Sign-ups for the ACCLive! Ladder shall begin on Dec. 15th and run until Dec. 31st. Sign-ups will go to Kat Pridemore ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). You must have an ACC rank of Seeker or above.
Matches between 2 signed up individuals must be completed within 7 days - any judge/trainer can run a match. All matches must take place on IRC in #acc
Winners will move onto the next round. Anyone who plays in a match, and doesn't time out, will have the opportunity to play again in any open "wild card slots" based on an odd number of people.
Last person standing, wins. Battle for 3rd place between the losing semi-finalists shall also occur
Staff Competition: 1) every match the judge runs during this period counts as 2 points 2) every sign up the judge obtains (the sign up person needs to reference that judge on their request to join) they receive one point 3) every person that completes the first round battle - instead of timing out - the referring judge will receive a bonus 2 points
IRC and ACCLive! Hall
Competition has been pre-approved by Combat Master Dalthid and will be run by KP Kat Pridemore
2nd Level Crescents for top 3 winners
Cluster of Fire for each win
Dark Cross to top ACC Staff
1st place
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
2nd place
Lord Halcyon
3rd place
A deleted dossier
3rd place
Ceric Jin'ei Crimson