Competition: Know your Clan/House History

Know your Clan/House History

Standard trivia comp. Questions shall be based on the Wiki pages of Urias Orian. Winner will be most correct answers. In case of a draw winner will be decided by fastest time taken to complete the questions.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Veiled Curtain Part I: Three Shades of Black (TSoB)
Organized by
Adept DarkHawk Sadow
Running time
2019-01-12 until 2019-02-19 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
House Shar Dakhan
Competition Type
Fourth Level Crescents
5 subscribers, of which 5 have participated.
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore
Subscription time
16 January 2019
Submission time
16 January 2019
Time taken
1019 seconds (± 17 minutes)
Textual submission

1. The Orian system was named by Urias Orian. 2. The Way of the Seven Souls is now known as the Final Way. It refers to the goal of the Dark Jed Brotherhoodi to dominate the galaxy and wipe out the Jedi and any who would get in their way. The Way of the Seven Souls in specefic refers to the 7 commandments of Lord Darth. 3. Urias sacrificed the last remaining near human Ombi and the mutated sithspawn versions known as the Ekind. A small tribe evaded his notice. 4. The Star of Ombus was a sphere made of the Force and the souls of the Ombi and Ekind slain in Urias ritual. 5. Kangaras 6. Trevarus Caerick 7. Kangaras 8. They lacked the required focusing crystal which was kept in Urias missing sword. 9. A refuge for the disciples of Lord Sadow 10. A Star Map on Sepros 11. Inos Moon 42. 12. Curwen Sunei 13. Curwen Sunei. 14. Shan Long. 15. Phase Three

1st place
2nd place
Erik Cato
Erik Cato
Subscription time
19 February 2019
Submission time
19 February 2019
Time taken
1605 seconds (± 27 minutes)
Textual submission

1. How did the Orian system get its name?
It was named after the Sith Lord Urias Orian who discovered the system.

2. What is the Way of the Seven Souls?
The Way of Seven Souls are the alleged commandments of the mythical Lord Darth.

3. What group did Urias orian sacrifice for the ritual to for his ritual to become an avatar of the Force?
He sacrificed the remaining members of the Ombi.

4. What is the Star of Ombus?
A sphere much like the Heart of the Force which contained the drained life force of the Ombus.

5. Where did the Ekind princess hide Orian’s scepter?
The Kangaras system.

6. Who’s blood did the Amulet from Urias’s stone body combine with when it was removed?
Trevarus Caerick

7. Where was Orian’s scepter found in 28 ABY?
The Kagaras System.

8. What did Caerick lack when recreating the ritual on Lehon?
They lacked the focusing crystal housed in Orian’s missing sword.

9. What did Caerick suggest the Orian system would be fitting for?
It was a fitting refuge for the disciples of the Lord Sadow, Astronicus Aurelius Sadow.

10. How was the route to Lehon discovered by Caerick?
He discovered it by accident while trying to hunt down his former master, Kiln Tobasa.

11. Where in the Orian system did Urias Orian’s obsession with the idea of immortality lead to entombing enemies against their will?

12. Who was rumored to have lived amongst the Valley of Tombs as a refugee?
Curwen Sunei.

13. Where does the knowledge of the Order of the Sword’s cult existence come from?
Curwen Sunei.

14. Who devoured the spirit of Caerick?
The dragon Shan Long.

15. What phase of the Amulet of Orian allowed Trevarus to command to cover any portion of his body with silver living metal?
Phase three.

2nd place
3rd place
Etah Obsidyn
Etah Obsidyn
Subscription time
13 February 2019
Submission time
14 February 2019
Time taken
2052 seconds (± 34 minutes)
Textual submission

How did the Orian system get its name? Sith Lord Urian Orian

What is the Way of the Seven Souls? Way of the 7 souls is essentually a Naga Sadow term for the final way, they're 7 commandments from Lord Darth.

What group did Urias orian sacrifice for the ritual to for his ritual to become an avatar of the Force? He sacrificed the last of the Ombi in an elaborate ritual. He took their life force and sealed it inside an object and then broke the object with his magical sword before constructing the Ambulet of Orian from one of the fragments of that object.

What is the Star of Ombus? It's the object Urias sealed the souls of the Ekind in.

Where did the Ekind princess hide Orian’s scepter? A temple on the planet Kangaras where he body would later be interred.

Who’s blood did the Amulet from Urias’s stone body combine with when it was removed? The amulet bled into Trevarus Caerick.

Where was Orian’s scepter found in 28 ABY? Trevarus Caerick and Darth Vexatus found the scepter where it was hidden on Kangaras

What did Caerick lack when recreating the ritual on Lehon? A focusing crystal located on the Sword of Orian

What did Caerick suggest the Orian system would be fitting for? A place for the disciples of Lord Tron Sadow to settle during the Exodus.

How was the route to Lehon discovered by Caerick? The Amulet of Orian was a Star Map that led Trevarus and his apprentice to Lehon.

Where in the Orian system did Urias Orian’s obsession with the idea of immortality lead to entombing enemies against their will? Aeotheran

Who was rumored to have lived amongst the Valley of Tombs as a refugee? Macron Sadow

Where does the knowledge of the Order of the Sword’s cult existence come from? From dark side adept and former Imperial Royal Guard, Curwen Sunei

Who devoured the spirit of Caerick? The Dragon, Shan Long.

What phase of the Amulet of Orian allowed Trevarus to command to cover any portion of his body with silver living metal? Phase Three: (High-level Elder)

3rd place
Jashashi "Vesh" Zaes
Subscription time
13 January 2019
Submission time
14 January 2019
Time taken
115944 seconds (± 1 day)
Textual submission

1 - The system is named after Urias Orian, whom had subjugated the system into his own empire within the larger Sith Empire of the Old Republic era.

2 - The Way of the Seven Souls are one of two things: a set of commandments made by Lord Darth. The other is the path to dominion of the Dark Side over the galaxy that served as the foundation for the Dark Brotherhood's guiding principle.

3 - A near-Human race know as the Ombi, or Ekind.

4 - A sphere that was the result of a Sith ritual that consumed the lives of the remaining Ombi species attempted by Lord Orian to recreate the Heart of the Force, a wound in the Force made of Dark Side energy that he had found on Lehon.

5 - The scepter was hidden on the planet of Kangaras.

6 - Trevarus Caerick.

7 - Kangaras.

8 - The focusing crystal that was housed within Orian's missing sword.

9 - That the system was a fitting refuge for the disciples of the Lord Sadow, Astronicus Aurelius Sadow.

10 - By uncovering the Star Map matrix.

11 - Inos 42.

12 - Naga Sadow.

13 - From the Dark Side Adept Curwen Sunei.

14 - Shan Long.

15 - Phase Three.

No placement
Master Bentre Stahoes
Subscription time
17 January 2019
Submission time
17 January 2019
Time taken
1310 seconds (± 22 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Named after Sith Lord Urias Orian
2. The Final Way- relates to complete domination by the Dark Side
3. slaves and servants
4. The Star of Ombus is a large planetoid if I recall from Awakenings, made of crystal
5. Kangaras
6. the Ombus, or Ombi (not sure as to spelling) people
7. Kangaras
8. the focusing crystal from the sword
9. a refuge for the disciples of Sadow
10. they reactivated a Star Map using Ekind blood
11. Inos 42
12. Curwen Sunei
13. from Curwen, discovered during a dig lead by Macron
14. Shan Long and Vexatus
15. Phase 3

No placement