The Black Guard. This legendary elite corps of Sadow is comprised of assassins par excellance. Each member is sponsored, trained, and assigned tasks by a specific member of the summit (or the Clan Overlord himself, Astronicus Sadow). The Black Guard are tattooed with a special symbol, outfitted with highly modified black Royal Guardsmen armor, and are used as a 'black ops' unit.
Orders have recently arrived to the Black Guard, handed down by Muz and Xanos. A former loyalist of the clan had been bribed into defection. The Black Guard has been ordered to track down the offender, infiltrate their new home, and 'remove' their ability to share clan secrets by any means necessary.
As a Black Guard member, you will contact Muz to receive the target parameters, then write a fiction (TNR 12pt) detailing the mission.
Fiction. (TNR 12pt) 2 pages minimum, judged on quality, inventiveness, and realism.
Only members of the CNS Black Guard (former and current) may participate in this competition.
Additional unit comments: Black Guard
An Amethyst Crescent will be awarded to the best entry. There will be no second place. Entries should be sent to Muz (muz.ashen[at]gmail[dot]com).
1st place
Shin'ichi Keibatsu
1st place
Sildrin Lyonsbane