Dael stared at the screen. There had been millions of lines of code and odd languages to pile through, almost all of it garbage. Poems? What did those have to do with anything. And then some random graphics? It was too confusing. Someone in the Technocratic Guild was either extremely good at hiding information or they were in complete chaos.
The Sentinel strode over to the small kitchenette off to the side of the lab to get water, and then headed back to his terminal. There had to be something in here, otherwise their missions to Meridian Station during the conflict were for naught.
And then it caught his eye. A glimmer of hope, a sparkle of a hint. Dael sat his cup down and sat down, pausing the scanner. "There you are," he said with excitement. He was all alone so he didn't mind babbling on. And sure enough, there it was. A simple Aurebesh line, albeit encrypted, but he could almost read this cipher on sight. He grinned and smacked the desk. "Got it - found your rendezvous!"
And then he finished reading it... and frowned...
After sifting through poems and schematics and art, Dael Provect and likely other slicers throughout the Brotherhood have found an encrypted message. From Aurebesh to a simple cipher, Dael did not exactly find what he wanted. Translate then decode this cipher. The top three (3) fastest, CORRECT translations win Crescents.
Note: The time begins when you click subscribe and see the Aurebesh - do not subscribe until you are ready.
1st place
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
2nd place
Raistline Taldrya Majere
3rd place
Dr. Rhylance
4th place
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
5th place
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
7th place
Peacekeeper Zeon Blacktooth
8th place
Rian Taldrya