Competition: SRI Research Project #4: None Shall Pass

SRI Research Project #4: None Shall Pass

Welcome to the fourth Research Project of the Sphere of Research and Intelligence (SRI). Andrelious is on a two-fiction winning streak and he didn’t even kill the target this time! This continues the domination of the Mimosa-Inahj crew but I have a feeling this round will give them a run for their credits.

The time for sneaking around has passed, the SRI is officially under direct assault from The Collective. Time to break out the big guns, or standard-sized lightsabers, and show these cyborg freaks that we mean business. Justinios, for one, is not a fan of anyone who claims to be his intellectual superior and on top of that they are attacking his pride and joy. Time to make the bodies drop.

I am testing out having all of the competitions run form entire event rather than four weeklies and one monthly. My hope is this allows more participation in all five competitions with them all being open for four weeks.

Fiction Update

Andrelious did successfully return with his mark alive but he hit a bit of a roadblock on the mission. It seems Torin Morgath wasn’t completely honest about her intentions of defecting from The Collective and sprung a trap on our little human Aedile. Although the mission was not without casualties, a beaten and bruised Torin Morgath was delivered to Justinios.

As someone who detests administration, Justinios was probably even more upset at Morgath’s duplicity that Andrelious. However, he sees potential in the Collective agent and is hoping that by breaking her spirit she may actually agree to join the SRI just yet. Upon the revelation that she had a tracker still on her, which was bringing a Collective attack to the SRI’s doorstep, Justinios revealed that he was well aware of the tracker and hoped that after they slaughtered her compatriots she’d rethink her official position on self-preservation.

Since there has been a little break between the last round and this one, Andrelious has also written a short fiction to set the stage:

SRI Research Project #4 Intro Fiction

Want to find out how we got to this point? All of the fiction currently considered SRI canon is on the DJB Discourse Forum.

SRI Canon Fictions

Intelligence Update

Every asset the SRI has is focused on determining the strength and composition of the incoming attack. Additionally, since this attack and the subsequent trap we are setting is taking place at our own facility on Iosan all restrictions on Force usage are lifted. Anyone stupid enough to stumble onto our battlefield can be “taken care of”, Justinios will apologize to Rian later.

Although our command battalion doesn’t have a full slate of combat troops, any that are available are at the full disposal of the defending forces.

Research Update

All scientific staff and equipment has been transferred to Iosan. Justinios had directed all staff to begin assessing the possible uses for the Wampas recovered when he took control of the facility for the SRI. All proposals are being accepted at this time, even those from combat units or intelligence assets.

With enemies incoming we have to decide whether to expend these resources in the upcoming battle or hold them back for further research. This choice is being added as a modifier on the fiction prompt that is separate from the moral decision. Will you use these beasts to defeat the Collective or look to save them for future research?


The current morality of the SRI is: Moderatly Unprincipled

“Unprovoked attacks against enemy combatants are allowed and low levels of collateral damage to equipment or other property will be overlooked. The lives and well-being of non-combatants should still be protected but disregard for laws protecting personal property will be overlooked.”

Note: Since we are under direct attack, most of this doesn’t apply to the fiction for this round.


SRI Wiki Page
SRI Systems Page
SRI Tracking Sheet

Competition Information
Organized by
Running time
2018-09-09 until 2018-10-06 (28 days)
Target Unit
Clan Taldryan
Competition Type
None/Other (Manually Awarded)
0 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.
SRI Research Project #4: None Shall Pass has 5 sub-competitions
Title Status Running time Competition Type
SRI Project #4 - A Picture Perfect Headquarters Finished 2018-09-09 - 2018-10-06 (28 days) Graphics/Multimedia
SRI Project #4 - Word Search Finished 2018-09-09 - 2018-10-06 (28 days) Flash Gaming/Puzzles
SRI Research Project #4: An Old School Grudge Match Finished 2018-09-09 - 2018-10-06 (28 days) Multiplayer Gaming
SRI Research Project #4: Multi-Objective Fiction Prompt Finished 2018-09-09 - 2018-10-06 (28 days) Fiction
SRI Research Project #4: Tower Defense Finished 2018-09-09 - 2018-10-06 (28 days) Flash Gaming/Puzzles

Nobody has participated in this competition.