The Sephi are known across the galaxy for an aesthetic sensibility that places a very high value on refined, delicate craftsmanship. The Vatali are no exception. Although this has placed their art, including droids and vessels, in very high demand, many more earthy species have dismissed Sephi products as ‘frilly,’ ‘girly,’ and ‘embarrassing.’ It seems that there’s no accounting for taste.
Faced with an ever-growing involvement in Vatali affairs, you have decided to better acquaint yourself with Sephi droid designs by taking a new model out for a spin.
Follow the link in the subscriber details and play the extraordinarily space-elfy flash game. Submit a screenshot clearly showing both your score and the website’s url.
Placement will be based on total score. In the event of a tie, the winner will be decided based on the highest score achieved in an individual life. Any further ties will be broken by submission time.
This competition is in the Gaming Bin. Participating in a competition in this bin for the first time awards 2 points from participation to you and your house. [COU] Tipping Point Miscellaneous - PvP, [COU] Tipping Point Miscellaneous - Cluster Race, and [COU] Tipping Point Miscellaneous - YouTube are also in this bin. Participating in at least one competition in each bin will earn a a bonus of 3 points. See the parent competition for detailed rules.
This competition is worth a relatively low proportion of placement points. Cumulatively, the placements in this competition are worth 5% of placement points.
1st place
Creon Neverse
2nd place
Padawan Tisto Kingang
3rd place
Proconsul Mihoshi Keibatsu
4th place
Nikora Rhan
5th place