Competition: (DFB) Dark Jedi Algebra

(DFB) Dark Jedi Algebra


Even for the strongest Jedi the universe is structured through logic and numbers. How much Volt or Ampere do I need to grill a Mandalorian trooper in his armor with a force lightning. How much Newton a force push needs to push a Rebel trooper (100 kg with equipment) 20 metres away. How much cookies do I need to bake for Duga to get a promotion. All this questions are elementary for a jedi. How many of us had tried to lift a X-Wing and mentioned: Too heavy. Lets see how basic mathematics can even increase your talent in the dark side. :)

(Basically members of the Dark Fire Brigade get a number of mathematical questions concerning structures within the Brotherhood)


Winner: Crescent with Topaz Star 2nd Place: Crescent with Quartz Star

Competition Information
Organized by
Michael Arkarso
Running time
2005-12-23 until 2006-01-06 (15 days)
Target Unit
Battleteam Dark Fire Brigade
Competition Type
None/Other (Manually Awarded)
1 subscriber, of which 1 has participated.
Acxodim Pyralis
Textual submission

Migrated from legacy database

1st place