Among the frenzy and confusion of the Vauzem Dominion’s surprise attack, you and your compatriots have distinguished yourself with your, well, let’s hope it was heroism. Security footage has surfaced of your actions during the initial chaos of the attack. What does it show? An inspiring example? Or perhaps a cautionary tale?
Create a comic, at least four panels long, depicting your character(s) in action during the events of Tipping Point. You are encouraged, but not required, to base your comic on the prompts from one of the three competitions in the Fiction Bin.
Entries will be graded according to the Herald Graphics Grading Rubric.
Useful tools:
This competition is in the Art Bin. Participating in a competition in this bin for the first time awards 3 points from participation to you and your house. Tipping Point: The Briefing and Tipping Point: Elements of War are also in this bin. Participating in at least one competition in each bin will earn a a bonus of 3 points. See the parent competition for detailed rules.
This competition is worth a relatively high proportion of placement points. Cumulatively, the placements in this competition are worth 10% of placement points.
1st place
Jaa Shif
2nd place
Padawan Tisto Kingang
3rd place
Mauro Wynter