The latest expansion for Hearthstone was recently released, called Rastakhan. And with it comes a new FREE single player adventure called Rumble Run that is even available to new players. Similar to the hunts of Witchwood it allows you to choose a special hero to beat AI-controlled decks of increasing difficulty, called teams. And have no fear, these new heroes have special loa abilities and you pick up some new treasures along the way to enhance your deck as you fight your way to the final boss - this means even new players have a fighting chance in this adventure.
For the purposes of this competition, your task is to beat as many teams as you can. A completed Rumble Run means that you have beaten all nine AI-controlled teams in single run. Once you have either completed a run or been defeated, take a screenshot of the final screen showing how many teams you have beaten and how many runs completed.
1st place
Dr. Giyana Jurro
2nd place
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade
3rd place
4th place
Darth Renatus
5th place
6th place
Consul Ikarri Itinen