Unit
Clan Scholae Palatinae
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
5 subscribers, of which 1 has participated.
1st place
Mako Henymory
Mako Henymory
File submission
1st place