Competition: The More You know

The More You know

Standard trivia comp. Questions shall be based on the recent fiction as well as elements of HMR found on the wiki and within our possessions.

Winner will be most correct answers. In case of a draw winner will be decided by fastest time taken to complete the questions.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
[HMR] The Long Road - January Competitions
Organized by
Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
Running time
2019-01-07 until 2019-02-07 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
House Marka Ragnos
Competition Type
Legion of the Scholar for Top Two Places
7 subscribers, of which 6 have participated.
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Subscription time
08 January 2019
Submission time
08 January 2019
Time taken
491 seconds (± 8 minutes)
Textual submission

What is the name and class of the ship being Hi-Jacked by Marka Ragnos? GR-75 Medium Transport “Spectator”

Who took down the vessels hyper-drive? Pandora

Which member of the crew does Locke primarily address in the exchange on the bridge? Executive Officer Thomas Galas

Why did HMR target the vessel? The vessel was known to be smuggling artifacts

What is the name of the Acclamator class Cruiser HMR uses for it's current headquarters? Sanctuary

HMR has two Raiders I class vessels, what are their names? Remorseless and Leviathan

In the HMR assets Carnage is what? 2-M Hover Tank Platoon

Who are the current two judges of Talon company? Syntari Bastiayn and Kodais Solatus

Tarthos has three major settlements. Name them. Markosian City, Kar Alabrek and and Mucenic

HMR is the longest surviving house within CNS being one of the only original houses still going . What are the names of the other two original houses? Ludo Kressh and Primus Goluud

1st place
Warlord Pel Tarentae
Subscription time
14 January 2019
Submission time
14 January 2019
Time taken
917 seconds (± 15 minutes)
Textual submission

1. GR-75 Medium Transport “Spectator”
2. Pandora
3. Thomas Galas, the XO
4. For the Artefacts being smuggled
5. Sanctuary
6. Remorseless, Leviathan
7. HoverTank Platoon
8. Judge Syntari Bastiayn, Judge Kodais Solatus
10. Ludo Kressh and Primus Goluud.

2nd place
3rd place
Subscription time
08 January 2019
Submission time
08 January 2019
Time taken
172 seconds (± 3 minutes)
Textual submission

5. Sanctuary
6. Remorseless, Leviathan
7.(2-M Hover Tank Platoon)

3rd place
Tasha'Vel Versea
Subscription time
07 January 2019
Submission time
07 January 2019
Time taken
516 seconds (± 9 minutes)
Textual submission

1. HMS Pinafore
2. Kojiro
3. Muz
4. To gather Resources
5. Sanctuary
6. Remorseless and Leviathan
7. 2-M Hover Tank Platoon
8. Jariah and Merin
9. Markosian City
Kar Alabrek

10. Ludo Kressh, Primus Golod

No placement
Master Bentre Stahoes
Subscription time
07 January 2019
Submission time
07 January 2019
Time taken
1190 seconds (± 20 minutes)
Textual submission

1. GR-75 Transport called SPECTATOR
2. "Pandora"/Rachel
3. Thomas Galas
4. I assume because of the resources aboard? plus, they seemed rather less-than-friendly
5. Sanctuary
6. Remorseless and Leviathan
7. 2-M Tank Platoon
8. Syntari and Kodais
9. Markosian City, Kar Alabrek, Mucenic
10. Primus Goluud and Ludo Kressh

No placement
Ashia Kagan Keibatsu
Subscription time
07 January 2019
Submission time
07 January 2019
Time taken
1398 seconds (± 23 minutes)
Textual submission

What is the name and class of the ship being Hi-Jacked by Marka Ragnos?
GR-75 Medium Transport “Spectator

Who took down the vessels hyper-drive?
Rachel Jefferson, B/K/A: Sepan’dor’araxis or Pandora

Which member of the crew does Locke primarily address in the exchange on the bridge?
Thomas Galas the ships executive officer

Why did HMR target the vessel?
Artifacts the captain was going to sell and keep the funds for himself without telling his crew about it.

What is the name of the Acclamator class Cruiser HMR uses for it's current headquarters?

HMR has two Raiders I class vessels, what are their names?
Remorseless and Leviathan

In the HMR assets Carnage is what?
Carnage is what HMR leaves in its wake after destroying it’s enemies. (Sorry, I could not find a better answer for this one!)

Who are the current two judges of Talon company?
Syntari Bastiayn and Kodais Solatus

Tarthos has three major settlements. Name them.
Markosian City, Kar Alabrek and Mucenic

HMR is the longest surviving house within CNS being one of the only original houses still going . What are the names of the other two original houses?
Ludo Kressh and Primus Goluud

No placement