This is a comedy entertainment themed writing prompt relying on the use of your Main or Alt slot NPC. Additional characters can be of your own creation or from fellow members of the Brotherhood. It may be in good spirit to consult with your fellow members before utilizing their characters.
The realities of prolonged conflict weigh heavily on both the body and the soul. In order to refresh everyone, someone had the bright idea to organize a game of Krypts & Krayts for new and experienced players alike. Your character and four others are about to embark on an epic quest, with another acting as Krypt Master. Now, it's time to introduce their Player Characters to the group and see how their adventure unfolds in the game.
Write this story from the perspective of the players at the holo-table.
How to submit:
Write a fiction at least 500 words in length. No maximum. Must be delivered in .txt, .doc, .pdf, or via the submission box. Anything in a Google Doc must be exported as a .pdf or .doc for submission.
How it will be graded:
Grading will be based on the Voice Fiction Rubric with bonus points for comedy on a 1 to 4 scale.
Useful Resources:
1st place
Tomora Nay'ek
2nd place
General Stres'tron'garmis