Between 19 BBy and 4 ABY, Darth Sidious reigned as the supreme power over the galaxy. Having toppled the Old Republic and creating his own empire, Sidious ruled over one of the darkest times of the galaxy. Many people were not happy about this resulting in multiple assassination attempts.
In at least 500 words minimum, tell a tale of one such failed assassination. Tell what went wrong to cause the assassination attempt to fail. No loud outs or precreated characters are required, as long as you stick to the time period. Use of historical Star Wars events and characters are completely up to you.
Submissions accepted in .doc, docx, pdf or dropbox text are accepted. All fiction will be graded using the Fiction Ruberic. Feel free to make a serious or humorous story.
1st place
Master Bentre Stahoes
2nd place
Boss Ragnar Kul