Scenario 1: After what should have been a routine trip to the Corporate Sector to pick up a shipment of weapons you’re pulled over by space cops (Corporate Sector Authority). Notoriously corrupt, you can’t be sure of their true intentions. Do they intend to sell you into slavery and take your cargo for themselves? Are they looking for a bribe? Were you simply flying in restricted space? Since it’s your first time there you can't be sure.
Scenario 2: While carrying a valuable cargo for the Brotherhood you’re hailed by a bunch of space pirates, demanding you stop and deliver. They have you surrounded and are demanding that you hand over your cargo. Fortunately, they are assuming you are a simple merchant.
Write a story of at least 500 words detailing what happens in either of the two scenarios. Valid submissions accepted in .pdf, .doc or .docx formats. Please do not submit via the Submission text box, but upload a file instead.
All competitions will be graded according to the Voice Fiction Rubric and valid submissions will be awarded Clusters of Ice as per Voice guidelines.
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