Just because we're a bunch of Star Wars nerds doesn't mean we lack culture...
Take a piece from art history (no restriction on time period) and give it a humorous DB-related caption in the format of a exhibition plaque one would see at a gallery or in the style of classical art memes.
Here is an example
- Entries must contain at least a title that relates in some way the DB or DB characters.
- This is a comedy competition so keep things light, poke fun but do not attack. Entries which are overly hostile or impugn the character of a DB member will be scored down and may be referred to the chamber of justice.
- Entries may consist of an image file in a standard image format (.png, .jpg, etc) or a link to an image of the artwork with a title/caption in the text box of the submission.
- Entries may contain supplemental explanation to provide context for the DB member, character or event referenced in the submission and/or the piece of art chosen.
- This event does not award clusters of graphite
- Entries will be evaluated based on cleverness, use of DB theme, and a tilt for comedy factor.