Competition: Ode to the Void

Ode to the Void

Space, the final frontier... Or something equally poetic. How does your character feel about the dark galactic canvas, upon which planets are scattered like pearls of life? Do they fear it? Loathe it? Love it? Do they view it as holding endless potential or is it the death of it?

Write a poem about your character's views on the vast galactic playground that is interstellar space. Length: 2-5 stanzas (Or 1-2 diamantes) Style: Open

Please do not include your names in the submission as I will be blind grading these in order to maximize artistic expression.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
So Much Shipping, Oh My!
Organized by
Aedile Tali Sroka, Magik
Running time
2018-12-01 until 2018-12-31 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents
10 subscribers, of which 5 have participated.
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore
Textual submission

What Lies Beyond

What lies beyond the clouds
a sea of stars gleaming in the distance
the murky tides of space swirling, encapsulating existence.
So incomprhensible, yet we strive to understand it.

Why do we yearn to seek the stars above,
to become more then simple matter toiling
endlessly away at fruitless tasks.
There is something deep within us all,
that strives for adventure, companionship, love.

Perhaps it is this endless void which
offers these temptations upon us all.
Despite being filled with nothingness
it is here that existence blooms freely,
it is here that we find what we seek,
things far beyond ourselves.

1st place
2nd place
Textual submission

Pinpoints in the distance
Each one a beacon
They call to me
"Seek what we hold"

My search is never ending
I must travel between them
Hoping the next contains
That which I desire

Too many for one lifetime
The odds against me
Yet I do not despair
The search goes on

I shift from point to point
Looking at what each offers
While time may run down
Space abounds

2nd place
Master Aiden Lee Deshra
File submission
3rd place
Alara Deathbane
Textual submission

Beautiful, horrifying
Encompassing, swallowing, creating
Galaxies, novae, constellations, holes
Swirling, transfusing, holding
Vulnerable, lonesome

No placement
Raider Jon Silvon
Textual submission

An Endless Road
An Open Space
Freedom Incarnate
A Boundless Place

A Road To Riches
From Place To Place
To Every Culture
And Every Race

Go Where You Please
There Are No Boundaries
From Felucia's Jungles
To Balmorra's Foundries

There's Glory And Fortune
To Be Found Out Here
But It's Not For The Timid
With Their Hearts Full Of Fear

So Go With Courage
To Make Your Name
This Is A Place Without Limits
Of Glory And Fame

No placement